
Chapter 26 - Victoria Reincarnated Twice?

The night after I made friend with the Captain of the guards, three humans and a slime is gathering together in my room at an inn where we stay. We're want to ask Victoria if Kayla can become Aura user like me or not. So I called out to Victoria who's still disguising as my wristband.

"Victoria, come out! You should have seen everything so we'll just ask you directly. Can Kayla or other people gain Aura?"

Then the black wristband on my arm left me and turned into a black blob.

"Well, I don't know. No one ever know that they can be an Aura user or not. Back in my time, we would just training every day, but even so, many people don't have the talent for it. Even after training for fifty years, some of us can't gain Aura ability."

"Then should I just give up in using weapon? I think it was pretty useful when I fought before. Though I still need to increase my physical ability."

Kayla seems down hearing that she will have difficulty in gaining Aura.

"I don't think you need to give up. I can still teach you rapier if you want me to. Having a melee combat skill is useful no matter what kind of situation you're in."

I encourage her to train in using rapier. After all, the more skill you have, the better chance of survival you will have in the face danger. But Victoria continued.

"I didn't mean to say that you should give up awakening Aura. I think it's better if you practicing weapon since you're also lacking in firepower. There were a lot of people similar to you. Having magic elements that lack in term of firepower, and practicing swords. They were called Magic Swordsman. If I hadn't awaken my Aura, I would be a Magic Swordsman as well."

"So… Magic Swordsman are mages who want to awaken their Aura?"

I asked curiously.

"Actually, all the Aura user in my time were used to be Magic Swordsman. It's just you the weird one. You have only been training physical strength but you somehow awaken your Aura. Usually it would take years before your Aura awaken, but you somehow did it in just over one month."

"It did took me years in my previous life. I was already over forty since I first awaken my Aura ability."

"I guess that's why you can awaken it in such a short time since this is your second time doing it."

Then Kayla interrupted.

"Wait! Why is being a Magic Swordsman can awaken Aura ability faster?"

"Well… we don't know the exact reason. My teacher in the past told me that actually affecting your Aura. That's why when you're both expert in magic and melee, you can gain your Aura faster. That's just a wild guess though. Since we're witnessing someone who gain Aura ability just by training his physical ability. Anyway, being a Magic Swordsman for Kayla will undoubtedly make her stronger."

"What about me? Should I be a Magic Swordsman as well?"

Angela seems to be interested in having Aura ability as well so she asked.

"That's up to you. Being a Magic Swordsman doesn't necessarily make everyone stronger. You already have four elements. If you add swordsmanship as well, your increase in magic may be slower. Personally, I think it's best if you concentrate in your four elements. Then once you got stronger and be at least an Expert Level mage, no matter how strong Roy become, you can give him trouble with your four elements."

"Just trouble. You can never win against me."

Angela seems mad when I said that.

"Are you sure about that? I will be much stronger than the Angela that became the Elemental Master in your previous life, you know?"

"You're only thinking about my strength. Add my personality to the equation and you will know the result."

"…if you met someone stronger than you, you will either run away or attack them from behind. What a coward."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Kayla wasn't interested in our skit like usual, instead she's taking note about Magic Swordsman instead of… scary things.

"Victoria, what do I need I to do to become a Magic Swordsman?"

"Just practice your swordsmanship or other weapons. You're compatible with a rapier, right? Then practice it. Since Roy has practice many kind of weapons, albeit not thoroughly, he can still teach you the basic. After all Magic Swordsman is just mages who practiced swordsmanship. To become a real Magic Swordsman, you need to add your element in your weapon. Or maybe use both weapon and magic at the same time. How you do it is different with each person."

"Okay then. I will teach you to wield your rapier. I also need to practice it more so we can learn together."

I said as we have learned about Magic Swordsman. With this, we will be training together more often. At least I will teach her the basic today since I want to leave tomorrow to look for the monster I need to defeat.

"You want to learn rapier as well? Aren't you already pick a spear as your main weapon?"

