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Chapter 181 - The Weapons!!

RECOMMENDED SONG: Let Me Down Slowly By Alec Benjamin, Alessia Cara ~?

The wind breezed whipping through the weeping silence of room snapping Esme out of her whirlwind thoughts immediately. Jolting abruptly as if she had been awakened up suddenly from a deep slumber sleep, his insecure tongue buzzed in her eardrums lowly.

The question was too obvious comparing to her abstract reaction.

Which mother in this earth wouldn't feel happy about her baby's existing in this world? But could she be really happy?

She exhaled a restless sigh as her quivering hands reached up to touch her own abdomen unbelievably. After pressing her palm deeply, a low gasp of happiness escaped through her parted lips that made her emotions too complicated.

Her baby? Her and Aaron's? But....

She forced herself to think further as the haunted word "Cursed Child" came across her mind. Her baby Ayra was already suffering the hate of her own family. Then what was the destiny of her own biological baby?

She would have to see another one suffering miserably like Ayra hidden from all worlds. This thoughts shuddered violently inside her mind as her expression started turning pale without her consent. Instead of smiling, her furrows tightened together in deep thoughts that made her breathing rapid and vigorous.

She stroked her own abdomen and felt sad for her unborn child who was going to receive immense hatred by the worlds just like Ayra. But she failed to notice that the man beside her observed her each expression like a scanner.

After receiving no expectant reactions from Esme whose face had turned downcast, Aaron's overwhelming happiness had also faded away like a sudden wave of midnight. His shoulders stiffened in anxiety as his lips quivered lightly in anticipation.

Wasn't she happy about their baby? Was she thinking of aborting it?

Aaron wandered in his mind and mustered up his courage to inquire her once again,

" Es..Esme..are.. aren't you happy about our baby?"

Esme jolted coming back to her reality and glanced up at Aaron whose expression was terror flooded. She already assumed that Aaron was doubting on her decision. But no matter how many difficulties they had, how could she think about aborting her own child? Even she will give up her life if she needed to protect her child.

She pondered staring at his nervous expression as her eyes watered up instinctively.

How could she tell this man that she was going to give birth to a cursed child who isn't welcomed by his world? How could she destroy all of his happiness just in words?

She couldn't answer back and only felt heart wrenching pain inside her chest. She needed to tell him everything right now but would he still love her after knowing her origin? What will happen to her baby? How will she leave him after that? Morever.. morever..if the vampires get to know about everything, will they order to kill off her baby?

Question after question came into her mind as she kept wandering in various possibilities. Jerking off those thoughts momentarily, Esme swallowed hard before looking up at Aaron intensely. Forming into a bitter sweet smile, she replied choking on her own words,

" Do you really think of me so bad that I wouldn't be happy about my own baby, Aaron? Am I so unappreciated in your eyes?"

Aaron shook his head vigorously before exhaling a long sigh of relief as if his soul had come back to his body after fighting terribly. Grabbing her arms gently, he muttered abruptly while grinning like a foolish boy,

" No..no.. I..I.. just got afraid that you might not want this babies.."

He spoke before rewarding her with an intense kiss which made her suffocating nearly. He was too happy to express his happiness by words thus he used action to show his gratitude.

After being kissed passionately, Esme pushed his chest away wryly and sucked a deep breath to stable her mind. Sucking her bottom lips, she picked up the courage to spit out her truth after reconsidering everything,

" A.. Aaron..I..I really need to tell you something important today.."

She spoke sounding hoarse and waited for Aaron's approval. Aaron who was going overwhelming in happiness didn't want to distress his mood thus he stopped her using a hush tune. Remembering the grieve task to inform her about the real purpose behind their marriage, Aaron wanted to spend this little time with her happily as the decision will be fully upon her.

If she really wanted to leave him after knowing the truth, what will he do alone? His baby?

Aaron didn't dare to think further but his fear increased as he kissed her cheeks, collarbone absentmindedly. While showering her with light kisses, he mumbled nudging his nose against her glossy skin,

" Mmm.. Let's not talk about anything else.. today..We have to get prepared for the engagement party tomorrow.. After that, you can say everything.. But I need a favor from you.."

Esme sighed feeling relieved or helpless,she didn't know. While whimpering lowly under his sensual kisses, she sutured,

"Hmm... what is it?"

