
Chapter 312 What Started As A Bad Day....

Everything meant not just new clothes but bras and undies. At this point, he had practically seen everything. How else was he making a selection of what to buy without imagining how she would look in them.

Xavier fought an amused smile watching the wheels in her head turn and her face grow red from embarrassment which she concealed with anger.

"Are you serious?"

He must be messing with her, right? This is just a joke to get her all riled up for nothing, right? To her dismay, he wasn't.

He looked down at her chest and responded with a whisper, "Not sure about the underwear but I'm 100% sure I got your bra size right."

"Please! How would you know?"

"Remember how we first met?" He asked, referring to how her top stuck to her body after she had 'rescued' him from the river. He leaned into her ear and whispered, "That's how I know. And they're all lace, we might have that 'show and tell' sooner than we anticipated."

"What a pervert", she grumbled at him and moved back to her seat. She was growing more red with his words.

"Come on", he extended a hand to pull her back but she slapped it away making him laugh.

He should have left that task to her. Now he practically knows everything she wears, especially on the inside. How embarrassing!

At Frost Corporation

The big boss himself was buried in a mountain of work. He walked into his office after a three hour long meeting, undoing his suit jacket to throw over his chair. As soon as he sat down, his secretary knocked once and he permitted her to enter.

"Here are the minutes, sir", she placed the file on his desk and he simply gave her a firm nod.

His phone started to ring, seeing the caller ID, warmth flooded the cold man's features. "Darling", he acknowledged. "You're alright? Do you need anything?" he chuckled at whatever response she gave him. "Good..... No, not yet... Are you happy that your man is probably starving to death?.... Oh", he looked up, surprised by what he heard only to find his secretary still standing in front of him, watching the little exchange with barely suppressed bitterness. "One sec baby." He now focused on his secretary with a glare. "Can I help you?"

She felt a sharp pang in her heart from seeing how sweet, soft spoken and warm he was to whoever it was and now being all cold and heartless to her. Months had passed and she had barely seen him lately but she could not get over the fine man! Why couldn't it be her?

"One of your men brought a parcel ten minutes ago and insisted he would deliver it to you himself", she replied politely.

"Let him in."

She excused herself after that. Even if she could not have Zach Frost, the pay was worth the stay despite the heart break. There was nothing to brag about anymore.

"Baby, you didn't have to", he said, feeling giddy when he saw Skull bring in his lunch box Amy had personally prepared. The phone call turned into a video call and she kept him company as he ate also letting him see their daughter.

"How is she? Cupcake, are you letting your mommy rest? Did you get some rest after I left?" He knew how tired she was from the previous day and they had woken up bright and early go get ready.

"Not really, I don't feel sleepy but I will when I do", she replied. "And she's fine. How's the food?"

"It's perfect. But I think it would be more perfect if we were eating together", he confessed.

Amy broke into a smile. "Well you have to make do with eating alone for now."

"For now", he agreed.

Feeling energized from eating Amy's cooking and hers and his daughter's company to add it it, the day didn't seem too long and work seemed lighter. It all served as a motivating factor for him to work faster than he normally did wanting to get back to his family.

Soon, the golden hue of the sun setting reflected in his office. Only the sound of his typing could be heard and flipping of papers. One more thing to work on and he would be on his way.

What started as a bad day ending into a good one thanks to his wife was just about to change into having a bad ending with a phone call he was about to receive. His brows went up seeing the caller ID. That ominous feeling returned as he stared at the call before he answered it.

His face hardened when the news was delivered to him. What started as a bad day still ended as a bad day. He dropped everything else and picked up his jacket and bag and left the premises. His men knew him to always have a frosty expression but they could feel something was different. Something bad had happened.

"Hurry up", Gomez quietly commanded the driver.

The driver did as told flooring it yet stole a glance at his boss in the back. He was seated with eyes on the outside, looking like he could burn anything in his path with just his eyes. What was he angry about?

To Zach's relief, they finally arrived at his home after breaking a few traffic laws. Edmund was ready to get the door for him when he himself flung open the door.


"Where's Amy?"

"She's in the sun room-" Before he could finish speaking, Zach was already running into the house. What could have happened? Everyone had the same question seeing their boss run like a mad man.

"Stella you actually did that!" Victoria laughed.

"I'm not even surprised!" Amy laughed along.

"What did you want me to do? Alex was throwing a tantrum, Nora was crying her eyes out, Richard was nowhere to be seen, I was losing my mind and my rifle was just... It shut them up anyway", she concluded with a shrug.

"Do they remember that?" Amy asked.

"Alex has asked me about the hole in the ceiling too many times, I don't know if it's to taunt me or she simply doesn't remember", she shrugged.

"Oh my gosh. But I understand you, kids will drive you mad", Victoria agreed. "I had once dropped Xavier on the floor head first when he was just five months old. I started laughing at him instead of comforting him."

"Oh my gosh!" Amy looked at the woman horrified.

"Did you.....?" Stella was unsure but held up two fingers to her lips and Victoria nodded with an embarrassed smile.

"Noooo!" Amy stared at the woman in disbelief. "Are you serious? Did you take him to the hospital?"

"In that state, Amy?" Stella questioned the obvious leaving Amy's jaw to drop even lower.

"Kids do that to you dear", she replied and Stella strongly agreed.

Amy knew Stella was crazy but she did not expect that from Victoria. Should she trust these women with her kid? Guessing what she was thinking, the two women started laughing their hearts out.

The sound of hurried strong footsteps caught their attention.They looked to the door and Zach appeared right then. His eyes were on Amy, she could see the complex emotions reflecting in them.

Her heart started to pound so quickly in that moment. Zach had never looked at her that way. He always made her nervous but this was bad nervous.

"Please excuse us", she whispered to the two women.

"Take her with you", Zach added, referring to Roserie.

As the women left, she stood up to face him and he began to walk towards her. As he got closer, that's when she clearly saw what he was expressing through his eyes: sadness.

"What's wrong?" She pulled him by his arms so she could bury herself in his embrace.

He wrapped his arms around her and whispered a truth that shattered her world. He was quick to catch her when all the strength in her body vanished along with the dreadful message.

He felt her shake her head against him and the sound of her whimper made his heart ache. His eyes stung from the tears that he held back. "I'm sorry."

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