
Chapter 26 - 25

In a large restaurant in the center of Kuoh, one could see several people sitting together at a large circular table. Some were standing up and some were sitting down, they were all the parties involved in the previous night\'s events with the ones in the chairs were the leaders of the several groups not only of the town, but of the larger supernatural community.

The groups were as such: ​​

- Serafall with her guard, a beautiful red-haired buxom woman with sexy clothes that looked like a slutty witch costume, the draconic witch Irene Belserion;

- Gabriel with her guard, a gentle-looking woman with a large chest, Griselda Qarta;

- Azazel with two guards, a young Japanese male with black hair and a caucasian white-haired male, Tobio and Vali Lucifer;

- Rias Gremory with her Queen, Akeno, and her pawn who insisted on coming along and Rias allowed due to being the Red Dragon Emperor, Hyodou Issei;

- Sona Sitri with her Queen, Tsubaki, and her Bishop that refused to stay behind, Momo Hanakai;

- Riser Phenex with his Queen, Yubelluna, and Rias\' second Bishop that she tried to forget most of the time, Ravel;

- The Head God of the Norse Pantheon, Odin, with his guard, the youngest Valkyrie ever, Rossweisse;

- And finally, the human Soma Hanakai and, behind him, stood the stray exorcist Rintaro and the Sacred Gear user Kiyoharu;

It was a most unique gathering with strong and weak people mixed in, all directed by Odin as the strongest being in this place. Not that most of them wanted to complain much since this was a chance to clear the air.

After the basic introductions a tense silence spread as all these different beings looked at one another while in deep thought, Soma decided to break the silence.

"Before we talk about anything I have something I have to ask." He spoke, attracting the attention of everyone. Not that Soma gave that any mind as his focus was completely on observing Momo with all the skills he ever learned from both Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty about the art of lying and seeing through lies. "Momo, tell me if you were forced or cheated in any possible form or way to become a reincarnated devil."

Momo looked at Soma, her gaze lingering in his missing arm for a moment before speaking.

"No, I became one after thinking about it and knowing everything it entailed. Sona-kaichou was completely honest and direct with me in regards to what she wanted, what I would have to do, as well as what my payment for her help would be. After thinking about it for a time I accepted the deal and do not regret it."

What Momo did not mention was that the largest reason for her accepting the deal was Soma himself, namely the fact that the Sitri house had some of the greatest doctors in existence and Sona had agreed to help Momo\'s cousin with all her family\'s abilities. Truly, this pair of cousins were far too extreme in their care for one another.

Momo did not hesitate to throw away their humanity for the chance of saving Soma from his Coma, and Soma did not hesitate in potentially starting a war for Momo\'s sake. If a certain noisy and annoying writer back in the Throne had seen this he might even have decided to write a new play right away from this relationship. Well, if he wasn\'t beaten by Soma for spouting nonsense about their relationship being more than that of normal family members.

Soma observed her intensely, searching for absolutely any sign of lying or misdirection, and found none. After grumbling a bit about her stupidity from doing something like that, he sighed and let this go.

Soma was the type that, if Momo chose this, he would accept it as her choice. Everyone has the right to choose, even when they do stupid decisions. For Soma, this just means that he would have to work even harder to make sure she was safe, since Momo was Momo to him and, as such, he would protect her. What most troubled him now was that, as a devil, she would be running into danger considerably more than if she was just a normal human heiress of a company.

\'Maybe I should try and make a Kaleidostick? It wouldn\'t be easy, but it would at least be a start in terms of protection I guess.\' Soma considered. He had a good understanding of the Kaleidoscope, after all, he had investigated the Kaleidosticks of both Miyu and Illya back in the Throne with the help of Medea, Merlin, and DaVinci. As such, he was confident he could make something of similar capabilities for Momo moving forward, even if he did not like to think about the fact that, even having spent a long time studying it, he could not alter some of its aspects, like the mini-skirts that could flash people depending on the angle.

Heck, Zelretch had even visited the Throne once after he sensed someone studying the Kaleidosticks and even helped him understand some of it because \'The power of Magical Girls should be spread through all dimensions!\'. ... The old vampire was a pervert. A capable and smart pervert, but a pervert nonetheless. It is a shame that Soma did not have the aptitude to learn the Kaleidoscope properly, but he was still able to make items that used its principles if he had enough materials and time for it. Of the True Magics, he only had some hope with the Heaven\'s Feel and a distant hope with Blue, the others he at most could produce items that replicate some aspects of them.

After hearing the answer from Momo Soma looked around at the others at the table and spoke.

