
Chapter 394 - Awake

"What have I done?"

Gwen panicked as she raced to her room, her heart almost jumping out of her chest.

She was caught! She was caught!

Sweat broke out on her back as she hurriedly packed her things. She had to leave immediately before the security would get her.

What would Nicklaus do to her? Now he know she had a hand in Tiana's illness, no, he wasn't going to let her go free…

Gwen breathed rapidly as she threw her clothes over her body and grabbed her bag, running to the door.

But it seemed she was already late, because as she opened the door, three guards were already standing there, their face stone cold,

Gwen stopped on her tracks immediately,

"I… I was about to…"

The guards just stared at her with disgust, and not answering her, they banged the door on her face, locking it right after.

Gwen's eyes shut following the impact, and she stood there for minutes processing what just happened.

She had tried to seduce Nicklaus and she was caught.

Gwen inched backwards slowly and fell to the ground.

She was doomed.

Nicklaus only woke up after 12 pm the next day, the guards had hurriedly called a doctor who gave him meds to flush the drugs out of his system and attended to Bella's bruises.

When he got himself, he took a shower and brushed his mouth, making sure to clean his lips properly. He didn't want to remember the fact that Gwen had kissed him, it made him want to puke.

After dressing up, he went downstairs.

"Where is she?"

Nicklaus asked, with a dark gaze in his eyes, the guards quickly opened the door and let him in,

Nicklaus' eyes scanned the rooms and when he saw her, his gaze became darker.

Gwen was squatted with her head buried in between her legs, when she heard footsteps in the room, she raised her head and she saw who it was, she flung up from the ground and ran to the farthest part of the room.

"Nicklaus, I can explain, it's not what you think…. I… I…"

For hours she had been thinking of an excuse to give but even at that moment, there was none.

Nicklaus stared at her disgustingly, not even knowing what to say. She was the last person he had expected to be against them.

He couldn't believe she could do that to Tiana. Not even in his wildest dreams.

He just stood there watching her with utmost disgust.

Gwen trembled as she clutched onto her bag, not knowing what to say,

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I don't know what came over me. I can't believe I did all that…"

"Stop with the fake apologies, I don't need it."

He said, cutting her off.

Hearing her voice was making him angrier.

"I spent the night thinking of what to do with you," he said.

"But in the end you're still my wife's sister, and I can't hurt you without her permission. So I'll let you go for now, but never appear before me or my wife again. Don't even think of coming to the hospital, I won't press charges against you that's until she wakes up, but if I see you close to my wife or anyone related to me, be rest assured your limbs will not be complete on your body."

Nicklaus said and without a second glance, he walked out of the room.

"Get that woman out of my house."

He said to the guards as he walked past them.

The guards nodded and entered the room immediately.

Before they could get to Gwen she shouted,

"Don't touch me, I can leave on my own."

Straightening her clothes, she disgracefully walked out of the house, with the workers and everyone watching her with utmost disgust.

"The boss says this is a family matter, and he wants it to remain within this house, until his wife wakes up."

Dan said to the workers and they understood immediately that he didn't want any other person to hear of it.

Three months later,

It was as though nothing had happened, everyone went along their business, forgetting what Gwen had done.

Claire was almost due for a baby and Diana hasn't let Michael out of her sight.

Diana and Michael should have gotten married but since Tiana was still not awake, they decided to wait.

Nicklaus spent most of his nights in the hospital now, praying everyday that she would open her eyes.

Now it's been a year and 2 weeks, Christmas was not at all joyful for Nicklaus, even though the workers decorated the house, they did well not to make any unnecessary noise. There was nothing joyful about the Christmas.

Nicklaus stayed with Tiana in the hospital, he didn't go home for days.

His guards were always with him, through everything, helping in every way they could.

Elizabeth stopped by to stay with him, She tried to make him laugh but it only lasted a short while before he returned to his solemn state.

Night came and everywhere became quiet. Only the sound of the monitor being heard.

Nicklaus stayed up most of the night, staring at the night sky.

Everyone had moved on with their lives, he remembered the buzz of the first month when the accident just happened, it wasn't like that anymore.

The numerous gifts from fans had reduced, it was as though everyone had forgotten.

Nicklaus sighed and walked to the bed where she lay.

He stared at her for a long while,

"Beautiful, I really miss you. So much, I wish you could see just how much I miss you."

He smiled faintly, cupping her face.

"Please come back to me, it's very hard living here without you."

Nicklaus sighed as he closed his eyes, lost in thoughts.

He didn't know when he slept off, he only woke up to the buzzing of his phone the next morning.

"Boss, you've been away from the office for weeks, a lot of work has been piling up and we cannot continue to postpone the meeting with the Spanish investors."

Nicklaus' PA called quite early in the morning to remind him.

Nicklaus smiled, he could sense the sadness in his pa's tone, and he could imagine the amount of work he had to do for the weeks he wasn't in the office.

"Alright, I'll be in the office today, get the documents ready."

He said and stood up from the chair, turning to the bathroom he took a few steps and stopped.

Nicklaus frowned and turned to look at the bed, ever slowly,

His eyes had caught onto something and for a moment he thought it was a lie, but in front of him, was something too real to be untrue.

Up on the bed, a pair of beautiful blue eyes stared at him, blinking ever silently.

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