
Chapter 420 - Four Elements Joining Together Like A Puzzle

When Roy left to see check on the vampires, he made Kayla be the one in charge. Kayla knew that she will be the one to lead in case Roy is gone, so it's already expected for Roy to come to her before leaving.

Nothing changed at all, but because Kayla doesn't have a pair of eyes as good as Roy's, her command would often slightly delayed. But thanks to her being close to the angels, she doesn't need to see far as she can hear the situation from them despite their laziness to fight.

It wasn't just laziness that makes them refuse to fight. But because many of the female werewolves have their clothes ripped and show too much skin. Which makes the angels reluctant to come over to help because they are too shy from seeing the werewolves.

But not the female angels. They are dependable in the fight.

Firstly, it's because rather than being ashamed from seeing girls with too much exposure, they are interested instead. And they have gotten along quite well with not just Kayla, but also other girls including the werewolves.

And seeing them fighting despite their messy clothes, the female angels were inspired to do their best as well. They no longer just stand still and wait until someone is injured to heal them. They took their weapons, and charged at the enemies.

Especially now that they knew about Kayla being the leader, they will do their best to not let her down.

"If you can do this much, you should have let Roy lead you," Kayla said to a representative of the female angels.

"…he's scary," the angel said.

"That's because you are unable to cooperate. Now that you have become much better in cooperating, if you show him what you can do, he will respect you instead and won't use fear to control you anymore. And instead, you will be considered as his friends. Tell this to the other angels. Including the male ones," Kayla said.

"Really?" the angel asked.

"Yes. If he still won't give you respect, I will tell him to do it. I have that much power as his girlfriend," Kayla said proudly.

"Great! I'll tell the others about this. They will surely show you greater strength in this battle!" the angel said as she left to tell the others about what they discussed.

As the angel left, Candy who is resting approached Kayla.

"Roy control them with fear, but you manipulate them with their feelings. Once they show their strength, they will be free from Roy's fear but instead, they will feel gratitude toward you and will follow you. And as someone who cares about Roy the most, you will make them do what Roy wants them to do. Isn't that right?" Candy asked.

"You're right. It's their fault anyway to not have any motivation. When I first saw them relaxing when Roy wasn't around, I know that they are what Roy wants to be. Living in peace. But they live in a fake peace because they don't know the real danger of the cult, while Roy is living his life with fear of the cult at all time. He wants to be like them, but unable to. That's why I'm angry at them for not doing anything," Kayla said.

"You're right. If they didn't meet Roy, they will just be weaklings who can't grow. Well, they're not that weak, but it's true that they won't grow stronger. They won't be able to survive once the cult started coming to this world," Candy said.

Candy knows that Kayla doesn't care at all about the angels' intention. Whether they want to relax or train, it's not important for Kayla. The most important thing for her is Roy.

At first, she only wanted to be his girlfriend because of the sense of security that he gave. But as she grows stronger, even much stronger than the people around her, she realizes that the strength that Roy seeks isn't there yet. And as each day passed, the more she realizes how powerful the enemies are, and how much important Roy is in her life. And she realized that she has totally fallen for Roy who have to do everything to survive.

She knows how much trauma the cult gave him. After all, each night when they are sleeping together, it shows on Roy's face. The expression of fear and despair was shown when he's sleeping.

That's why Kayla wants to give her best to Roy. To fulfil his wish to live in peace.

Not just Kayla. Everyone who has slept with him, and sees his frightened expression, want to do the same.

For all his effort, they all want to give him the reward he deserves the most. But to do that, they have to help him destroy the cult.

Roy has told them that his intention in destroying the cult is not for the sake of the world. But for the sake of himself. Kayla and the others as well. They did it not to save the world, but to save Roy.

That's why Kayla tries to manipulate the angels to help. As long as they are helping Kayla, they will help Roy as well.

"Even right now, he should be either stopping the vampires by himself, reducing their number, delaying them, or provoking them. After hearing about the vampires from Shelia, we need the angels' help no matter what," Kayla said.