"If no one else has anything to say I am leaving. I don\'t have the time to waste around here doing nothing but looking at several ugly mugs and nice tits."

As his words fell some of the girls looked offended, Momo facepalmed, Rintaro sent his boss a thumbs up, and several amused looks were sent his way.

"Haha, boy you truly are something else." Odin spoke while laughing. "You remind me of my second most idiot son, Thor. Tell me, are you a long-time descendant of his or something? He did like to fuck and forget, after all, and who knows how many little bastards he has running around the world."

"No, I am not one of his bastards or related to one as far as I can tell. I am 100% human, thank you very much." Soma said while rolling his eyes.

He knew that being disrespectful to a God was a bad idea, but he could see from Odin\'s tiny reactions that he didn\'t like to stand on ceremony, or overly polite talks. Even Scatatch-Skadi told him that Odin was a God that liked boisterous warriors that took what they wanted and were unapologetic about it, but of course, they should not be stupid since then he would look down on them.

If that was the image that Odin liked, then that was the image Soma would present himself as.

"Pure human? Kid, don\'t mock us. Your very bones and skin are nothing like a human, and you have tens of thousands of rather unique runes etched onto your very bones. No human is like that." Odin said and Soma shrugged.

"I am myself, I was born a human, and not a single drop of any other creature\'s blood was mixed into me. If my body is not quite like others, that is simply because I ought to start changing myself from the ground up as to stand a chance of survival in this world without being a weak cheep that follows orders or needing to scurry around in fear of stronger people. I want to be the strong while remaining myself."

As Soma said that Azazel got an interesting look in his eyes.

"You modified yourself, you say. Tell me, did you use some Sacred Gear to do that?"

Soma scoffed at the very notion, his reaction was completely instantaneous as the thought of him depending on a Sacred Gear to modify his entire body. Maybe his eyes, but not ALL his body.

"As if I would depend on those defective trinkets. I trust myself, not some shabby work of the world\'s greatest hikikomori, if he is even alive that is."

A few people looked scandalized at Soma\'s words, but Azazel and Odin just laughed at Soma calling God a hikikomori.

Getting his laughter in order Azazel looked at Soma amusedly before continuing.

"You yourself have some people that have Sacred Gears around you so why do you call them \'defective trinkets\' when they are such fascinating pieces of work?"

"Because they are wasteful to the extreme." Soma shrugged as he replied. "Of the few gears I managed to get my hands on and study to an extent, all had clear signs they could be much better, but the one who made them intentionally let them be inferior so as to let them \'develop\' along with their user. That sort of thing is good to produce several somewhat decent fighters but it ultimately limits what the gear can do and lessens the burden from its user while also lowering its specs to the lowest of degrees. It is not a weapon that should adapt to its user, but the user that should adapt to the weapon to be able to use its full potential. Laziness shouldn\'t be rewarded."

Azazel heard this and his eyes shined as he touched his chin in thought.

"Fascinating, I have never really thought this way." He mentioned before gazing at Soma. "Was it you that sent me that interesting tool a few days ago? The weird copy of Twilight Healing."

"Yes. I have gotten my hands on the Twilight Healing and decided to use it as proof that I could make better gear. Its effects are much greater as long as one understands how the human body works in detail, being able to even restore lost limbs or long time scars without an issue, and it should be useful even as an offensive weapon if you \'heal\' incorrectly as well as being able to work at a greater distance." Soma said, making Rias perk up on the side. When the devils managed to get their hands on the corpses of the people in the church Rias had wanted to extract the Twilight Healing, but it was missing. She had assumed it had returned to the system, but she wondered if Soma had somehow taken it.

Issei also realized this and clenched his fists, glaring at Soma with hatred for stealing from Asia.

Soma noticed the gaze and spoke.

"Dude, I know I am hot but I don\'t swing that way so stop glaring at me with such intense eyes. But hey, if it helps I am sure that, after this, you can go to a gay bar and find someone to bend you over." Soma rolled his eyes, he was not in the mood to be glared over by someone he saw running away from a group of girls while screaming about how perverted he is. Spying on girls\' changing rooms? Please, if he is a man he should not be such a wimp, go ask a girl out, seduce someone, or pay for a whore if you want to get your stress relieved, not just try to perv on girls changing.

That sort of thing is what gives men, in general, a bad rep.

Issei spluttered as he heard this and Azazel and Odin laughed again with even most of the rest of those around looking amused or gleeful over Issei\'s expression.


Soma just raised a brow.

"You know, for someone who smells like a dragon just as much as the white-haired guy there, you don\'t feel even remotely like a threat. But hey, I am in a bit of a collector mood this week, having obtained quite a few Sacred Gears, so if you want to come at me you are welcome to do so, I wouldn\'t mind getting another gear on a silver platter."

