
Chapter 371 - Lava Monster

It has been three weeks since I entered Monsters World. Though I still return back to human world whenever I could.

The monsters here are stronger than the monsters in my world, but it's still not enough for me to increase my level despite Shelia and I defeated so many of them.

Shelia and I would split up, and defeat the monsters coming our way. I only used Victoria and Blobbies as weapons because I prioritize my summoning element.

In search for powerful monsters, I thought that some special location will have powerful monsters to defeat. If they don't have intellect to communicate with me, I won't think of asking them to be my summoned monsters. Though I still need to improve my level.

The first place I thought of was a volcano. It's common that there's a powerful monster in a volcano, right? Maybe a fire dragon or something?

Well, that's why we're going there.

There's no dungeon here, but the volcano is filled with monsters. Most of them are fire type. Like Fire Rats, Fire Boars, Fire Bird, and Fire other things. There's also a Fire Goblin, but that's just look ridiculous.

Other than fire, some monsters can spew lave once we get closer into the volcano. And they are also stronger than the previous fire monsters as well. It's a proof that I'm right. There must be some kind of powerful monster deeper in the volcano.

But it's too hot! I took off my clothes so I only wear shorts. As for Shelia, she's also wearing the bikini-like suit that's worn by the Werewolves before I came. And we're walking close now instead of splitting up because I can use air magic to protect us from the hot air. But maybe because it's far hotter than the average temperature, my Air Barrier is not enough to block all the hot air coming. We're still sweating like pigs.

I'm just luckier since I can use Aura to cover my body, but Shelia is covered in fur, so she has it harder.

"Spot, your body is cold, so it's better if you're wrapping yourself around Shelia here," I said.


Spot then do what I asked, and he wrapped himself around Shelia's neck. Shelia enjoyed the cold sensation of Spot's body. Well, Spot was a hybrid of Sky Serpent and Sea Serpent. His blood from the Sea Serpent might be the reason why his body is cold. Well, I don't know about that since I'm not a researcher. But it's true that his body is cold.

"Roy, do you really think that there's a monster here?" Victoria asked.

"Even if there are none, I still want to train here. I want to see if I could slash through fire. That would be cool, right?" I said.

"Yeah, but there were only some Aura users who can do that. And it's possibly because of their special ability," Victoria said.

"In any case, my biggest weakness is magic. If the opponent attacked me with a huge magic that can cover a whole area, I will die. That's why I want to learn cutting through fire since it's the most difficult one to stop. Well, there are lightning and wind as well, but this place has a lot of fire monsters, so I'll try cutting fire first," I said.

"I see… If it's earth or ice, you can block them. but if it's fire, wind, lightning, or even water, it's hard. Well, good luck," Victoria said.

"Shelia, you don't have to come here if you don't want to," this time, I spoke to Shelia.

"No, I'm going. Just like you, I might need to fight fire mages in the future. Even if I don't try to block the fire, I need to be faster to dodge them. And going with you might help me find strong monsters to defeat as well," Shelia said.

"Okay. If you're tired and want to leave, just tell me."

We continue going deeper toward the volcano. And there, I finally see it. A powerful monster that I don't think I could defeat, but will be useful to train with.

"Everyone, I found it. The monster has no body. It's all just lava. But there's some sort of core inside the lava that I think if we destroy it, it will die. Though I want to test fighting it close combat," I said.

"The monster is made of lava? That's difficult. And even if you attack its core, your attack will melt before reaching it. Are you sure you're going to fight it?" Victoria asked.

"I will. Shelia, you will fight other monsters nearby. Spot will help you if you're in trouble. Victoria, this is a chance to test cutting lava," I said.

"…Roy, lava and fire are different. Lava is originally rock. It should be easier to cut lava than cutting fire," Victoria said.

"But I think if I can cut through lava, I might learn how to cut fire. Let's see if my theory is right or not. Shelia, if it's too difficult for me, I will use portal to escape."

"And you will summon me after that, right? I understand. Let's split!" Shelia said.

And so, we split up. Shelia with Spot, and Victoria is with me. I'm ready to face the lava monster.

I entered a cave where the lava monster is, and the temperature raised again.

"Damn, it's getting hotter again! Victoria, you don't feel the heat?" I asked.

"It's a bit warm which is nice. Good thing this Black Slime is immortal," Victoria said.

I focused using Air Barrier to protect me from the heat around my body, but I feel like my body is going to melt if I didn't cover it with Aura.

I went in deeper, and finally faced the lava monster. It's a… how should I say it? It's like a mud monster, but with lava? It has hands, and a big mound with two holes for the eyes.

Seeing me, its instinct as monster made it react in order to kill me. I guess I can't communicate with it.

How should I fight it? At least using Victoria and Blobbies as weapon is the only way to do it since they won't melt.

I slash, and I slash, and I cut, and I stab, and I slash, and I slash, but the lava monster didn't take any damage. It seems that I have to destroy its core deep inside its body. The only way to do it is to reach that deep.

Suddenly, there's a new hole in its head. And Fire is coming out of it!

"A lava that can breathe fire? Well, this is a monster after all."

Getting closer seems to be harder once it started breathing fire. If I touch its body, I will melt. If I dodge, it will attack me with fire breathe. Maybe this is too much for me. I shouldn't have come here.

But I'll fight until I can't take it anymore. Maybe three minutes?

The only way I can think of is to cover my body with Victoria as my armor, and forcefully breaking through to the core of the monster. But I will still feel the heat even if I do that.

Before I knew it, I have been fighting for one hour. What three minutes!?

I am now being surrounded by lava, and in front of me is the head of the lava monster. It's going to attack me with fire breath!

The only way to escape is to use portal.

…let's face it. If I can't slash the fire, it will be the end of me. This is totally unlike my personality to fight until I get pushed this far, but there have been several times that I do it. Let's believe!

I will slash that fire and survive!

I will use my strongest swing to cut the fire!

I closed my eyes, and imagine that I could cut the fire.

Slash, slash, slash! I need to do this one slash to cut the fire!

I ignored my own body as I no longer cover it with Aura, and just cover the Aura on my Victosword. I don't even wear any protection, and my shorts are burning. I will be buck naked soon, but all I need to do is a slash attack. An attack that can cut anything, and just like Shelia's claw attack that can reach far.

I raised the VIctosword above my head, and prepared to swing it down. I think I heard Victoria shouting something, but I'm too focused in this to listen to her right now.

The lava monster breathes fire and somehow, I have the feeling that I need to cut it now. So, with all my might, I swung it down. Just a sword covered with Aura, and I didn't even use air magic to protect myself from the heat or breathing.

One swing. That's all it takes to finally defeat the lava monster.

The fire breath attack got split into two with my Victosword, and the slash continues to reach further than the sword. It reached the head of the lava monster, and split it into two right in the core.

The lava monster died, and its lava is turned into a normal lava. Not being controlled by the monster.

And I…

"That's freaking hot!"

"It should be! And how did you do that!? You actually did it! You split the fire into two, and the attack reached that far!" Victoria asked.

"I don't know! Let's get out of here and practice it on weaker monsters to test it!"

I opened a portal to where Shelia is and told her that I defeated the monster.

"Yeah, that's good and all, but you don't have to be naked anymore, alright?"

I just remembered now that my shorts are burnt. Is my little brother alright? It is. Thank God!

I grabbed a new pair of shorts and began fighting weaker fire monsters.. If it works on fire, will it work on other elements? Well, that's one reason for this training.

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