
Chapter 354 A Tip

"Babe, this is Jim Fernworth, he manages the place. Jim, this is my fiancé, Zachery", she introduced him as soon as he was by her side.

"It's nice to meet you, sir", He extended his hand and shook Zach's in a strong and firm handshake and the latter nodded in response. Jim felt Zach looked awfully familiar but he didn't voice it out with the man's intimidating aura.

"And this is our daughter Roserie", Amy added.

"Your daughter madam?" He gasped, finally relaxing at the mention of the baby. A happy smile graced the man's face. "Congratulations madam, sir!"

"Thank you, Jim", she smiled before turning to Raphy who carried Roserie's and her bag. "I'll take those. And don't worry."

"We shouldn't be out here for too long", Zach spoke.

"Of course! Of course! This way", he gestured for them to follow. Just like Zach, Amy and the senior staff of Crystal Palace had a private lift of their own where Jim led the two. As intimidating as Zach was, he could not help but feel they made a beautiful couple. "I made sure that your place is kept clean while you were away. But I didn't have them restock your fridge and thought you'd prefer to do it yourself."

"Don't worry about that", Amy waved in dismissal. "We won't be staying for long."

"What a shame. But it is wonderful to see you after almost a year..... Oh madam, does that mean you've moved?"

Amy nodded, "I have no reason to stay here."

"Alright, then shall I put it up on the market? You know this place is in high demand."

"Yes, but just not yet. You might have two places available", she had a mysterious gaze directed at the doors. Jim was about to ask what she meant when the ding sound went off and the doors slid open. They walked to her door in silence then she slid up the door handle and started to input her password. "There's something that I need."

She opened the door and he rushed to hold it open for them. Zach let her walk in first, he followed before Jim joined them after closing the door behind him. He looked at Amy curiously waiting for her to finish. "I need the security footages of the seventh floor dating back to four months ago."

"Was there something wrong madam?" He was starting to grow anxious in case he had missed something. Her sudden visit did not make it any better.

The corners of her lips simply curved up and he knew he won't get answer. So he excused himself to carry out the given task. She turned to set down the bags and found Zach looking around the place while Roserie quietly took in the new environment.

He didn't know if it was Amy's choice of colors or decoration, but it made him feel cosy and very comfortable. Hearing the door close behind him, he turned around to find Amy seated on the sofa with her shoes off.

"Do you want to redecorate our place?" He asked while walking over.

"Why? Is there something wrong with it?"

"It doesn't have your touch like this place or your other place in West Village", he explained as he sat beside her so she was facing him.

"But that will be a drastic change and I already love how it is. You sure about this?" She took Roserie from him and decided to feed her. The little princess placed her tiny chubby hand on her mother's boob and stretched her little legs in short kicks, enjoying the treat.

"Mm, I love this. This is so you. It feels more.... homey", he whispered the last part as he leaned in and kissed her smiling lips. Roserie stretched a little too hard the hit landed on Zach's arm making the two to pull apart. "Now this was intentional", he grumbled playfully glaring at Roserie and her brows knitted at him, showing a glare of her own.

"Oooooooh! Seems like you met your match", Amy laughed at her daughter mimicking her father's expression only seconds later for her to relax her little face and resume feeding happily.

"I'm speechless", he shook his head. "Nobody has dared to glare back at me when I did."

A knock was heard interrupting Amy's laugh. "If that's Jim, he should have a drive with him. Can you get it for me?"

"Mm. We need to have a serious talk later on", he warned Roserie.

"Jeez!" Amy shook her head in disbelief as she watched him go to the door. In less than a minute, he returned with a harddrive in hand. "I have an adapter and a cable in my bag."

She handed him her phone and he set them up for her. She already dug up information on Nicole's apartment number and so she focused her search on the footage whose camera angle was closest to her door.

There seemed to be nothing unusual as they watched. For the first few weeks, there was almost no activity. Nicole never left her place only once in a while to restock on certain groceries.

'It must have been after the drama', Amy mused. She looked down and realized Roserie was slowly falling asleep while feeding.

Something changed as they continued to watch. It had suddenly become a constant that she could not help but comment, "She must like their pizza."

Zach didn't comment but watched on with furrowed brows. But there was something odd about the pizza deliveries the more they watched as the weeks progressed.

They exchanged a knowing look. She looked down at Roserie who was fast asleep and gave her to Zach. She fixed her dress and worked on her phone with the new found information. She then showed him the information and gave him a knowing smile, "We might be here a while. How about some pizza?"

"Only if you promise to make me a proper meal when we get home", he bargained.

"Anything for you baby", she gently patted his cheek. She had a happy smile playing on her lips as she called to place an order. "Hello... Hi, I'm fine thank you.... One large Chicken Fajita and one large double pepperoni..... Um, no need.... Yes, Amy Harpers. I am at Crystal Palace...."

She went on to give her details before ending the call. She looked at Zach who had been patting Roserie's back to help her burp. "Has she burped yet? I'll go put her down inside."

"Not yet. And don't worry, I'll put her down", he said.

Burp! The sound came as soon as he spoke. Amy checked to see if she threw up on his shoulder and sighed in relief when there was no sign of milk vomit. He stood up and left for her room to put her down.

Meanwhile, she resumed looking into Nicole's movements to pass time. Before she knew it, the door bell went off and she quietly got up to answer it.

A shocked gasp escaped her lips when she saw who was at her door. It was a delivery boy with their pizza. He felt his ego swell seeing a woman as beautiful as Amy being flustered by his good looks. She recollected herself as soon and smiled, "That was fast."

"I hope I wasn't too fast for you", the young man winked at her. She didn't respond at his flirtatious remark. "Here's your pizza."

"Thank you. One sec", she collected the boxes and went back in, leaving the door open. He heard the ruffling and shuffling coming from inside but he patiently waited. "Um...."

"Stainer", he answered, taking a step into her place to find her rummaging through her handbag.

"Stainer, I don't have any cash on me. Are you on Venmo?" She turned to look at him.

"No nees Miss. This is all part of my job",he replied politely.

"No, no. I want to. You have no idea what kind of day I had, I'm a new mom, and everything has just been so crazy. I didn't want to cook and I thought I'd have to wait a long time but you came through so quickly", she said in one breath and sighed. "I'm just really grateful."

"Sure", he said, smiling at her. Amy breathed out a sigh of relief. He gave her his details and watched as she worked on her phone. "Are you new here?"

"No, I was living here about a year ago until I moved in with my fiancé", she replied absentmindedly.

Yet, she was back here and no 'fiancé' in sight. He could jot believe a beautiful woman was ignored like any other woman after having a baby. And for a milf, her body was.... He pursed his lips to stop the smirk that was threatening to stretch on his lips. His phone chimed and he checked.

"Got it, thank you", he flashed her his best heart stopping smile.

"Thank you Stainer", she walked him to the door. He gave her one last look before walking away and her closing the door.

"Very grateful to that boy, aren't you?"

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