Issei took a step forward, his mind clouded in anger as he thought that Soma was related to Asia\'s death, but Rias put a hand to stop him.

"That is enough, Issei. We don\'t yet know what relation he had with those events and we cannot just react as we please right now."

"But buchou-"

"No buts, stand down or I will have Akeno take you to wait outside." Rias said with steel in her tone that made Issei stop.

Seeing this Riser whistled.

"Wow, I didn\'t know you had it in you to be able to command your peerage instead of just codling them."

Rias, with practiced ease, ignored Riser as she turned to Soma.

"Tell me, was it you that injured my precious knight, Kiba?"


Rias feeling a bit irritated described.

"Kiba Yuuto, blond hair and green eyes, a swordsman."

"No idea what you are talking about, I don\'t remember hurting any male swordsman."

Rias just glared as Riser spoke.

"Let this matter be, Rias. My bro here was indeed the one that hurt your knight, but it was self-defense and only because you couldn\'t keep your mad dogs on a tight enough leash. It is not my bro\'s fault that there was some dog that didn\'t know any better and got kicked for it."

Needless to say, Riser really hated Kiba, always acting as if he was a perfect knight and looking down on Riser despite being of lower social status and being a previous lab rat of the church of all things. Kiba even dared once to make threats against Riser for \'making Buchou sad\', fuck that little shit, Riser just followed their family\'s orders and never hurt or humiliated Rias in any way. At most he just refused to kiss the ground she walked on or act like a little bitch to her.

Rias looked about to burst when Soma looked as if he realized something.

"Oh, so it was YOUR group that attacked that church. I get it now... so? Which one of you is the psycho sadist who gets off on torturing people in a twisted fashion?"

"... What?" Rias asked, shocked at the accusation.

"I mean, I want to know who it is just in case. Such a deranged person is a danger to others and I would like to know who the beast is. Don\'t get me wrong, I also know how to torture my enemies to obtain information, it is a valuable and necessary skill, and being able to do it is very needed, but, according to the victim I saved, there was never any form of questioning or anything like that. It was just the desire to inflict pain on others while laughing about it, a barbaric act that I would rather know the perpetrator."

This time Akeno was the one glaring.

"As if you know my pain?"

"Oh, so it was you. Good to know who the psycho bitch that Mittelt spoke of is. And, just a warning, do take care to stop glaring at me like I am a \'terrible person\' or the type to kick puppies for shits and giggles. It wasn\'t me who got off on ripping the wings from fallen angels and slowly torturing them while laughing and saying how wet she got from hearing them screaming in pain." Soma said.

"I only did that because they were fallen angels and I hate all of them." Akeno justified, she truly despised all of them and if she could she would kill every single one of them for what they were responsible for.

"Damn, what the fuck? Did your fallen parent **** you or killed the other parent in front of your eyes? Hate like that is not a good look on you, ya know?"

"No, neither of those things happened. But my mother died because my father was a Fallen, and he wasn\'t there to protect her!" She spoke, words coming out without her own control mostly due to Azazel being in the room.

It was a mission requested by Azazel that made Baraquiel leave, and it was after he left that Akeno\'s mother was killed in front of her.

"Oh, abandonment AND daddy issues, and with a body like yours to boot? kinky. It is just a shame your personality is a complete turn-off and I like people with enough intelligence to not make me fear any offspring would have mental issues, just a pretty face wouldn\'t do for me. I mean, hating a whole race just because daddy wasn\'t around a day? Hell, that is rather pathetic."

"Humph, as if you could get anyone nearly as good as me." Akeno said challengingly, her usual strategy of averting issues using sex appeal in full swing as she moved to emphasize her huge chest.

"Sure I can." Soma said while pointing to Rossweisse who stiffened. "She is better than you in every possible way as far as I am concerned." Rossweisse felt a bit glad and straightened even further, her movement making her chest stand out further and causing Odin to chuckle.

Akeno just humphed and wanted to speak more when a loud bang was heard and Serafall\'s fist hit the table.

"This all doesn\'t matter. What matters is what I will do to you for hurting my Sona-tan."

"Try to touch him and I will stop you, Se-chan." Gabriel said with as much strength as she could put in her eyes, which amounted to make her look like an angry puppy.

Serafall turned her glare to Gabriel who didn\'t flinch in the slightest at the glare.

"Catfight! Catfight!" Azazel cheered on the side seeing this, causing Tobio to sigh and Vali to pretend he wasn\'t related to the idiot in any way.

