
Chapter 530 - 530 - Park Soo Hyun Did It

"Is Chang Yuan the one who did all this?" Soo Yin couldn't wait to find out who did it. If it was Chang Yuan, now she would make the calculations. It didn't matter if the man was her husband's confidant.

 Jean shook her head slowly. Her heart ached too much to remember it all.

 "Then who? Aren't you only close to Chang Yuan lately? Tell me, Jean!" Soo Yin turned Jean's body to face her because she wasn't satisfied talking to someone without looking face to face.

Instead of answering, Jean actually cried so Soo Yin hugged her and led her to sit on the edge of the bed. Hearing Jean who was crying so pitifully made Soo Yin not have the heart to ask further.

 "Jean, calm down. Tell me who did it? I promise to help you," Soo Yin said while rubbing the back of Jean's body, who was still sobbing.

 But Jean still shook her head, making Soo Yin discouraged from continuing to ask.

 "Have you eaten?" Soo Yin thought that Jean must not be able to eat like she used to when she was pregnant.

 "I'm not hungry."

"Jean, a pregnant woman must eat so that the fetus in your womb grows healthy," suggested Soo Yin.

 "Later, after all, the father didn't want this baby." Finally, slowly Jean wanted to tell about her pregnancy.

 "What do you mean?" Soo Yin knitted her brows, trying to find out more information so that Jean could tell who the man was.

 "The father asked me to abort it." Jean's tears now broke again when she remembered Park Soo Hyun's words that really hurt her.

"God damn it!" Soo Yin cursed while clenching her fingers with a ragged breath.

 "Tell me who is that man?" Soo Yin shook Jean's shoulders so she could quickly find out who the culprit was.

 Jean lowered her head, she was unable to hold back her tears this time.

 "Hurry up, don't make me more curious, Jean," Soo Yin urged.

 "Park Soo Hyun did it," said Jean while stammering. Her lips felt very heavy when she was about to say the name of the man who had ruined her life.

It was as if a rock had hit Soo Yin's head. Her mouth was agape and her eyes were perfectly round. She couldn't believe what she had just heard.

 Soo Yin stood up while shaking her head. There was no way her brother-in-law could do such a thing. Words couldn't come out of Soo Yin's lips because her voice seemed to be caught in her throat.

 "Soo Yin," Jean called out to break Soo Yin from her shock.

 Soo Yin took a deep breath of air from her nose and then slowly exhaled from her mouth. After feeling calm, she then sat back next to Jean. She must know what really happened, after that she will take care of her brother-in-law.

"Jean, please tell me how it happened? I'm sure you're not a promiscuous girl," Soo Yin said with quivering lips. She held Jean's hand, hoping her best friend would tell her about everything.

 Jean took a deep breath in order to be firmer to say everything. No matter how many tears were shed, in the end it will not change anything in her life.

 "He forced me when I delivered his drink at the bar. His strength was too great for me to be unable to let go. He forcibly snatched my chastity." Jean tried to say it calmly, trying her best to keep the tears from falling. Actually the most painful thing was when Park Soo Hyun kept mentioning Soo Yin's name.

Jean began to tell everything. How did Pake Soo Hyun come to see her only to say that he would not be responsible and assume it was all an accident.

 "Why are you just saying it now?" There was guilt in Soo Yin's heart, it seemed that Park Soo Hyun was very frustrated after finding out that she was his own brother's wife.

 "I don't want you to think about this. At that time, your relationship was just discovered by Dae Hyun's family, so I didn't want to add to the burden on your mind," explained Jean.

Soo Yin then hugged her best friend's body again. She didn't expect that to be Jean's reason so that she didn't want to tell the truth.

 "You should have said it, I'm sure we can get through it together."

 "Soo Yin, you shouldn't tell your husband about this matter. Don't let their relationship become more tenuous because of this," said Jean as she let go.

 "I can't promise that because Park Soo Hyun must remain responsible," said Soo Yin.

"He won't want to do it. After all, what if he is responsible and lives together if he still has someone else's name in his heart," said Jean, smiling bitterly.

 "Jean, love will come as time goes by. Do you remember that I used to hate Dae Hyun so much? But now look at us, holding on tight even though there are many obstacles in the way," explained Soo Yin.

 "Love and hate are slightly different. If the hate disappears, the love grows bigger. It's very different from our situation," Jean said quietly.

 "Trust me, I will make sure Park Soo Hyun takes responsibility." Soo Yin clenched her fists tightly.

"No need because I will take care of this child myself. The baby just needs a mother." Jean's head hung low.

 "We'll talk about that later. Now let me help you tidy up the house. Look how messy this house is." Soo Yin already knew what happened to Jean so that was enough for her. She would think about how to meet Park Soo Hyun later.

 "These few days I was very lazy to do anything. I even so lazy to get out of bed," said Jean, chuckling. Her heart now felt much more relieved after telling Soo Yin everything. The heavy burden on her shoulders felt much lighter.

 "Let me make it for you."

Soo Yin immediately rushed to the kitchen to brew some milk. After giving the milk to Jean, Soo Yin was cleaning Jean's house which was neglected.. Opened the windows and curtains so that the house became fresher because there was air comi.

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