"Do you think he knows what you're doing in the background?" Candy asked with a smile.

"I have never told him. But even if he knows, he will be grateful instead," Kayla replied.

"You're right. Well, I guess I should join the fight now. See you later," Candy said as she left to fight the monsters.

Kayla watched the surrounding to see if there's someone who needs any help. But now, everyone has gotten stronger. They all know how to handle the enemies themselves. Even if they don't, they know how to ask and give help.

"…did he give me the role because he knows there's not much to do? Or he appoints me as the leader so I can get the angels' help? Maybe he just didn't give it much thought. That's very him," Kayla said to herself.

In a dome built for resting, Fabio and Kron is looking at the battlefield.

"…it's truly amazing how he can get this many people to fight together," Fabio said.

"Unfortunately, you can only see this happening when people have an enemy to defeat. Let's say the cult didn't exist. No one ever thought that people from four different countries to fight together. Though if the cult doesn't exist, Roy wouldn't even care about it. He would just find somewhere he can live peacefully," Kron replied.

"I wonder what they really want? The cult I mean."

"I don't know and I don't care. And even if you know, don't even think to sympathize with them. Whatever their goal is, the process to reach that goal mean the death of everyone," Kron said.

"I know. But as a future king, I need to know so I can prevent such thing to happen again. But you're right. For now, destroying the cult come first. Though we are fighting monsters unrelated to the cult. But if we could kill every single monster, at least in our world, it would be great as well," Fabio said.

"No, that's not great at all. I'm a hunter, and monsters are my sources of income. Also, once we no longer have monsters to use our power on, humans will start to use it against each other. It's good now that the cult is there to fight. But what if both monsters and the cult disappear?" Kron said.

"Hmm… I never thought of it, but surely, that is crazy. I never thought that you are someone who thinks things deeply," Fabio praised Kron.

"What do you mean by that!? Well, maybe you're right. I'm just repeating what Roy told me before. It was back then when we were playing poker together," Kron said.

"Let's be grateful to Roy then. If not for him, we won't get united like this," Fabio said.

"No, let's not do that. If we do, he will act cocky and I hate that," Kron said seriously.

Fabio and Kron, as the two only two men who were brought to this world to train by Roy, are getting along really well. And the two now always took shift together. Whether they are fighting or resting.

Not just them. Everyone there is close to each other even though they just met. It's almost unthinkable to see people from different origins to be so close. And they all fight with one clear goal in mind. To destroy the cult.

Although the present battle is not related to the cult, it's related in the process of getting stronger. If they couldn't even handle this much, destroying the cult is but a dream.

They all respected Roy who is currently showing a middle finger to the vampires' leader not knowing that they will fight the angry and highly motivated vampires.

Meanwhile, Inside the dome, Angela is struggling. With four different elements forcefully combined to breakthrough, she is in so much pain. Although she is not Roy's girlfriend, she's the one who knows him the longest. Not counting Victoria.

That's why she believes in him. And since he said he believes that she can do it, she will do her best to be able to do it. Enduring the pain she's in.

From time to time, the dome started falling apart. But Kayla or Celestine would notice it and restore the dome back to normal. Or Angela will be buried under the rubbles.

Angela thought that if she can't raise all four elements into expert level at once, she could just combine all the elements inside of her before breaking through. That way, she only needs to raise one combined element instead of four.

Finally on this day, her four elements started fusing together.

Angela can sense her four elements. The fire, the water, the wind, and the earth. They all started joining together like a puzzle. This way, she can still use all her four elements.

She had other thought, which is to mix all four elements. But her instinct told her not to do that. Because she will lose three elements instead and become one. That's why she's combining them like a puzzle. This way, she can still use all her four elements.

No one ever thought of doing this. Only Angela with her instinct as a genius in magic can think of this. Roy's judgement of her as a genius was not wrong. And Angela believes him.

Although her elements started joining together, it will take a while until they become one full picture. Maybe days or weeks. But Angela never give up.

'Roy and the others are doing their best to protect me.. I will also do my best!' Angela thought.

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