
Chapter 87 - Informing The King About Future Events

"Not your first time? Don't tell me that this is your second life after returning to the past. That seems impossible."

Whoa! He got it right in the first try. He's good. Really good. No wonder this kingdom can survive so long fighting the cult.

But it's not like I want to hide the fact that I returned to the past to the king. I just don't want my identity to be known at least for now, while I'm still weak.

I don't mind the king find out who I am. I just don't have many people I can trust. If he knows who I am, then if by any chance my identity got leaked… I don't want to imagine what would happen to the others.

"I can only tell you what I know. And the first thing you need to know is that I don't know much about the cult. It would be you who knows about them outside of the members of the cult themselves."

"Wait, what?! You're really came from the future?!"


It is normal for anyone to hear that I'm actually from the future. Even Tim was so surprised.

Tim who is being pulled by me looked at me in shock and I crouched down and said something that will put him into despair.

"That's right. I didn't plan to tell anyone about it at first. But since the king himself already told you his secret that no one else other than his family knows, that means you will die soon. As for me, he won't kill me because of the information I have. So, we will interrogate you first. It doesn't matter if you lie because the king will know you're lying."

I took of the cloth that covering Tim's mouth and he started to yell at me.

"You think I will say anything to you! If you coming from the future is true then our plans worked in that timeline! Doesn't matter what you do now, our plans will still work! And even if you come from the future or the king himself can detect a lie, it won't matter if I don't say anything!"

After Tim's banter, I looked at the king to check if he said any lie at all.

The king shook his head.

"No. He didn't speak a lie at all. It will be difficult to interrogate him."

"That's right! No matter how painful you will torture me, I won't say anything about us!"

Then the king said that he doesn't lie again saying torturing Tim will be useless.

"That's fine. You're about to die anyway so how about you listen to what will happen in the future together with the king. You will be satisfied knowing most of your plans worked. But in this timeline, they won't work since we'll be stopping them. Or at least some of them that I knew about."

"What's that mean?"

The king confused with my words.

"Well, even if I am indeed coming from the future, I don't know everything that's going on. I know mostly things that happened near me or from stories I heard in the pub or my allies when I decided to join the war. After all, back then, I'm just an average civilian who doesn't care much about the situation around the world. It was around the time of my last year that I learned more about the situation. But since I'm changing the future, most of them shouldn't happen in this timeline."

"Aren't people who came back to the past supposed to be overpowered and know everything?"

"Those are just from stories in books. And I was just a civilian who doesn't care much about the world even after the cult did something so close to me. I chose to live as a doctor. In a village at the countryside. So I don't know much.

Rather, now that I experienced it myself, I was confused with the protagonists of the stories about returning to the past. They seem like to know everything and have extremely good memory. I mean, how could they memorize everything as if they knew they would go back to the past? And the authors just made their protagonists experience all important event in their past lives themselves."

"…now that you mentioned it, I can no longer read similar novel about second chance the same ever again."

And so, I told the king about the things I knew about the cult, their plans, and what he did that I knew.

"So… I was doing well even after some cities got destroyed. But you died before you know what happened after the war."

"Yes. I told you this because I want you to take care of these evil organization called Evil God Cult." I replied.

During the time I explained about some events that happened in my past life, Tim kept changing his expression. He was happy when the cult's plan worked, but he quickly changed his expression into that of a disappointment because I have told the king to prevent all that to happen.

At least Albert know with Tim's reaction how evil that organization is.

"You're making me take care of the whole organization?"

"Of course! You're the king after all!"

"What about you? You won't fight?"

"I will fight. But I'm just one man. I don't think I can even protect a whole city. But you're a king. You can make everyone in the kingdom move with just a word. More importantly…"

"More importantly?"

"I will have more free time if you take care of the cult. I can spend more time with my lovers."

"That's your real intention?" Albert asked

"Of course it is! You will know if I told you a lie, right? So you should have known that I haven't spoken a single lie at all other than my name."

"But you haven't told everything as well."

"I'll tell you more when the time is right."

"...alright. Thanks for telling. Now what should we do to him?"

The king pointed at Tim who has a large bump on his head.

It was because he tried to use magic from time to time. But I smacked him on the head every time he tried to use magic.

"We'll kill him. It's not like he will say anything. Shall we go back to your room? Seems like your sister is accompanying the queen in your chamber. She seems pretty hostile toward me."

"Then I'll go first. I'll tell her you're a friend."

Oh! I'm the friend of the king! What a surprise!

Wait! There's something I have to tell him first.

"Before we return, I have something to tell you."

"Huh? You're not making any funny voice again. Is this your real voice?"

"Even if you find my identity by my voice, I trust you to keep it a secret. You remember the part that I'm a doctor and I have a see-through vision, right?"


"It's about the queen's pregnancy…"

I told him what I've seen with my Divine Vision.

Both the king and Tim was so shocked. Even more than when I told them about the future.

I also tell the king about the condition of the queen after the birth of the crown prince.

"I see… thanks for telling me but… sigh. I need some time to clear my mind before I return. You can kill this guy first."


"Wai- Ack! Uuuh…"

I choked his neck with my right hand using full power. He couldn't say anything before his death.

No matter how much he adores the queen, he has no place in this kingdom after I showed the king proof of his betrayal.

He died with a broken neck.

"Your majesty can go first."

"Honorific now? You don't need to use honorific on me after all this time talking without it. Just call me Albert. Being put in this position, I need friend I can talk to."

"Good luck finding one."

"I have found one. But he doesn't even tells me his name. I'll figure out his identity soon though."

We returned to the king's chamber with him at the front so he can explain it to his sister.

"You trusted a man who broke into your room with your secret that you kept from me for years? Are you crazy?"

"It was because my ability that I know I can trust him. He hasn't spoken any lies all this time other than his name."

"Then tell us what he told you! I'll decide after listening about it."

"Okay. Ninja, please tell her."

Albert just told me to explain it to his sister. But I refuse.

"You tell her yourself. I'll be drawing all the hidden passage in this palace. I don't think you know everything about this palace."

I said with my funny voice.

"Oh, thanks. That will be helpful. But can you at least cover the corpse first? I don't want my wife to see dead body."

I grabbed the curtain and use it to cover Tim's dead body. Then as he started explaining to his sister, Shirley, I drew him all the hidden passages in the palace.

"Here's the map. Destroy this after you memorize the content."

"Great, thanks."

I gave the map after he finished explaining to his sister.

"Now, I'm here about your majesty the queen's condition."

Now I changed my voice into a more serious one. Not my real voice, just adjusted it a bit. Because I don't know if the queen or the king's sister can keep a secret or not.

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