
Chapter 29 29: The Stolen Pearl [Pt2]

'Shit, fuck, holy hell. I am going to die today.'

Keith was freaking out inside his mind as he hurriedly made his way through the corridor, even with how messed up he was in his head, his steps managed to stay alert and quick.

Not only that, he was quite elegant in the way he walked. No one could tell that he was running away so that he would not die as a result of the assassination attempt on his life.

"Grandmaster, is everything alright? It is quite early for you to return to your room."

A junior member of the guild asked, only to receive an empty stare back. He instantly backed down, realizing how foolish he was to ask such a question to the grandmaster.

How dare he question the greatness that was the Grandmaster? He did not have a death wish and he especially did not dare to go against the holy master in front of him.

"Hurry up and find Clair for me. I need her to do a task."

Keith did not bother explaining himself since he did not have confidence he would be able to. Even now, the panic was threatening to choke him from the inside out and his heart was making abrupt noises.

He was afraid that he would die even before he was able to reach his savior. How pathetic his life had become.

"O-Of course grandmaster. We will hurry and look for your servant."

Not only the person whom Keith had addressed, but everyone who heard his words hurried out to find Clair. They knew who their target was and what to do.

These kids were well-trained and Yohan could finally relax once he noticed that they were gone to help him out. Maybe Clair would be with him in the next few minutes.

Yohan sighed in relief and his body sagged weirdly. His legs were falling asleep as soon as his body let go of the tension and Keith almost fell. He regained his balance but his body took quite a few steps back as a result.

His luck managed to strike again as a drop of acidic liquid fell where he had just been standing.

He quickly looked up, only to see a flash of red in the ceiling. Since the ceiling was made up of segments, it was easy for someone to crawl around in it. And suddenly, Yohan knew where the culprit was.

'Holy hell. I am being stalked. A weapon, I need a weapon on me to save me.'

Keith knew that he should keep a weapon concealed on his person as the Grandmaster but he was deadly afraid of cutting himself and bleeding to death if he did so. He just did not have enough grace to keep one on him.

Besides, even if he kept one, it would be useless without any mana on him.

"Ugh, what do I do? I need to distract the man in the ceiling somehow?"

Keith rubbed his hand, coincidently rubbing the ring Clair had given him. And a burning sensation could be felt on his finger as the area began to smoke. And soon, the room was covered in a thin layer of smoke.

That made it difficult for Keith to breathe but he quickly made his way out of the room. He suddenly felt confident that he would be able to get away.


When the assassin in the ceiling had heard that his target for the day was Grandmaster, he had gone pale with fright. It was one target no one wanted to have for their mission.

The grandmaster was a name everyone had heard in the supernatural world. No one knew his real name, just the title and how mighty this person was. No one had successfully injured this man.

But since the assassin had gotten this job, he had to do it or he would die. His master was not an easy-going man after all.

So he had infiltrated the base and hurriedly made his way toward the room he knew the Grandmaster would be in. It had been surprisingly easy and he had not been spotted throughout the way.

The security was lax which meant that these people were either too careless or too confident.

'Here I go. It should be easy enough to kill the grandmaster from here.'

The assassin suddenly felt confident as he had not been spotted yet. He quickly dropped a few drops of this deadly liquid and waited for the grandmaster to fall victim to his effort.

One second, two seconds but nothing happened. Somehow the grandmaster had managed to notice his liquid and avoid it. And with that, the assassin had been spotted.

'Shit, not good. I need to run away if I do not want to be found out.'

The assassin's luck had taken a turn for the worse all of a sudden. But he did not let it get to him. It was not the time to give up just yet since there would be more chances.

The grandmaster left the hall after that and the assassin felt like it was his lucky day. He had gotten another chance at the attempt. So he hurriedly followed after the Grandmaster and reached the hallway.

He quickly dropped another drop of the acid but the Grandmaster managed to avoid it completely with the help of some unique technique. And then the hall was filled with smoke which made it impossible to spot the grandmaster.

In a matter of seconds, the grandmaster had managed to not only save himself but also make the assassin lose confidence in himself.

'So cool. I can see why the grandmaster is such an untouchable figure. I cannot wait to meet him again.'

The assassin felt a bound of respect for the grandmaster all of a sudden. He could not believe that he was able to try and assassinate such a great man.

If not for this job, the assassin would have loved to devote his life to that great man.

'But a job is a job and I shall see it to the end.'

The assassin made up his mind, only to feel a searing pain in his leg. A small needle had managed to penetrate his armor and a dangerous figure stood behind him.

"Hello, little assassin. I see that you are after our Grandmaster. But I am afraid to say that your attempts to get to him will not be very successful this time around."

The face was very recognisable and no one could mistake it for anyone else. It was the face of Master Shinzou who stood in front of him.

The man looked mad but also very quiet and assertive. He was someone who evoked a sense of great fight in the assassin. He had a feeling that he would die if he did not say anything right now.

"I-I am sorry. I have seen the errors of my way and I wish to devote my life to the grandmaster."

Master Shinzou did not look like he believed the man. He looked quite blank at the moment and his eyes were holes of darkness.

The assassin was quite sure that today would be his last day. And he was suddenly ashamed for his attempts at the grandmaster's life.

"Ah, I see. So you are saying that you have seen the errors of your way and you wish to devote your life to the just cause in the future? Then, I guess it is worth giving you a chance."

The assassin had no idea what the man meant but he just knew that his life had been saved all of a sudden.

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