
Chapter 270 - Recruitment Test

Ms. Wendy and I both are waiting for dean Dean and the examiners to arrive in the unused arena. He said that this place is only used for practical exam. And other times, there are no one is here at all. After all, once mages learned something, they would choose to use it right away on a real target. Which are usually monsters. I hope there's no bullying here.

Every student who attended magic academy would have already signed as a hunter. Which is why sometimes, I see that most of the quests in the guild are taken.

I don't know what needed for students here to graduate. Exam? Writing papers? Or just after a few years, they would automatically graduate? I'll ask Ms. Wendy for now.

"Ms. Wendy, what are the requirements to graduate here?"

"Hmm? Back during my student day, I just need to be able to use my magic well. To pass the minimum damage to the target like back during your exam when you hit eight on the target. Although it was optional for you before, it is important for college students. And you also need to write a paper about something you learned here. I guess that's it? There's no time limit on how long you can stay as student. But the longer you stay, the more people will laugh at you. By the way, how much do you know about college?" Ms. Wendy asked.

"Not much. I only know about graduating medical school, not magic school. After learning everything, I need to be an intern at a hospital or clinic for a year. After that, wrote a paper and that's it. Please tell me more about college." I said.

"Well, first, you can just call me Wendy. We're no longer teacher and student. We're co-worker. As for college, let's see… anyone who passed the exam can attend any class they want. There's no restriction. And obviously most student would only pick the class with their element. Every Monday, there will be a new schedule posted on the board. You see the board as soon as we enter the university, right? That's where important information like schedule and other things are posted. Every lecturer would come before weekend to write their schedule for the next week. Some of them only teach once a week."

I can see the board from here. And there's indeed a schedule posted there. So, once I became a teacher, I can just write the schedule there and decide when and where I will teach, huh? Hmm… I think I will be assigned a classroom. That mean I will only teach there, right?

As for the format, anyone can enter any class they want. Not restricted to their elements. Doesn't that mean that anyone even those without air element can attend my class, and they can just teach what they learn to other people outside the class? I guess that's show how easy education can be spread. But the fact that most people doesn't know mean that those who learned it are too lazy to teach other people.

Magic school has become more and more useless to attend. It's better for everyone to just hunt monsters outside. The only good thing is that everyone will receive resources every month. Which is why most commoners would attend college.

Then, Dean and two other examiners arrive.

"Alright, let me introduce you two to your potential co-workers if you passed this test." Dean said as he introduced the two examiners.

Though I don't care about them. It's not like they will try to cause trouble to an air magic professor. I don't know if they will cause trouble to Ms. Wendy though. I mean Wendy. I need to get used to it. Having two lives of calling her Ms. Wendy made it stuck in my head.

The two are lecturers of wind magic and fire magic respectively. The wind mage is so old. I guess he's looking for substitute after he retires.

Well, doesn't matter. I'll just take my own test. Wendy can take care of herself.

"So, where should I dive?" I asked Dean.

"Wait. I'll build a pool for you." Dean said.

Dean casted an ice magic to create four walls to surround me, then he casted a water magic to create water and sunk me. I should have taken off my clothes first beforehand.

"If you can't hold it any more, just knock on the ice block on the top. I will release you then." Dean said.

Then Dean covered the top with another ice magic.

I see… no wonder the test is just fifteen minutes. No one should be able to hold for too long in this cold. But for me, it's easy. I just need to cover myself with Aura. I will still feel the cold, but at least it's better this way.

And so, I just stay inside the box full of water as I watched Wendy took her test.

The two examiners are discussing something. I don't know since I'm terrible at lip reading. And there's nothing I can hear here. I'm trapped in a box.

The fire mage examiner who is still in his thirty I guess, is saying something to Dean. According to my experience, he's bootlicking Dean. He wants to gain his favor. Probably saying something like how awesome his magic is and how smart he is for proposing some kind of test.

None of the two examiners here are cult members, but I already hate that one.

The two examiners then started talking to Wendy and Dean. Dean looked at Wendy, and Wendy says something after nodding. I guess they are explaining to her about her test.

Both Wendy's wind element and fire element have reached advanced level. So, it should be easy for her to pass the test. And her strength is way above average advanced level mage. Combined with her experience, it should be a breeze for her to pass.

Then, the examiners prepared several targets. Why are there many of them? And not just ones that will calculate the strength of the attack received, but also a normal wooden target that can be destroyed. What is the test?

Seeing how the fire mage examiner is smiling, I think it's his fault. He probably doesn't want Wendy to pass the test. Just as she said, she's already being targeted.

Why? I guess it must be because she's a beauty. Once the students know that there are two lecturers, they will obviously go to the prettier one. Then once everyone knows how good her lesson is, everyone will go there.

I think the test has started.

So, it's just Wendy moving around quickly with wind magic, while attacking targets with her fire magic. That should be easy.

Wendy started the test. She quickly moved around from one place to another as she casted simple Fireball to attack the targets. I see that the targets are much stronger than the ones back in Melk where I only rated 8. Probably it can reach even higher than ten thousand.

And just as I guessed, Wendy's simple Fireballs hit the targets, and each attack has about 12000 points on average. That's just Fireball! If she used even stronger magic, that target will be destroyed!

The wind mage examiner and Dean looked at Wendy proudly. As if they found a treasure who can lead the students to become even much stronger. But not the fire mage.

He seems to be complaining to the other two. So, he's just here to make things harder for Wendy, huh?

Seems like Wendy will have another test. But I think both the wind mage and Dean already agreed to accept Wendy. I think she's already safe as a wind magic professor. But the fire mage is still complaining with bitter look. I'll just enjoy him being faceslapped from this ice box.

They prepared even more targets, and even obstructions. Seems like that fire mage is also an earth mage. He used Earth Wall to build several obstructions. Now, Wendy can't go toward the targets directly. She needed to maneuver during flight, or during her run.

Then, as the test started, the fire mage started attacking Wendy. He's shouting something. Most likely an excuse to let him do whatever he wants. But that's not enough to stop Wendy who aspire to be teacher.

Wendy keep dodging the fire mage easily as she attacked the targets. She quickly finished all the targets, but the idiot fire mage keeps attacking her.

He finally stopped after he exhausted all his mana. Then he's being reprimanded by Dean. It's a shame that I can't listen to them.

Then Wendy tapped Dean's shoulder, and pointing at me. Oh, right! How long have I been here? It should have been more than fifteen minutes, right?

Dean looked my way in panic, and shouting something. Probably telling someone to destroy the ice wall.

Wendy shot a Fireball, and the Ice Wall on that side is destroyed. The water leaked out, and I finally come out while looking relaxed.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

"It has been one hour! How do you feel? Sorry that I forgot about you." Dean apologized.

"Don't worry. I actually quite enjoy the show. If there are more things to show, I think I will stay there for some more hours."

Dean just smiled wryly to my remark.

"Anyway, you two have passed. Come back later so I can inform you about your duty. I think you need a change of clothes." Dean said.

Yeah, I'm drenched. I guess I'll go home now.

"Wendy, you're going home?"

"No. I want to explore the campus first. See you later." Wendy said.

I look for an empty area, and use a portal to go directly to the base. Though I need to walk back to the campus since I haven't planted any Blobby there.

After I return back to the campus, Dean and Wendy are already waiting for me. We're only here to listen to Dean's explanation about classes. I can give lectures anytime I want since Dean gave me a classroom, but Wendy need to discuss the schedule with that fire mage and that wind mage.

And that's all for today. I'm now officially a student, assistant professor, doctor, businessman, hunter, and clown. I'm a busy man.

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