Aaron sighed longingly before leaving a peck on her lips sweetly. Pressing his forehead against her deeply, he gazed deep through her perplexed eyes while murmuring softly,

" Please don't reveal your pregnancy to someone else until I say so, okay? We have more foes than friends in Royal. You understand me, baby? "

Esme blinked understanding his tension and nodded compherensively.

It wasn't okay to reveal everything so fast because she was carrying the heir of Vampires Clan. She needed to be more careful at least till tomorrow's gathering! After that, she will accept her own destiny willingly. 

Also she needed to persuade her brother to consider the baby's future. She wandered how will her own family react once they finds out that she was pregnant with a vampire child? Would they hate her even more?

She mocked to herself thinking her miserable destiny. Their previous grudges had still not been cleared up hence another one was added??

After coaxing his wife to sleep, Aaron had left for Jasper's villa who was supposed to resting over there right now.

So was he!

After finding no healers to check on Esme's health, Jasper had returned to his villa and was spending a critical time to suppress his anxiousness.

How will he face his Lord tomorrow? He is going to be dead very soon!

At that precious moment, the door was knocked hastily that made him so angry that he stormed faster towards his doorway.

As soon as the door was shot up, his body froze when he discovered an anxious Aaron who didn't wait for his damn permission to enter and quickly slipped in.

Flabbergasted, Jasper remained stupified in his own spot whilst Aaron walked in like a real owner of this villa so comfortably. He had still a smug smile playing on his lips as his fingers raked through his dark hairs dramatically.

While grinning like a little fool, Aaron announced turning around to face his stupified assistant eagerly,

" Jasper, quick congratulate me."

Jasper raised up his eyebrows questioningly and felt his blood going frozen. He never had seen Aaron to smile so lively except Esme's side. He had a very bad feeling about that which made him gulping hard.

Did he come to wring off my neck personally?

Jasper wandered before asking hoarsely,

" M..My..my.. Lord.. What.. what did you exactly mean? Am I going to die here in your hands?"

Aaron frowned unhappily and revealed his true intentions. Taking a large stride towards Jasper which made him flinch back in fear, Aaron spoke hastily,

" What rubbish!! Don't spit out such omnious thoughts! Or else it may affect my babies thoughts by passing through mine."

Jasper gasped widening his eyes in horror and almost collapsed down. Muttering abruptly, he exhaled restless breathing while speaking,

" Ba.. babies??? Whose baby? Where? Lord, whom did you impregnate now? Oh gosh!! Lady Esme would never forgive you for that."

Aaron almost puked blood in anger and glared at him harshly while grinding his teeth and fangs together harder. Giving a slap on his stupid brain, Aaron corrected him scornfully,

" Rubbish! Whom will I touch when I have a beautiful wife by my side, idiot? I am talking about your Lady. She is pregnant with my babies. I have come all the way personally to share this good news with you moron. Can you speak something good now?"

Aaron hissed snapping his head aside whilst Jasper's face lit up in happiness. He almost jumped up in his spot and spitted out anxiously,

" Oh dear god!! We are going to have babies in our castle. My Lord, you sure are lucky. Now this babies can be your weapons to stop Lady from leaving you. What a beautiful day, indeed! But..."

Jasper paused abruptly reminding the difficult identity of those children which made him turning pale drastically. Gulping down, Jasper whispered lowly,

" But.. cursed child?? You.. know lord? Will the council ever accept or the old lord? What if they order to kill them off?"

Aaron's back stiffened as his expression turned horrifically dangerous. Knitting his brows tighteningly, he growled back,

" I will kill each one of them who dares to call them cursed child."

Jasper shuddered before adding fearfully,

" But how longer will you hide from them? Tomorrow the council members will definitely come to join the engagement ceremony. They all have their special unique powers. What if any of them notices Lady's identity or the babies existence?"

Aaron's face sank immediately as soon as Jasper pointed out all the horrified possibilities that he was thinking on.

How could he protect his wife and children without his full power?


Hello guys.. Sorry about yesterday.I fell asleep suddenly and forgot to write for you all. I will try to drop another update today as a compensation for all of you. Also please keep Voting to support this book and I am happy about all the sweet comments that you leave for the characters. Trust me, I read each one of them. I can only warn you all in advance that story is going to be heartbroken soon xd..

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