
Chapter 557

It was about the estimation of where her old dojo is located in the past. The place where she was trained as an Aura user was along with Sonia and some other people.

I thought I could learn something if we go there. Whether their master have a powerful weapon, or something that could help me teach about manifesting Aura to other people. Though the latter is doubtful. After all, if such thing exist, Aura users won’t go extinct. And if it exist, it must have been destroyed by the Evil God since he doesn’t like Aura users.

“So, where is it?” I asked.

“I don’t know yet. But at least I know the distance from here to there. Give me a map,” Victoria said.

We’re back inside our home after Victoria said that she’s doing math. And when she asked for a map, Lina quickly left the dining room where we’re waiting for Victoria to finish calculating, and return quickly with a map of the kingdom.

It’s a huge map and is very detailed. It starts from Cassau, and then a very detailed area outside as well. I don’t think this map is something that was sold anywhere.


“It’s a map I drew with the help of Elsie. But it’s incomplete since I haven’t been to many cities. But if it’s somewhere I have been to, I drew them in detail,” Lina said.

“...You’re way too amazing, Lina. I don’t think even a normal maid can do this,” I gave Lina a compliment.

“Thank you, Master.”

Even after all this time, she still enjoys being complimented by me. Her face is blushing as she bowed her head down slightly.

“Sonia, which way is from here to the dojo?” Victoria asked.

“Over there,” Sonia said as she pointed her finger to the direction of their dojo.

That direction... that’s the place where Sonia always looked at when she’s not doing anything. It was as if she has some sort of longing toward a place in that direction. I guess it’s because that’s where she learned many things from her master in that dojo. And she missed it.

“Hmm... so, if the scale of the map is this much, and the distance is about this far going straight to this direction, the location where the dojo was is... here!” Victoria said.

She drew a straight line from Cassau, and then, the pen on her hand stopped at where her dojo was supposed to be.

Because it’s a huge map of places that Lina has gone to, it was very detailed. And we can tell where it is.

Not only the name of the city, but also the building where the pen was stopped.

“Are you sure it’s there?” I asked.

“At the very least, it’s near this place. Unless Sonia pointed at the wrong direction. I have calculated the speed of a casual walk of an Aura user. And if Sonia took a break at night for sleep and for meals, it should be around this place. What do you think, Sonia?” Victoria asked Sonia this time.

“Well, I do feel something familiar when I’m in that city. But I don’t really know if it’s there or not. Do you want me to fly over there for two weeks? Maybe I can be more accurate,” Sonia asked.

“If you want to, then sure. I sure don’t want to spend two weeks to a place where I have marked with Blobbies. You can fly on your own then,” I said.

“...Let’s just go there directly. Two weeks is too long,” Sonia said.

That’s decided then. I don’t want to take two weeks to travel to somewhere we can go directly with my portal.

I opened a portal to the destination. It’s inside a building. A house. But I just enter the house without asking permission from the owner.

Why? Because I’m the owner of the house!

The place that Victoria marked in the map is my other house in the capital of Tatrama! The place where Angela and Shirley stayed when they go to college. And the place that Ian and Ruby are taking care of.

Who would have expected that the house I owned is possibly the dojo where Victoria and Sonia practiced in the past. And Sonia said that this place feels nostalgic, so it must be right.

I haven’t fully checked area around my house there with my Divine Vision. But I might need to do it fully this time. Maybe I can find something.

As soon as I opened a portal to the living room of my other house, I was greeted by the surprised Ian and Shirley.

“What are you doing here?” Shirley asked. While Ian quietly leave the room and he’s preparing tea for us. How calm he is.

“Well, we’re trying to go to the place that Victoria and Sonia trained to be Aura users in the past. And after some math, we think that this house used to be the dojo they were practicing at a thousand years ago. It’s natural for things from a thousand years ago to disappear, but this sure is a huge coincidence for my house to be the dojo. Well, we’ll see if there’s anything left behind by their master. If not, we will continue our travel,” I said.

This is not Shirley’s house. This is my house. But this princess uses this place for her to relax.

Isn’t she worried about rumors that she’s coming and going from a house which was owned by a man? I guess she’s not. Not just that people here doesn’t know that I’m the real owner of this place. The people involved are most likely Albert’s agents as well. The one who sold me this place. That’s why she doesn’t need to care about rumors and can use this place freely to relax.

Ian and Ruby are taking care of this place. Ruby is outside at the moment doing some gardening.

As for Angela who stayed here since she enters college, she’s in Cassau at the moment. That’s why there are only three people in the house until we arrive.

“You mean there’s a secret to this mansion!?” Shirley asked. Seems like she”s getting excited for some reason.

“Either this mansion or even the capital. We won’t know until we made a thorough search. Thank you, Ian,” I thanked Ian for the cup of tea that he served.

In Cassau, I have the perfect maid. In the capital, I have the perfect butler. What a wonderful life I’m living. Though it will be best if the cult is destroyed already.

“Alright, let’s split up and see if we can find some sort of secret in this mansion,” I said after I finished my tea.

“I’ll check from the sky,” Spot said as he flies in the sky.

“Then, I’ll go around the mansion,” Sonia said.

“I’ll just looking around outside the mansion and try to recall something,” Victoria said as she transformed into her human form and walked away.

“Alright. We’ll return here for lunch and discuss what you’ve found,” I said.

Now, the monsters have left. And I started looking around with my Divine Vision.

Now that my Divine Vision has improved a lot. At least much better than when we first bought this house and start looking around. I just used it once back then in this mansion, and I never used it again until now. If there’s any secret, I won’t miss it this time.

At lunchtime, everyone returned. Ian prepared delicious dishes for all of us to eat together. And we also discussed of what we have found.

“Well, the huge tree outside in the garden look suspicious,” I said.

“You’re right. Now that I have recalled something. That tree has been there since a long time ago. I remember playing around with other children near the tree. That tree is standing right in front of the dojo,” Sonia said.

“I do remember that there’s a tree in front of the dojo. And I never thought that it would last for a thousand year,” Victoria said.

“That just makes it weirder. If a tree reached a thousand years old, it should be much bigger. Let’s check it out after this,” I said.

Not just the monsters, Ian, Ruby, and Shirley also tagged along to see the tree.

The tree look just like a normal tree. And the diameter of the tree is about one meter. Which is quite large, but not large enough for a thousand years old tree.

“Ian, Ruby, is there anything strange about the tree?” I asked.

“Now that you mention it, I don’t remember the leaves of the tree ever fall at all. I know because I’m the one doing the gardening,” Ruby said.

Hmm... the tree has roots, trunk, branches, and leaves. But I don’t think this is a real tree. It’s like a fake tree, but it looks so real.

I look around the tree, but I didn’t see anything strange. And when I use Divine Vision to see the inside of the tree, it looks like a normal tree. Which is strange for a thousand year old tree. It should have a lot of... circular thingies depend on how long it has been alive.

But if it has been standing for a thousand years, and it didn’t grow at all, that’s weird. And I think I have found a clue to the past Aura users right away.

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