
Chapter 480

Not just the people. The goos also have been defeated as well. We can rest easy...not.

“I’ll go check around the perimeter to see if there’s any other people or even facilities nearby,” I said to Candy and the others.

“Oh, please check if you know where we are. I think we are inside Arturo’s territory. But I don’t know where exactly it is,” Candy said.

“Hmm... I can sense my clones from the south. It’s where we entered the underground from. The lab of where the compass is pointing,” Victoria said.

“I see... Then, please check that place without using portal. If you can estimate the distance, that will be great. I think we are at unexplored area from the map,” Candy said.

“I’ll do that. Roy can check around if there’s any enemies nearby,” Wendy said before she flew away.


I guess that’s what I will do. Though before leaving, I have something I need to do first.

I need to check on the monsters.

“Shelia, how’s the werewolves?” I asked Shelia.

“They are doing well. Their injuries have been healed, and there’s no casualty among us,” Shelia replied.

“Good. What do you want to do now? The mission is over. I just need to patrol the area. Do you want me to return the werewolves back to the Monsters World?” I asked.

“We’ll stay here and see if there’s any smell we can track. If we find anything, we will inform you,” Shelia said.

I looked at the werewolves, and they seem to not have enough of fighting. Well, this is better anyway.

“Okay. How about the vampires?”

This time, I asked Arin who is together with the other vampires.

“If possible, we’d like to return. We have used a lot of blood for this mission,” Arin said.

“Then you can stay here and wait for us. I will use portal to bring everyone home later.”

After that, I looked at the angels who seems to desperate to go home.

“...I’ll return you all home together with the werewolves. Be patient. Just stay here and heal everyone.”

I don’t need to ask them what they want. I just gave them the order. And since they can’t disobey me, they had no choice but to follow my order.

The werewolves have split up to follow the scents they found. I also need to check around the area before I can finally go home.

This place is surrounded by trees. I guess we’re in the middle of a forest. When I asked Fabio if he knows about the dungeon since it’s close to Arturo, he said that he didn’t know that a dungeon exist around this place. Maybe no one has ever informed the kingdom about it.

Though from the looks of it, the place has gone through a lot of modification by humans. I think they should have been in this place around two or three decades ago. Maybe even more.

Well, I’ll leave the investigation of this place to Candy and the others.

I run on air quite far from where we were. Until my sight can’t see the entrance to the dungeon we exited anymore. So far, there’s no one nearby. No other buildings as well.

I made a round trip around the area just so the center, which is the dungeon entrance, is barely within my sight. I didn’t see anyone. I guess they are all busy with the tournament.

Though I found something else. There are several other dungeons nearby. Though they seem to have been explored regularly, so I can see through it with my Divine Vision.

I saw some werewolves entering the dungeon. I guess the people from the lab where I captured the Professor is would regularly visit the dungeon. That’s why when the werewolves are following the scent, it leads them to the dungeon.

I didn’t see anything powerful inside the dungeon, so I can leave it to them. Though if they see something weird, I hope they will inform us about it. I’ll just report to Candy about the dungeons I found.

After surveying the area some more to make sure I didn’t miss anything, I returned back to where Candy and the others are.

“Roy, did you find anything?” Candy asked.

“There are some dungeons nearby. But they have been visited by some people, so I can see through it,” I said.

“Really? Then, if there are more than just one dungeon, I guess they have been going around this place for quite a long time.”

“Probably. Oh, there are werewolves who are exploring the dungeon. I guess we can hear more from them,” I said.

“That’s good. Celestine, is the Professor has been with the cult even before you joined?” Candy asked Celestine.

“Yes. Or at least, he has been there since I became a leader of a faction,” Celestine said.

The big boobs faction. Which was led by Celestine to rope more people with similar fetish to join the cult.

Though that faction must have existed for a long time. Maybe there’s someone before Celestine who was their leader.

The case must be similar to the big buttock faction which was led by Veronica.

...It’s sad to see people’s desire being used like that. Had I known about their factions in my past life, I would have picked...

Wait, that’s not important now.

“We will continue investigate this place before the werewolves return. Once they have come back and report what they found, you can use portal to bring the monsters back to their world and the others as well. We will leave some agents to stay here to continue investigating. For now, help us finding something under the rubbles,” Candy said.

The building has been destroyed. Only the upper part. But the lower part, there are many holes on the wall. Proof that there were battles there.

Most of the agents are inside that building to find something. But there are some papers under the rubbles. Which is difficult for the agents to retrieve.

“I guess that’s what I will do. Elsie, go help the others find anything under the rubbles. Tell the earth mages where the thing you find is, and they will take care of it. I’ll go look on that side.”

With Elsie and the earth mages’ help, we managed to find many documents, and some tools that we don’t know about. Must be something the Professor, or the people from the lab invented.

By this time, Albert must have learned a lot from the Professor. If he’s already conscious. I think I hit him pretty hard.

After working for a while, the werewolves have returned. They also gave similar reports of the dungeons.

“There were some monsters that have been imprisoned inside those dungeons. The cage holding them is quite strong. Though we left them be since you might want to see them. Other than that, the scent we followed have started to disappear. A lot of them must have went away for quite some time already,” Shelia said.

“Thank you for the report. We will check on the dungeons later. Roy, please tell me the location of the dungeons,” Candy said.

I talked with Shelia and the werewolves about the dungeons. And the numbers of dungeons they find is the same as the numbers of dungeons that I see. So, that’s everything. I don’t need to go out again to check.

“It’s finally over. I’ll bring you and the angels back to your world. Shelia, what do you want to do?”

“I’ll stay in this world for now. I want to eat Lina’s cooking,” Shelia said.

“Yeah, me too. Candy, is everything finished?” I asked Candy.

“Yeah. I have split up some groups to stay here, some other to check on the dungeon, and another group to the place we entered the dungeon from. Please transport a group to that place,” Candy said.

So, before going home, I need to transport some people to where we entered the dungeon from. The place with underground lab.

Some of the agents died, so Candy changes the arrangement a bit before I transported them.

After they leave, I opened a portal to Monsters World. The werewolves, Graham, and the angels entered the portal and they can return home already. Seems like the angels are tired from continuously using healing magic.

The same for Kayla. She used healing magic more than earth or light magic during the fight against a mohawk. The aftermath of a job is the time for the healers to shine the most.

I returned Fabio and the others to Arturo. And then, Candy, Wendy, Shirley, and some people are going to the capital of Tatrama.

Finally, me, Kayla, Angela, Jewel, Sara, and the vampires returned to Cassau. Although Sara is an agent, she needs to rest before the tournament.

Next on our list is the tournament. I won’t watch it as I need to be careful of what the fake king of Arturo and the cult would do. But I hope nothing bad will happen to the people I know.

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