
Chapter 191 - Happy-Go-Lucky

The following morning, the group gathered in the kitchen around the island. Unlike at the packhouse, where chefs and servants worked in the morning to provide an array of meals to pick from for breakfast, Gabriel\'s penthouse did not have such a thing. However, the vampire seemed to take this into account and produced a single box of cereal. Everyone eyed it and looked around.

Gabriel\'s face dropped, and he glared at them. "I will get a servant to cook you a meal," He grumbled and marched away, speaking over his shoulders, "Bloody ungrateful. I went to the shop.."

Aila couldn\'t help but giggle, imagining the almighty Vampire King walking down a food aisle and picking out cereal for none other than a bunch of werewolves. "Zip it," Gabriel\'s voice floated through her mind; though it was filled with annoyance, it didn\'t stop Aila from smiling at the situation.

Soon enough, the group was seated at a round black marble dining table, each in last night\'s attire except for Aila, who wore a sports bra, leggings, and a hoody, all thanks to Damon. As he planned on coming for Aila anyway, he was prepared with a bag in his car outside. Aila felt much more comfortable wearing her trainers.

With everyone seated and eating quietly, Aila took the time to assess everyone. They all look well-rested, and so the shifts between the leaders must have been sufficient and provided enough sleep to all of them. She didn\'t think it was needed, but they were at a vampire\'s home; it was normal for them to feel a little uneasy.

She glanced at their features. Were they going to be uneasy with her now that they knew she was part vampire? Aila looked to her right after feeling Damon\'s hand on her thigh squeeze in a comforting manner. "No matter what, you are their Luna and friend. Don\'t feel discouraged. They are here for you," Damon mind-linked her, and she smiled up at him before stuffing some hash brown in her mouth.

"Wolves really do eat a lot.." Gabriel muttered from the side of the window. Rays of the sun were shining down on him, making his hair look golden; if Aila stood there, she knew hers would look the same. He looked back then, but not in Aila\'s direction but the direction of a servant who seemed to almost run back the way they came. Aila only got a glimpse of her, but she was someone very beautiful and hard to miss. There was something about her that seemed familiar.

"If you will excuse me.." His voice hardened as he strode out of the room. Aila felt a chill go down her spine, wondering what the servant could have possibly done wrong.

Damon, too, was looking in the direction Gabriel left; his features were stern and almost boiling with anger. Why was he suddenly angry? Aila stilled and reached out through the bond to see what he was thinking. But when she did, she felt the barrier blocking her from him.

Startled, she looked at him in question. "Excuse me a minute," He said as calmly as possible, walking out with his hands fisted by his sides. Kane instantly raced after him, cursing under his breath, only to return moments later, annoyance apparent on his face.

"Did I miss something there?" Ajax asked, looking directly at her. This was the first he was speaking. She presumed his hangover made him quiet, but looking at him, she could see his features were perfectly normal; he did not look tired or in pain.

She shrugged in response, though her worry was forming in the pit of her stomach. "I\'m sure it\'s nothing.." Malia piped in, though her wolf was more worried about Damon and if he insulted the vampire or not. Aila started twisting the sleeves in her hands, a habit she thought was weakening. But then, if the Alpha King rushed off in anger after the Vampire King, who wouldn\'t be nervous?

"I am certain nothing will happen," Chiara spoke from the seat next to her, trying to soothe her. Aila smiled back, but it did not reach her eyes; she would feel better once she saw her mate back in one piece.

With a sigh, she forced herself to relax her hands and grip onto her cutlery once more. But as she did, she looked at Chiara again from the corner of her eye. The Gamma and Ajax had been acting quite odd towards each other, Chiara had not been making any eye contact with him, and he kept shifting in his seat and looking at her with puppy dog eyes. Something must have happened between them. Ajax wasn\'t his usual chatty self.

Aila felt a headache coming along. Her mate had chased off after the vampire king, both looking unhappy, Ajax and Chiara were awkward with each other, and from the looks of it, Kane kept glaring at Chase. What happened to her happy-go-lucky group? Finn was the only person acting like normal, who was stuffing food in his mouth like it was his last meal.

"Beta, do you have an issue with Chase?" Aila asked. Being blunt and to the point would at least resolve whatever issue was between them. 

Kane blinked back, surprised at Aila\'s directness. "I find it odd chilling with a hunter," Kane replied calmly and only stared back at Aila, not glancing in Chase\' direction. Chase was leaning back in his chair, sipping his coffee as though he was not affected by Kane\'s words.

Aila\'s brows rose, but she understood why he would feel threatened by someone like Chase. "I see. But Chase is no longer with the hunters. In fact, he helped us escape before the pack arrived to rescue us. He also alerted me about the trap when I went to.. meet Hollie," Aila reminded him of what Chase had done to help them.

"That may be true.." Kane drawled, "But how do we not know that he isn\'t a spy for them?"

"I don\'t think torturing their spy for helping mutts like us would help keep him loyal.." Aila replied dryly.

Kane\'s eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at Chase briefly before picking his own cup of coffee up and muttered in her mind, "Don\'t say I didn\'t warn you about this."

"I am aware of your concerns, Kane. But Chase can be trusted. Please, if anything.. put your trust in me about this," Aila replied aloud.

Kane nodded his head once before standing and leaving the room, "Alpha has called for me," He murmured as the door closed behind him. Leaving her, Chiara, Chase, Ajax and Finn in the room that once again became silent.

Aila refrained from scowling as she glanced between the remaining people at the table. Finn seemed oblivious or did not care, and Chase looked to be lost in thought as he looked down at his coffee. Aila shook her head; whatever the weird atmosphere was, she was sure it had to do with Ajax and Chiara.

With that thought, she decided they needed to sort it, whatever it was, out between them. "Finn, Chase, let\'s go check out the sun terrace.." She stood up and began to leave, waiting at the door for the guys to move. Chase looked at her, puzzled as to why she did not ask Chiara and Ajax, but Finn tilted his head towards the exit, gesturing for him to leave. It seemed the Delta was aware of the weird atmosphere but was ignoring it earlier.

"Oh, guys, we\'ll come back in an hour to discuss what we need to do next about the hunters.." Aila said towards the closing door.

"What do you think happened, Finn?" She asked him in a mind-link as they walked in the direction towards the stairs that went down to the sun terrace.

"Hmm.. Ajax being a dick or tried hitting on her.. She\'s sensitive, and Ajax is a little.. extravagant. He was drunk last night.." Finn instantly replied without any other thought process about it.

"Drunk or not.. Chiara can look after herself. She would have put him in his place if he tried anything," Aila murmured back.

"Anything she didn\'t like.." Malia snickered, "Maybe they… you know.."

Aila\'s eyes widened at her wolf\'s suggestion, and she covered her mouth, suppressing a laugh. Ajax had no injuries, and they were both acting weird, so maybe her wolf was right?

"Angel, what\'s got you smiling so much?"

Aila\'s eyes flickered over to her mate, who seemed a lot calmer than he was before. Her smile stayed on her lips, and she shook her head, but his eyes narrowed, and his own smile dropped. "Ajax and Chiara.." He mind-linked her.

"That\'s only what Ma.. I mean, my wolf thinks," Aila replied in her mind. Although Gabriel wasn\'t nearby, she still didn\'t feel comfortable enough to utter her wolf\'s name. She didn\'t know how his mind-reading abilities worked, but if he could somehow her from wherever he was in the penthouse, then he too would know her wolf\'s true name.

Aila put more trust in Gabriel than his twin brother but still, it was better to be safe than sorry.

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