
Chapter 383 - That's Kayla With Wings!

Alright, that was an anticlimactic end for a dungeon exploration. But at least we get the treasures. And I have leveled up now!

On the portal that I haven't closed yet, Shelia entered it and go to the other side where Lina is. As for me, I'm taking all the treasures and put them in our storage room for Jeremy to appraise later.

If I can't use any of them, and no other members of our clan want them, they will be sold.

Now, I need to think of a good monster to be made as my next summoned monster. But I guess I'll rest for now.

Since the portal to where Lina is hasn't been closed, I entered there.

"How's Tia?" I asked Lina about Tia's condition after seeing his father.

"Perfectly normal. Well, her father supposed to be dead a long time ago. She was a bit surprised at first seeing her father zombified, but she's back to normal now," Lina said.

Just watching their interaction previously makes me think that the two are strangers. The two acted very casually to each other even though one of them is a zombie.

Oh, right! I forgot to ask the elf zombie how he regain his memory. Well, he's dead now for the second time. I guess I will never know.

"Tia, here's the sword and bow that your dead father used. Do you want them?" I asked Tia.

After putting all the treasures at the end of the dungeon, I grabbed the elf zombie's equipment including the sword and the bow. I don't think Tia can use them, but maybe she will keep them as keepsakes.

"Hmm… I'm not a warrior, but I know that these weapons are in terrible shape. Even the ones that my father left behind the first time he died are still better," Tia said.

"Then we don't need them."

I decisively destroyed the sword and bow. There's no one who needs them. Everyone has magic.

And even if they can't use magic, I gave everyone a small dagger for their safety. They are much better than handing them sword since they are amateur.

Except for Kayla. She can use rapier. Though she doesn't need to carry one since she has that wand that can help her control earth easily.

Now what? Oh, right! Spot!

I was about to open a portal to call Spot, but I spotted him approaching from the sky. He's camouflaged, so no one other than me can see him.

As soon as he got close to us, he undid his camouflage skill and let himself be shown.

The elves who are not used to that sight were surprised, but since it's not their first-time seeing Spot, they return back to normal rather quickly. Though some of them are still looking at Spot's majestic size.

"Hey, Roy! You done over there?" Spot asked.

"Yeah. I was just about to get you," I replied.

"I was about to enter the dungeon again, but I smelled you here. By the way, how is it? Did your level raised?"

"Yeah. Now, I need to find another monster. Though I will rest for a while before that."

"Oh, about that, you don't need to look for them. I just found where they are. Do you remember the monster I suggested to you?" Spot asked.

The monster he suggested? Oh, right!

Back then, I asked him if he wants to be my next summoned monster once I leveled up. But he rejected that idea since it will be more advantageous for me to get another monster since he's pretty loyal to me.

And the one he suggested was an Archangel.

"It was an Archangel, right? A type of monster unrelated to a god. Though they have been related to god by many religions," I said.

"Yes. I don't know about that, but it was indeed an Archangel. And I found the Angel's Sanctuary in the sky just now. No one noticed me, but I immediately return here to report. Once you are ready, let's go there," Spot suggested.

"Oh, really!? Are they strong? And what is the difference between Angel and Archangel?" I asked.

"I don't know how strong they are, but at least from what I heard in the past, they are capable fighters. And they can use light magic, healing, and they can fly with their wings," Spot said.

"That's Kayla with wings!" I said.

"Maybe you're right. She's the closest one with the definition of Angel," Spot said.

I already have Kayla, but do I need another one?

A monster that will follow my order, can heal me and can use light magic. But Spot said that they are capable fighters. I'm interested.

If there's a hierarchy like the werewolves, and I can make a contract with their leader, I think that would be great.

Not just I am the Werewolf King, I will also be the Angel King. That sounds weird.

"As for the differences between Angel and Archangel… I don't know. But at least the Archangel is more superior than Angel. That's all I know. If you want to know more about them, let's visit them soon," Spot said.

"Yeah, let's do that next week. I have fought the zombies too much I want to relax for a while. And during that time, I will also help the elves to move to the werewolves' settlement and introduce them to each other. Tia, is everyone ready to move?" I asked Tia.

"We'll be ready soon. I have informed everyone that we're going to move because of the dungeon and our great Yellowsun—"

"She's not yours. She's Lina's," I interrupted her.

"…right. We are currently collecting all kind of seeds so we can farm them. With the help of the Great Yellowsun, I think it would be easy to make a forest over there," Tia said.

Sunny can help them grow a forest? I'm interested. I want to see Sunny's other abilities as well. Maybe I should bring everyone over to introduce them.

Should I bring Albert as well? I'll ask him later.

"Alright, I'm going home now. Lina, how about you?" I asked.

"I'll go home on my own later," Lina replied.

"Then, see you later."

I left Lina behind in Monsters World with Sunny and Tia as we entered the portal.

"Oh, Roy! You're home?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, I'm back. I'm an advanced level mage now!" I said happily.

"Congratulation! Have you thought of a monster to help you next?" she asked.

"There's a candidate, but I'll take a break now. I'm going to get the elves and the werewolves get along. Only after everything has been taken care of, I will leave again. I hope nothing dangerous will happen," I said.

"So, what's the candidate monster?"

"An Archangel," I replied.

"How do they look like?" Sophie asked.

"Spot said that they are humanoid, similar to us, but with wings. They are also capable fighters, can use healing magic and light magic. Basically, it's Kayla with wings," I said.

"You called?"

Just as I said that an archangel is similar to Kayla, the person herself is coming down from upstairs to greet me.

"I'm home," I said.

"Welcome home. Did you just say anything about me?" Kayla asked.

"It's about my next monster candidate. I said that an Archangel is similar to you. Capable fighters, and can use healing and light element magic. But with wings," I explained again.

"But they are monsters, right? They could be as old as Spot or Victoria. If you have an archangel as your next summon, then I might be able to ask them how to improve my healing and light element," Kayla said seriously.

As expected of Kayla! Her desire to learn is truly something.

If she can learn a lot from archangel, she can get even stronger. Though I need to make a contract with one first.

That mean I have to try meeting them first. I hope they are willingly going to be my contracted monster. That way, I won't have any problem like getting involved in a battle I don't want to be a part of.

"When are you going to meet them? Tomorrow?" Kayla asked.

"No. I will move the elves to the werewolves' settlement tomorrow. Probably might need to take a few days. Wanna come and watch them grow a forest?" I invited Kayla and Sophie. Of course I will ask everyone as well.

"Sure! I'm interested in their plant magic as well. And I haven't seen Sunny's giant size. I want to see that if possible," Sophie replied.

"I'll come as well. Tomorrow is Sunday and there's no class," Kayla said.

Oh, so today is Saturday? I never cared about what day it is when I'm in Monsters World.

In fact, I never cared about the day. I only care about them when I was teaching. After that, there's no point in remembering what day today is.

Good thing all the restaurants I love to visit open every day.

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