
Chapter 89 - B*tches Still Scheming

"Baby, I\'m so sorry he beat you up. It saddens me to see you this way." 

"Don\'t cry, Lyds. I\'m fine. He only beat me up because I said a few home truths about that bitch, Aila. She thinks she\'s all that, looking down at me.. Anyway, let\'s not let her ruin our evening. I am just so happy you\'re alive." 

Aila peered around the corner of the bush and saw the two pack members she was expecting to see. Darren and Lydia were in an embrace, his hands on her hips and her hands wrapped around his neck. The heels she wore made her the same height as him, and her black dress barely covered her bottom. 

The darkening of the sky and a breeze swept across them, flinging Aila\'s hair back at the sudden incoming force. The loud rumbling of thunder was the first sign for Aila to go back inside, but she couldn\'t not when Lydia and Darren were right in front of her and stupidly talking out in the open. This was the perfect opportunity to listen to their conversation. 

The pair glanced up but paid no heed to the oncoming stormy weather.

"It was awful, baby. All I thought about was you. Before I passed out and thought I was leaving this world, I visualised your face. I love you, Darren," Lydia said dramatically. Aila wrinkled her nose; it was evident she was using Darren, her acting skills were ridiculous, but the man couldn\'t see it.

Malia gagged, and Aila rolled her eyes as the pair began kissing. She was about to leave, believing they were just going to make out in the maze until Lydia pulled back, almost forcibly and pulled Darren into a hug instead. Darren stroked his hands on her bum, content with the new position. 

Aila watched as Lydia\'s \'sweet face\' turned sour while resting her chin against his shoulder.

"I missed you. If I wasn\'t in that cell, I would have visited you the moment I knew you were attacked," Darren sniffled.

Lydia rolled her eyes and replied in an overly sweet voice, "Oh, I know you would have, baby." She pulled back and stroked his face, "Now, I hear Alpha Damon is away this weekend…"

Darren frowned, "How do you know that? Only the leads would know if he were leaving. It\'s always kept on the down-low. Otherwise, anyone could attack the pack when its Alpha is not there to keep the order."

"I know, I know," Lydia rolled her eyes, her voice agitated by Darren\'s interruption, "but anyone can be bribed for a price… I bribed one of the staff members for any interesting info she could give me, and if she kept spying, then the rewards would be greater. People are so easy.. she told me he is going. Which means.. Aila is left unprotected.."

Darren shook his head, "I can\'t touch her, Lyds. I\'m the Delta. Damon\'s even told me to protect her tomorrow.."

Lydia bit her lip, "What for?"

"I dunno, Damon didn\'t say. It\'s normal Delta duties. He didn\'t seem anxious," Darren shrugged. 

Lydia stepped back and began pacing, her hand on her chin as she looked deep in thought. Then suddenly, she snapped her fingers, "I\'ve got it! I have a few friends who can help.. I\'ll get a hold of them. I want you to-"

Aila\'s phone rang, cutting off what Lydia was about to say. She jumped back behind the bush and scrambled with her phone, her fingers fumbling to press the decline button. As soon as she turned the ringtone off, Aila sprinted out of the maze before Lydia or Darren could find her. She picked her heels up and crept back through the patio doors, cursing under her breath. 

Aila walked towards the bathroom, her thoughts swirling in her mind. She knew Darren and Lydia were a possible couple or just working together. She was unsure of who was manipulating the other more, but it didn\'t matter; the pair needed to be dealt with. Even after nearly dying, Lydia seemed to already be plotting against her. 

Aila shook her head and went to the \'public toilets\'. They were three luxurious mini bathrooms inside another room that held a sofa with a woollen blanket atop it, all for show, and presentation, of course, that went along with the mirrors at the wall and some paintings on the remaining walls. 


After finishing her business, Aila flushed the toilet and left the mini bathroom, grabbing her phone and checking the number that phoned her. She completely forgot she answered the phone before listening to Darren and Lydia\'s conversation. Just as Aila was about to phone Hollie back, she looked up after hearing the quick click-clacking of heels coming towards her.

Lydia marched towards her and stood directly across from her. Aila relaxed her hand holding the phone, and waited for Lydia to speak.

"You have some NERVE to be here," Lydia crossed her arms and looked at Aila menacingly. 

Aila arched a brow, "Hello to you too, Lydia. It is good to see you are feeling better."

"No, it\'s not," Malia chirped in. 

"If you wanted me dead, Aila, all you needed to do was challenge me.. Not use your pet vampire to do the job. Or are you a pussy?" Lydia goaded. 

Aila rolled her eyes, "I can assure you, I have no issue challenging you. But I do not know what you mean. You cannot blame me for a rogue vampire attack, Lydia.." Aila took a step forward and made her face look sincere, "I truly am sorry for the loss of your friends."

Aila began to walk around her, but Lydia grabbed her by the arm as she walked past, making Aila halt her step and look at her.

"Don\'t think me stupid, Aila. The only people against you wound up dead. That\'s not exactly a coincidence. What would the pack think if they found out their future Luna used a vampire to deal with her enemies?" Lydia hissed.

Aila leaned closer to her, "What do you think they\'d do if they found out you were a mastermind behind a plot to take me and their Alpha out?"

Lydia narrowed her eyes, "You have no proof-"

Aila grabbed Lydia\'s hand and slowly removed it from her arm before slapping it away from her. Aila\'s eyes never left hers, "I didn\'t have proof about your friends.. yet here they are.. dead." She leaned even closer to her, continuing with the mind-link she started, making sure that no one heard her, "I suggest you learn more about your enemies before waging war with them. You just lost your pawns, and if you continue.. you will lose your \'knight\'."

Lydia was rendered speechless; she parted her lips and closed them again, like a floundering fish gasping for air out of water. Aila smirked and sauntered off, her hips swaying from side to side. She couldn\'t resist but go with Lydia\'s suspicions that she asked Gabriel to murder those werewolves. Maybe it would make Lydia think twice before scheming again. 

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