
Chapter 528

We have mages holding the line. But thanks to the help of the two shooting squads, we can defend better than before. In fact, the mages are now more in the offensive than defensive. And they are pushing back the enemy’s front line.

Just one shooting squad was enough to hold the line. But two of them? We’re pushing back.

Well, it’s also thanks to the monsters. The werewolves, angels, vampires, and the modified monsters, are very helpful fighting the monsters with high magic resistance. With Angela defeating many monsters at once, and Spot holding back the tortoise, we are winning. We just need to continue fighting in this fashion and we can achieve victory in today’s battle.

As for me, I am now moving in the middle of the enemies. I’m being surrounded, but that doesn’t matter.

My job is to kill the tamers and summoners. And maybe the monsters along the way. That’s why it’s easier for me if I’m in the middle of the enemy.

With my Divine Vision, I can tell where my own allies will shoot. Other than Angela’s huge magic, I should be able to dodge all our allies’ magic and bullets. Though I think I’m concentrating too much on the surrounding. But if I’m tired, I’ll just escape to the sky and get far from here to take a short rest.


I keep swinging and thrusting my Reizpear to the enemies. And then, two men managed to stop my slash with their weapon.

Umm... rather than men, they are modified monsters that look like human men. They are wearing loincloth... Just why!?

Did the cult think of putting them inside a city? But why are they wearing loincloth!? That is totally suspicious!

Maybe there are clothes for them in the fake village. That’s why they were ordered to come to the fake village first before going to the capital.

...The cult sure does have a weird hobby.

But I think if that’s really their plan, it might work. These human shaped monsters can’t be differentiated from normal humans. As long as they are wearing normal clothes, no one can tell that they are monsters. So, if they are hidden in the middle of a city, there will be chaos.

Anyway, there are two monsters whose combined strength is strong enough to block my Reizpear imbued with Aura. What monsters are they?

The two of them are equipped with a shield in their left hand and a spear in their right. Maybe some sort of soldier type monsters.

Hmm... I don’t know. Well let’s not care about what species or race they are. I’m going to kill them.

The two of them blocked my Reizpear side by side as I swung it horizontally. One of them stopped the blade of Reizpear with his shield, and another blocked the the spear’s shaft right next to the blade.

The spear that blocked the blade has a huge scratch, but thanks to the shield blocking the shaft, the blade can’t slash through the shield.

Well, they can only stop my spear because I’m focusing on my Aura to make my spear sharper. Now, I’m using my Aura to make myself stronger.

As my spear is still touching their shields, I used more power to push them away. The two human-like monsters got blown away. But thanks to my power, the swing I made was too big. So, the monsters who are excel in close combat were trying to attack me at this moment.

But I won’t let them.

Using my movement technique I learned from the ostriches, I dodged their attacks after letting go of my spear. I bet none of them expected me to release my spear.

After dodging their attacks, I transformed Blobbies into weapons. This time, I won’t use guns. And using spear while being surrounded so close is difficult even if I can overpower them. So, my choice is dual knives.

Using combination attacks, as my left hand and right hand move to different direction to stop or to attack the enemies within range, and combined with the ostrich’s movement I learned, I killed five of them in a mere second.

“Phew... that was close. Now, none of your attack will hit me. You are too slow and I can see all your movement.”

Saying so, I return to offensive again. I let Reizpear be since I can just retrieve it later. This time, I’m moving with dual knives.

Some monsters are troublesome with their not only high magic resistance, but their physical defense are strong as well. Still, most of them are no match for me.

But there are some annoying ones who have regeneration ability. Just like that tortoise. Even if I cut off their necks, they will regenerate and able to fight again. But when I stabbed their heart, they died. Just like the vampires.

I guess most of the monsters have been experimented so they have vampire’s genetics that will let them regenerate again and again without needing blood like vampires. And that tortoise, I need to destroy its heart if I want to kill it.

Well, that’s just a guess. And I’m too busy handling these monsters. I’ll let Spot have fun with the tortoise until I’m done here.

Though Angela doesn’t need to know about it. Most of the monsters she defeated were dead in an instant before they could even regenerate.

She seems to be in joyous mood. Staying in the city without having a good fight at all must be boring for her. And now, she can relieve her stress by defeating as many monsters as possible.

Good thing there are no children yet. If there are, instead of relieving stress, it will only add up.

I think we have killed a lot of tamers. It’s obvious since they are staying close to their tamed monsters. As for the summoners, they only have one monster. So, those monster might not be enough to protect them. And they are busy using their other elements to protect themselves.

Although the summoners who lost their monster summon another newly contracted monster again and again, the number of monsters appearing is decreasing. And there are less human-like monsters who only wear loincloth. It should be soon that they are out of monsters.

“Focus more on the tamers or summoners! As long as there are no more humans, the monsters will fight each other instead! And they won’t be able to summon another monster!”

I shouted an order while still in the middle of battle. I slashed a wolf monster and defend myself from a superior species of ogre with my dual knives. Even though they are just knives, they have powerful defense, sharpness, and durability thanks to my Aura. This time, I used my Aura to be a balanced fighter. I made the knives sharp and my body strong. Not just sharp blade like before.

I killed those who seems to be able to overpower me as soon as possible, while defending myself against those I think weaker than me. And so far, my judgement is the right one.

And if I judged that I can’t defeat those stronger than me quickly, I will save them for later when I’m not being surrounded.

They are just monsters. Not humans. And even if they have been experimented to be stronger than average, they don’t have good cooperation with each other. They can only follow the order of their masters. Still, if I got careless as they surround me, I will be the one dying.

Soon after, I killed another powerful ogre. And this one seem to be someone’s summoned monster.

I was about to kill the summoner as well, but I was too late as he summoned a new monster.

“Come forth! Whatever you are, defeat the one in front of you!” the summoner shouted.

I was thinking of killing the monster right away, but I can’t do that. Because I judged the monster in front of me to be much stronger than me. In fact, this one might be stronger than any monster I ever faced.

It’s a dragon! It’s a frigging dragon! The size, although smaller than the tortoise, it was slightly bigger than Spot! And it’s covered with red burning scales.

“It’s a frigging Fire Dragon!”

I’d like to escape, but if the dragon is attacking, many people would die. Both from our side and from the enemy side. I need to be the one luring this dragon away.

Angela is too far from here, and she’s having fun killing the monsters around her. She must be interested in killing the dragon, but if I waited, many would fall. That’s why it’s up to me.

The dragon rise to the sky, and I followed suit. After transforming the Blobbies into a whip to retrieve my spear back, I used the spear to gain the dragon’s attention.

Even after using my full strength, there’s only a scratch on its scale. This dragon is a cheat.

I need to at least stall for time until Angela can come to help.

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