
Chapter 220 - Finally, It's My Turn!

"That's a difficult name to remember." I said.

"No! It was an easy name to remember, but that name should belong to the Vampire! Not a Werewolf!" Victoria complained.

"That was just from the imagination in your world, right? It was just a fiction in your world. This is the real thing. His name is… Dora!"

"Now he became an explorer!"

Why does Victoria have too many things to complain? Just what the hell is going on in her world? Do they actually fight over fictional characters?

"You can just call me Grandpa like usual. Now… shall we?"

The both of us looked at each other and nodded. The atmosphere changed. Everyone now feels the intense pressure of the next match before it started.

Then both of us jumped at the same time from the audience seat to the Arena.

While mid-air, I already pocketed back the Uncle Spear I split to pieces, and prepared Victoria in my hand to transform immediately. I already worn my arm guards made from the Giant Salamander's scales since I returned to this world. I also wear the shin guards as well. But now I need a new name for my spear. Not a Self-repair Spear, or Uncle Spear. That's just weird.

Grandpa Werewolf also transformed while both of us are still mid-air before our feet touched the ground. He transformed into a gray Werewolf, but there's one difference from the other two Werewolves. He has a tail!

But I have to stop thinking about it for now. Because I know that once his foot touched the ground, he will move toward me. There will be no signal for us to fight. I already know from that he loves battle more than anyone. That's enough for me to know that once we both entered the Arena; he will attack right away.

And I'm right. As soon as both our feet touched the ground, he instantly leaped forward toward me. Good thing that I jumped quite far away from him. I have enough time to protect myself.

That was what I thought, but looking at his attack, I have better idea. Instead of protecting myself, I should go for the counter. Good thing Grandpa choose to attack from close range instead of from distance.

He swung his right hand horizontally. As soon as he's swinging his hand, I jumped above his hand, grabbed it with my right hand to alter its trajectory and to put more strength in my attack, which is a hit on his temple with my left knee.

Normally, it should make any average people to have their brain shaken, and possibly knocked out in one hit. But this Grandpa is not normal at all. He got hit by a strong attack, but he just smiled instead.

He put more power into his right hand which is being grabbed by me, and swung it back. I'm still holding onto it because if I let go, he will attack me with his left. But as he swung his right hand, I let go of his hand and thrown away to the wall. But I landed nicely on my feet. I stand up in a relaxed manner, and so did Grandpa Werewolf. We stare at each other. I guess it's time for a short chat.

"Hey! You have a tail!" I said.

"Yeah! Once Werewolves got even stronger, they will grow a tail when they're transforming. And I'm the only one who have a tail in this tribe. Proof that I'm the strongest, and also proof that everyone else is too weak! What a disappointment."

He keeps saying how he regretted the regression on the Werewolves. I got bored of it.

"That tail looks so fluffy!" I said.

"It is indeed! I would sleep every night while hugging my tail since they are so fluffy!" Grandpa replied.

Damn, I'm jealous! I wanted to hug fluffy tail as well! I guess I won't fix the misunderstanding with Shelia. Just so that once she grows stronger and grows a tail, I can sleep with her.

While we were chatting, the audience finally realized what's going on. There's no signal to the battle and the fight already started. It was too quick for everyone to realize it. That bout only takes about a second, then suddenly I was thrown to the wall and landed safely. No wonder no one is a match against Grandpa.

Oh, God! I don't want to die! I shouldn't have agreed to the match! Or maybe agreeing but never returned here! I think I will have to use my trump card. But let's see if I can continue without having to use my trump card.

That mean… I have to use everything else!

This time, I'm the one rushing forward. The Uncle Spear in my pocket will be used later. This time, I had a lot of Victoria's clones to turns into my armor. The one I wore when fighting the Giant Salamander. With how well I can control my Aura, my armor is stronger than that time. And there's no ears and cape as well. Those are hindrances.

As for weapon, I transformed the real Victoria into a sword. Since it's the most versatile weapon I can use. I covered Victosword with my Aura as well.

As I rushed toward Grandpa, I thought of what kind of attack I should use. Since the one I have confident the most is a stabbing attack, I used it. I pulled Victosword back, and prepared to stab Grandpa.

Then when he's within my reach, I pushed the sword for the first attack. It was a very fast attack, but Grandpa still calmly blocked it with his arm.

But that's a wrong decision. His body might be strong, but that's still part of the body. Any attack it received will give Grandpa some damage.

I thrusted the sword to his left arm which is trying to block it, but it only managed to pierce about one cm. That will be healed with his self-recovery skill. So, I quickly attacked again.

While the tip of the sword is still in his arm, I swung it down powerfully so it will give more damage. His left arm is now wounded and he's bleeding. But as I thought, his wound already started to heal. I need to think that his self-recovery skill is much better than Jack and Shelia.

This time, I'm continue swinging my Victosword. I'm trying to give Grandpa as much damage as possible with combinations of quick attacks, but Grandpa Werewolf seems to have noticed it as well. He no longer thinks of blocking my attacks, and choose to dodge it while trying to give me a counter.

Of course since I know that, I already prepared for it. This time, none of our attacks hit each other. My Victosword would slash empty air, and so did Grandpa Werewolf's claws. But there's a big difference here.

Grandpa Werewolf would dodge once he saw my Victosword's trajectory after I swung my weapon, while I would make my move once I see his muscle is about to swing which way. I'm reading ahead to dodge the attack before he moves, while he dodge my moves after he saw it slightly.

I'm just barely dodging his attack while he still has some leeway. Just show how much faster he is. I thought that I should be faster than Shelia, but to think the gap is still this much. I guess I can't keep fighting this way.

I keep swinging Victosword while dodging his attack, looking for a chance to surprise him. For the audience, it must be a sight to behold. With the Werewolves thinking that it's the first time their real Werewolf King fight this way. They must have only seen him ending a fight so quick since no one is a match against him.

While on my side, the king and his guard were shocked to see the fight. It's their first time seeing a close quarter combat since they only know about magic. As for the others, they might have seen it before since we occasionally went on quests as a party, but this is their first time seeing me fight an opponent I can't hit.

Unlike the two matches from before, this match is extremely silent since no one is cheering. They just want to see how the battle goes and how it will end.

Finally, I found a chance!

After dodging Grandpa's attack, I spun my body clockwise and tried to hit Grandpa with my weapon. Grandpa sees that I'm making a huge swing. He chooses to step back to make my Victosword miss. But that's only if I'm using normal weapon.

While spinning, when my back is facing him and my body hid my weapon, I transformed Victoria into a huge hammer, and the handle is longer than Victosword. Grandpa is making the wrong decision by stepping back.

Then when my eyes met his, he noticed that my weapon is no longer a sword and tries to block it. But the hammer is so big and I made a huge swing. Even if he's blocking it, he will still be blown away.

Grandpa's arm unable to fully block the large surface of the hammer, as some parts of his body also got hit by it. Then I put more strength on the swing to throw him away to the wall.

Grandpa's back crashed the wall. The wall is destroyed and some Werewolves on the front seats of that part almost fall over to the Arena.

I did it! That's the first real damage he received in this battle!

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