
Chapter 515

From what I saw in the cage, it seems like the monsters have been programmed to not fight their own allies. Even though she was inside a cell full of other mindless monsters, she didn’t fight at all. But once Graham entered the cell, she started fighting him.

She used light magic to attack since she has no spears in hand. If she had her spear, she might be even stronger than Graham and no one can stop her.

I think I saw a weapon rack at the entrance of the cave. But I didn’t think that they were weapons because I focused on the monsters. And there were some logs used by big monsters as a club. Probably. That’s why I thought those things were decoration.

I’ll return back to the cave later to pick the weapons. Maybe there are amazing magic weapons like Reizpear.

For today, I will no longer send scout. Maybe I’ll start sending Elsie and the other tomorrow. I’ll let them take a rest today. Even if their trap worked, they should be tired after all.

I’ll call Sonia and give report to Albert now.


“...That’s all. Since we might find something from the monsters, I’d like to be able to meet Albert directly. Tell him that I need him to come when he has free time. It might take a while questioning the monsters,” I said.

“Okay. For the cult to somehow captured Graham’s sister was out of expectation. What about the other monsters?” Sonia asked.

“I’ll ask them later to see if they lost someone like Graham did. Just having one of them in the cult’s side will give trouble for those in our side who knows them. I’ll ask the humans as well if they have someone missing. That’s why today we won’t look for the enemy headquarter,” I said.

“Understood. I’ll relay the message to Albert, Lynn, Henry, Kayla and the others. See you later then,” Sonia disappears after saying that.

I get why she wants to tell Lynn and old man Henry. But for her to inform Kayla and the others as well despite the fact that they’re going to be busy with the tournament and protecting Albert and the others... I guess Kayla asked Sonia to relay everything I said to Albert to her as well. I just hope she won’t overdo it. She doesn’t need to know everything here.

I know that Kayla must have realized that as well. That’s why she will probably be the first one to be informed. And then, she will tell Sonia to not inform the situation here to some others depending on the content of the report. I’ll just trust her with everyone there. She’s smart.

I started to get everyone to report if they have any missing family members or friends. Though when I asked the werewolves, they said that even if they meet their own missing family members, they won’t hold back and continue fighting. That’s just how they are.

After getting the reports, I see that Graham is still trying to talk with his sister. They have put a collar on her so she won’t be able to use magic. But her strengthened body is still troublesome for the angels, so they asked the help of the werewolves. That will only get the werewolves tired before fighting. I guess I will need to do something.

I approached Graham’s sister who is being held by four werewolves, and used sleeping and calming gases on her. It took a while, but she finally calmed down and fell asleep.

“Tie her hands with this rope. It’s made by the elves and strong enough to not break when I tried to with my full strength without Aura. She won’t be able to fight back anymore,” I said.

Now that she has calmed down, I tried to leave. But Graham stopped me.

“What is it?”

“...Can I talk with you?”

I have a bad feeling about this. Don’t tell me it’s a flashback? And he’s asking for my advice? But I also can’t say no to my monster. Especially if I want to see his loyalty. Not his loyalty to me. but toward his hatred to the cult. I guess it can’t be helped.

“Sure. Let’s go somewhere quiet,” I said as I lead him to the forest.

Now, it’s just the two of us. and I waited until he speaks first.

“...As you already know, I’m a half angel and half demon. My twelve wings have white and black color,” Graham said.

Of course I know that. I have seen it several times. Including when he was so angry, he fought five mohawks alone. He was showing his zebra patterned wings even though he used to say that it’s not something he wants to show to anyone.

By the way, I called it zebra patterned wings because that’s how it looks like. Instead of just three pairs on top being white and three others black, it became stripes instead. Just like a zebra. It’s like his back is has stripes.

Actually, it was first called as such by Victoria. And I copied it from her.

“...my mother is an archangel, while my father is an archdemon. They both died when my sister, Georgia, was just born. They died from being stepped by a colossal zebra,” Graham continued his story.

...Colossal zebra? It’s like... a zebra that is so big, right? I never knew such monster exist. But the name is self-explanatory.

Wait! Is that why he doesn’t like the color of his wings that has zebra pattern? Somehow, the story started in a ridiculous way.

“I managed to survive while protecting Georgia. But our parents died. Anyway, as you can see, I’m half angel and half demon. I inherited both my parents’ trait. But Georgia is a full archangel. She didn’t inherit anything from my father other than blood relation.

...No, I didn’t see that. How could I know that she’s a full archangel when she’s not spreading her wings? But let’s get him continue his story. I don’t want to waste too long listening to his story.

And it does take a long time. Graham is reminiscing about his happy time with his sister as Graham became the leader of the angels. That’s why there are some angels who knows about his sister. The two siblings used to rule the angels together.

Though it’s just a bad leadership. They ended up becoming stupid when I met them. Though slowly, they improved their intellect little by little. They even able to look at girls wearing revealing clothes now. Unlike back then when they were so embarrassed just to see it.

They rarely meet any monsters since they live in a floating cloud island. They are just lucky that they never encounter any monsters. Until they got blasted away by Andro’s flap of wing.

Anyway, it happened long before that. Graham’s sister suddenly disappeared without a word. Even after years of looking, they never found any traces of her.

If my guess is correct, that was because she got summoned by someone from the cult. That means the cult has started growing their monsters from a long time ago. And that also means that there are still many other monsters they controlled all around the world. Does it mean the war is long from over?

“...I never thought that I would see her. In this way! She doesn’t even remember me anymore! Master! Please, help my sister! I will do anything for you!” Graham pleaded.

Oh, the story is over? I guess that’s it.

“I can only ask other people to help. Whether they can do it or not, they can only try. And whether you like it or not, you will still continue killing the cult members with me,” I said honestly.

“That’s fine. Though this time, I’d like to help you with everything I got,” Graham said.

“If you’re cool with it. Though next time, try to not get too crazy like before. If you die too soon, you won’t be able to see your sister anymore.”


Just like that, the flashback is over. It’s just a common story. Losing someone they love because of the cult. But he was lucky enough to meet her again. But for me, even though I don’t have many people I loved in the past life, there were some I have known since I became a doctor. If I meet them now, they won’t even know me. But that’s fine. As long as I can kill everyone related to the cult, I know that those people can live happily. At least they will be much happier than living while not knowing when they will attack your village.

That is why I didn’t try to meet with those people. I don’t know if they are still alive or they have died. Or even the fact that they will still be born in this world or not. I had young regular customer in my days as a doctor in a village after all.

I returned back to the fake village to see everyone is tired. It’s just the second day. And the war is far from over.

At least we need to survive until the tournament is over. Or until the final. At least at that time, one of the losing sides will be able to help us. Either it’s Celestine or Julia, just one of them will be a great reinforcement to us.

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