
Chapter 4 - Teaching Angela

"What's your contracted monster?"

As Angela and I leave the city, she asked me about my monster.

"It's a black slime. Blobby, greet my friend Angela."

As I said that, Blobby who has been in my hand as a walking cane, turned back into a slime.

"Her name is Blobby. Her Special ability is shape-shifting. She can turns into anything I want."

"Shape-shifter? That's cool but she's still seems weak. What about Air magic?"

"I can breathe underwater!"

"…I kind of regretted that I asked you to team up together."

"Don't worry about it. Let's just worry about these boars coming at us. First thing of being a hunter, never let down your guard even when you're chatting."

We have reached the forest as we talked, and soon I can detect several boars aiming at us. Because I haven't manifested my Aura yet, my presence detection is still haven't reached farther than 10 meters, but with Air magic, I can sense breathing from farther than that. Air element is really useful for an Aura user!

"They're coming at us. It must be because of the smell."

"I heard that some monsters has great sense of smell. They must have known the smell of a human's body to coming at us from distance."

"…I'd like to say that I farted when we entered the forest, but you might be right."

"It's you! You're the one who's luring the boars here!"

In fact, no one knows what odor monster smell from us which makes them hostile at human. But the fact that they can smell us from distance is right for some monsters. During my past life, I can easily ambushed and entrapped boars. So I think they noticed us now is because of my fart.

Soon, we saw 3 boars charging at us.

"Just three of them. How many can you take on?"

"Is it the time to be calm?! I've never fought boars before!"

"Then I'll take two and the last one will be your target practice. Wait a bit."

"What do you mean by that?! Hey! Come back!"

Before she finished speaking, I already rushed to the boars. I said that I will leave one for her so I'll kill the left and the middle ones, I'll just let the right one for Angela to take care of.

Because it was just one week since she awakened her magic, she shouldn't have known yet to control her magic well. At most she's only able to cast basic spells of the four elements. She must not be overconfident just because she has four elements. I don't know when we will be a party again so I will teach her to get stronger today.

When I heard Angela telling me to come back, I already reached the first boar.

Now, how do I killed it so Angela won't think of me as weakling? Should I kill it in a stylish way, or just kill it with one strike?

Since I want to let one boar alive and not running away, maybe it will be best if I killed the other two with several attack instead of instantly kill them with one strike. Then I guess sword is the best choice.

I transformed Blobby into a sword and charged at the boar on the left side. When it tried to ram me, I dodged left to its right side and slashed my sword at its side. Then I slashed it again a few more time and every time it tried to change direction to face me, I always keep my position at its right. Boars has only charging attack after all. They can't attack enemy from their side. Then as a finisher, I stabbed my sword deep enough to pierce its heart. That's one down, two to go.

After finishing one boar, I looked at the other two. Their instinct doesn't seems to tell them that I'm dangerous for them. That's good. I just need to finish another one the same way and let Angela take care of the last one.

Soon enough, the second boar dropped after I stabbed at its heart. And the last boar still doesn't realized how strong I am, but when I looked at Angela, she seems to be the one who realized that I'm strong despite my weak black slime as a contracted summon.

"Hey! There's only one boar left! You'll be the one to take care of it!"

"Eh… Ah! Okay!"

Then she put both her hands forward and cast a basic spell 'Fireball'. It hit the boar who was still aiming at me, but didn't do much damage. Instead, now the boar is angry and targeting Angela. Angela turn pale in fear knowing the boar is aiming at her.

Sigh… now I wonder how she survive in my previous life. Maybe she would encounter someone who taught her about adventuring. But now she met me so I will be the one to show her the rope.

Blobby now has become a whip in my hand. I swung the whip and it hits and wraps around the boar's leg. Then I tripped it so it would fall.

"Be careful. Once you attacked a monster, especially if your attack is too weak, you will be their target. You need to calm down first while I am binding its legs."


She took a deep breath as I wrapped Blobby as a rope to tie the boar's four legs. This boar is a magical beast or can be said as monster as well. Its size is about 150 cm while standing on four legs. Its thick hide protected it from low level attack such as fireball from a rookie mage.

"There you have it! Now you have a living target practice for your magic."

"…I'm sorry. I'm such a burden. And also for thinking that you were weak when in fact you are much stronger than me."

"It's fine. If I told someone about my contracted monster and my Air magic, everyone would have the same reaction. For now you need to fix your misconception."

"My misconception?"

"Yes. In fact, it is the same misconception that almost everyone who has just awakened their magic have. They always think that having magic would make them stronger. In one week since you awakened your elements, you must have been practicing your magic. But have you actually tried it on a living target?"

"Eh? No. This is the first time."

"Then it's good that you're teaming up with me. If you go alone, you might not realize how weak you are when you died. For now try fireball magic on this boar again, but this time, use more mana when you casted it."

"…why? Does that makes my magic stronger?"

"Yes. On any books you read, or the lesson taught at school, they only told you what kind of magic from your element. For example Fire element magic. They only tell you about Fireball, Firewall, Fire Pillar, and other names for fire magic as well as its strength and appearances. They also told you the level you need to use such magic. But the truth is, all magic are the same."

There are five level of magic. The first level is Beginner level, then Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and lastly Master. For fire magic, they only teach us that Fireball is the only magic at beginner level. But that's not right. It's not wrong, but not the correct one either. It's just that the mana quantity of a beginner level mage, can only use the fireball magic that was written on a book or taught at school. If you fire mage want to use higher level magic, they just need to reduce the amount of mana used in casting.

There should be a mana manipulation technique, but it was only well-known about 25 years in the future. And it was Angela herself who spread the knowledge. But this time, I will be the one who teach it to Angela.

Like I said, Fire magic at beginner level, can only cast an average fireball magic because of the amount of mana used for casting. They can use Firewall, Fire Pillar, or other fire magic while at beginner level will make their power lessened.

I explained all of that while making sure the boar can't escape. Angela also practiced what I told her right away. And just like how I knew her in the past, she's extremely talented that she can do what I told her to do.

"Basically, using magic is only needed two things. Creation and Manipulation. For example, you create a fire out of thin air, and manipulate it to the shape of a ball and shot it to your target. What I taught you was only the manipulation part. To manipulate your fireball to be bigger, smaller, faster, slower, or disappear. Or you can shape it into a wall and make a weaker version of a Firewall magic. For us beginner level mage, there's a limit of what we can do using our limited amount of mana. As your level got higher, you can manipulate your magic more freely."

As I finished explaining, Angela create a big fireball and shot it real fast at the boar. The boar died in one shot.

"Whoa! Did you see that! I killed it in one shot!"

"Congratulation! What I explained to you can be practiced with your other elements as well. Practice a lot after we finished our mission. For now, you can practice your magic on the goblins we will face. If you got tired, I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay! Thank you!"

With this, I have made a connection with a future Elemental Master and I also have taught her what she will found out herself in the future. With this, I hope she will be much stronger when we faced the Evil God Cult who will attack the city in ten month.

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