"No. I used spear only temporary. My strong point is in my variation of weapons I use. To make sure my opponent won't know what weapon I will use and what type of attack will be used. That's why Blobby is my main weapon since she can transform into any shape I want."

"Wait! I won't be joining you tomorrow. Since it's also a good time to fight without using magic or support. You can only summon me if you're in danger."

What? Victoria refused to come with me?

"Do you have something to do tomorrow?"

"Hmm… how to say it… I'll just be direct. This is actually my third life."


"Don't ask too many questions since my time is limited. Actually I…"

Victoria started to say something unbelievable. Since she said she used to be human, I thought this is her second life. Who knows that this is actually her third?

Her second life is that of an Aura user in this world. And her first life was in a place she called a modern world. A world where science developed instead of magic. That's why she knows much about components in air such us Oxygen or Carbon Dioxide.

"Okay, so… what that's got to do with tomorrow."

"I'm actually a Fujoshi. It's a great title in my first world. This title was only given to those extraordinary girls."

I don't know if what she said is the truth or a lie since it's a totally different world, but I continued listening regardless.

"There are many other girls with higher status as Fujoshi than I am, but if I don't do a certain thing tomorrow, I will let down the title of Fujoshi and every Fujoshi from my world. Even if this is another world, I have to live up to my title!"

"So, what is a Fujoshi and how you became one?"

"It's top secret. Only the chosen one who has touched the light can be one and you should not care about it since it's belong exclusively to girls."

She puts great emphasis into that Fujoshi thingy, but refused to answer me. what does she want?

"Before I continue, I have to tell you something, Roy. If you're in that world, you will be branded as a criminal. And you will be called by a name that only criminals have. It's called Riajuu."

"What? Why am I a criminal just because I'm in that world? What is this Riajuu?"

"It's because of your situation. Even if you didn't do anything, you can be branded as a Riajuu over there just by having similar situation."

"Why?! What situation?"

"It's how you have too many female friends. There's already two here, and a whole lot in the brothel."

"Speak Louder!"

I didn't catch what she said. Although my hearing is improved by a lot since I awaken my Aura ability, she still spoke in a much lower voice that I still can't catch what she said. I only heard female, two, and lot.

But instead of repeating what she said, she choose to ignore me.

"In my world, we have a type of punishment for Riajuu like you. Everyone will chant 'Riajuu go explode!' at you."

"Why am I exploding? What a cruel punishment you have over there!"

"Then I'll tell you how to not be a Riajuu. It's simple."

"Why should I do it when I'm not in that world?"

"What you will do will help me tomorrow. You just need to throw Blobby to the prison where the thugs from today is being held. Since I have no free will as Blobby, you just need to order her to survey the area and watch everything there. That will help you to not become a Riajuu and also will help me in my Fujoshi way."

"That's all?"

"That's all. Now my time is over, if you don't do as I say, I will not appear again! You will not be able to ask for my help ever again! Got that?"

"Fine. Just putting you in prison, right? That's easy. But if I'm in danger, I will summon you to where I am, okay?"

"Okay. And I think it will be better for us both if you throw me to prison every day. At least when you are in this city. Just that, when you returned to the inn, summon me. But after this slime body's time as Victoria come to an end, throw me back to the prison."

"Even at night?"

"Especially night. I actually want to go there right away, but I'm holding myself back. Just don't forget tomorrow!"


As our conversation is finished and Victoria still has a little bit of time, the girls who were just listening to us asked Victoria.

"Victoria. Can we be a Fujoshi as well?"

"After listening to you, being one seems interesting. I also ask the same as Angela."

"Hmm… it's still too early for you girls and also difficult to find the necessary stuffs in this world. But if I found them, I will teach you the Fujoshi way!"

I hope she will not bring the girls into the dark side of whatever this Fujoshi is.

That night, I can't sleep at all. I'm still thinking of what is this Riajuu that Victoria said. As long as I throw her to the prison I won't be a Riajuu, right?

What the hell is Riajuu?!!!!

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