
Chapter 186 186: The Call Of The Incense [Pt2] R-18

The thrusting did not stop even after Nemona had fainted. Keith's unconscious mind did not consider the other person's comfort as he continued to chase after his pleasure.

Even coming once or twice inside the demoness was not enough. Keith moulded the body in front of him into any position he wanted.

He pulled the unconscious demoness into his lap and continued to go deeper into her.

The demoness waned when she felt the stimulation deep into her body. Keith was rubbing against her hidden spots and the demoness could feel that pleasure even unconsciously.

She tried to get away, to take a small rest. But the more the demoness tried to pull away, the harder Keith pulled her body back into his own. 

Hips were wet with each other, and the sound of wet bodies touching filled the room. The female demon was unconsciously moaning.

Keith's cock felt raw and sensitive. He was about to come but he did not want to pull out.

So even if there was a huge risk in coming inside the demoness, Keith's brain did not register anything and he held Nemona's hips tightly.

His cock twitched once, twice before Keith was coming and filling the demoness.

The sudden feeling of wetness filling her body finally woke the demoness. She looked down, only to see her stomach dented with the amount of coming inside her body.

"L-Let me go now? I cannot take any more of it."

Nemona was barely conscious after that round of heavy sex. She tried to pull away, but it ended up with Pneumonia rubbing her pussy around Keith's cock and milking him.

She only realized what she was doing when Keith's grip on her hips tightened and he started fucking her again.

The soft muscles of Nemona's pussy clamping tightly around Keith's cock had stimulated him enough to make him go again.

"S-Slow down. My body cannot take any more of this."

Nemona complained as her body was abused. But Keith did not slow down, nor hear Nemona's complaints. 

After all, Nemona's mouth said one thing but her body said another. Her body was holding Keith tightly and refusing to let go.

"You are…tight. It feels great inside you. Want to go in deeper."

Had Keith been able to register his voice, he would have been shocked to hear his voice. It was deeper than ever before and wild as well. It was not how he spoke with anyone.

"I am…sorry. For drugging…you. Y-Yes, there."

The demoness tried to beg for her life. But Keith was not in a state of mind to follow what she was saying. His hands tightened around his companion's body and he pulled Nemona closer to his body.

A single well-aimed thrust finished Nemona. She was not able to hold her consciousness or her body's pleasure. Wetness surrounded Keith's cock and the pussy finally stopped trying to squeeze him to death.

Keith enjoyed the body in front of him until the effect of the incense had all been driven out of his system.


When Keith woke up next, the demoness was gone. The room had been cleared of the incense but Keith could still feel the residue of that sweet smoke on his breath.

'Ugh, this was embarrassing. I know I lost control but that should not have happened. I need to disappear right now.'

Keith had heard about his current situation before. So, he knew that the smart thing to do would be to leave before the greedy owner came down to meet him.

*Come to me. *

There was a whisper speaking in Keith's mind. The voice sounded crystal clear and Keith felt annoyed as it recked his brain. He did not want to hear that voice.

From experience, Keith knew that this kind of experience never turned out good for anyone. Especially for him since he was a villain in this book.

'Keith, ignore that voice. That is nothing when compared to what happened. Man, Clair is going to kill me if this becomes a wildly-known issue.'

Keith was thankful he had decided to come here in disguise. Otherwise, he would not have been able to save face once this affair came to light.

But Keith also needed to hurry up and leave before this place made problems for him.

He opened his door, only to come face to face with the owner. For some reason, the greedy man was standing in front of Keith's door with an expecting face. Looking at that face made goosebumps rise in Keith's body.I think you should take a look at

"What do you want from me? You better not waste my time, or else…"

Keith warned the owner but he could read the greed from far away in the man's eyes. The man was here on a mission to irritate Keith.

"Dear customer, how was your night? I hope you did not have any problems being *entertained* by my staff. But you understand that these things usually do not come cheap. If you could just spare me a second, then I can…."

The owner tried to scam Keith by threatening his secret. He likely thought that he could intimidate Keith with his threats. 

But Keith was not worried for some reason. And he could not bring himself to care.

"Oh, ask your staff about that. I did not ask for the *entertainment* so I will not be paying for it. Also, your staff made a lot of mistakes last night and she also annoyed me. If anything, I should be asking for compensation."

That turned the owner's mood sour. The smile on the owner's face was gone in an instant.

"I do not know what the customer means. You used a facility last night so you ought to pay for it. That is what business is all about."

The owner said this all politely but there was a threat behind his voice. He was warning Keith not to make things awkward for himself.

But now that Keith had started this fight, he wanted to end this fight as well.

*You want power, boy. I can see your soul and how powerless it is. Call out to me and I shall help you out. *

The voice called for Keith once more. At the same time, the owner continued to be irritating. Keith decided to ignore both for the time being.

Then, the owner decided that he wanted to deal with Keith the 'old-fashioned' way. He brought out a gun and aimed it at Keith's face.

"Kid, I have had enough of you. If only you paid what you were due, you would not have faced a gun to your face. Do not mistake this for an ordinary gun, because it is not. Once I shoot you, your reputation in society would be gone."

The owner bragged and then shot Keith.

Or well, he attempted to. But Keith raised his hand and a barrier protected him from the gunshot. 

The owner looked shocked before he looked at his gun. It seemed like there was something wrong with the gun. It had never failed before.

"Looks like it is 'you' who would be facing a difficult time tomorrow. Now, why don't you hand the gun over to me and we can call this even?"

Keith asked as he kicked the owner. The owner went down and his gun fell to the ground. Keith quickly picked it up and held it in front of the owner's face.

"Well, let's see how you like the dose of your own medicine."

Keith warned and the man in front of him pales. 

"N-No, keep it away. Keep that devilish thing away from me. M-Master, help me out. I am in trouble. You promised to help me out if I ever needed you, right?"

The owner cried out in fear. He was looking at Keith like Keith was a grim reaper. 

Keith did not understand who the owner was asking for help from. There was no one else in this building that could be a threat to Keith.

*Do not worry child. I will take care of you. The promise shall be carried out. *

There was the sound of something rushing heading toward Keith. He unconsciously raised his barrier and watched as the blackness of his surrounding crashed into his barrier.

"HAHAHAHA, you shall not be spared by the master. You made a big mistake making us the enemy. Just you wait and see, master would kill you and then feed your remains to the demons."

The owner laughed out loudly as he watched Keith struggle. The owner did not realize that he was in trouble as well.

*Hungry…I need sustenance. You, my summoner, become my food this time."

The shadow turned away from Keith and toward the owner. In a single swoop, the shadow eats the owner and left no remains behind.

Keith's brain hurt for some reason and his memory turned hazy. He tried to remember what the owner looked like, but it was difficult to do so now.

After that, the shadows disappeared and Keith was left in the empty corridor.

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