Odin just coughed in his hand to catch everyone\'s attention before speaking up.

"I see that little miss devil wants to kill the kid, but let\'s leave that matter for later, shall we? What I want to ask is, what are you all willing to pay me to not spread the news that your asshole God is dead?"

As these words fell none of the representatives of the Three Factions of Christianity wanted, or could, speak anything.

After an uncomfortable silence, Serafall spoke.

"It... depends. What would you want exactly? And do remember, even without God by our side we still are not weak and have several powerhouses so don\'t try to bully us."

What she said was fair, each of the Three Factions had some form of advantage that made fighting them hard. Heaven had Heaven\'s System that gave them powerful healing powers and increased their light affinity and powers considerably. The devils had Ajuka and Sirzechs who could face most Gods without any fear. And the Grigory had the most advanced magic tech and had in their employ two Longinus and over two hundred Sacred Gears they collected over the centuries and several dozen users.

Not that Odin seemed to care.

"Humph, don\'t act coy like that missy. The Christians are despised by most other Pantheons and if the information I got thanks to miss angel there gets out, well, you all are screwed."

Gritting her teeth Serafall turned her gaze to Gabriel who didn\'t seem to be paying attention, caring a lot more about looking inquisitively at Soma. It was to be expected though, since God\'s death over a thousand years ago all the angels in Heaven were lost and Gabriel, in particular, was even more lost as she was the purest of them all. As such, the fact that Soma was able to use God\'s power, even if temporarily, was a shock like none other, and several wild ideas flickered in her mind.

Heck, she even wondered if her father could have reincarnated as this human in some way, as ridiculous an idea as that would be.

Azazel sighed and grumbled.

"Damn northern-countryside piece of shit, ruining a perfectly good catfight."

"Ha! As if I would let you enjoy such a nice sight, you cheeky fallen angel. If you weren\'t around then I would make some popcorn and watch the show though." Odin said with a smirk.

Azazel only rolled his eyes.

"That is fair, I suppose. The feeling is mutual anyway." He said and then turned serious. "So? What do you want exactly? You came to this meeting because you wanted a peace treaty, just like us, and if you are still here even after knowing about this little secret, you must want a little extra for the treaty now."

Serafall and Gabriel also turned their attention to Odin who just moved his hand through his beard a few times.

"Well, I once thought of having a little fun time with several people from your factions, a good old orgy with perhaps 12 hot girls with huge tits and nice asses, maybe a virgin or two mixed in, but I thought better of it. After all, what if I make some of the girlies from your factions fall for me? It would be too much of a hassle to deal with that." Odin said, a power play to signify he could literally fuck with them if he wanted to, and all three leaders knew it was quite true.

The most affected was Gabriel though since the sin of lust was forbidden to angels and having sex in any way would ensure an angel to fall except in the most extreme and specific circumstances. And, despite how pure she was, Gabriel understood how most males lusted for her and, if Odin made such a request, she might have even ended up on his bed.

Thankfully, Odin was not being led by the head between his legs... right now at least. Thor and Loki had to have learned from someone, even if Loki\'s bestiality kink being a bit much for the tastes of Odin.

"What I want is rather simple, the information about runes that the interesting human over there has."

As Odin\'s words rang all eyes turned to Soma who frowned a bit.

"Odin-sama, how do you know if my meager understanding of runes could help you in any way?"

"Meagre? Bah, you either think me stupid or is just like to downplay your abilities far too much, maybe both." Odin said while waving his hand. "When you first met my little valkyrie here I managed to see your bones and observe the runes carved there. They are a bit different from the ones I am used to and I want to learn more about them."

Soma kept a relaxed posture as he observed Odin.

"I see, so you followed us while learning from me then?

"Yes, and I even enjoyed a good show afterwards. Reminds me of my youth really." A lecherous smile on Odin\'s face and Soma just chuckled while being alarmed he missed Odin following him. A detection mystical code becoming more and more essential for him by the second.

Rossweisse\'s face burning red at the revelation that she had a voyeur during her first time, and it was her boss to boot.

... She was telling her grandma about it.

"Anyway," Soma spoke, ignoring the glances turned his way. "why should I go out of my way to help you learn what I know?"

"Because if you don\'t I will torture the information out of you... is what some of my compatriots would have said. No, I am not forcing you to do anything and, even if I am curious, I can see that forcing you to reveal any information would be quite troublesome and I would need to be careful you don\'t give me poisoned information mixed amongst the truths. Dealing with fake information when trying new magic would be quite a hassle and cause more problems than I want, I would much rather make a proper exchange with you... but as I don\'t feel like paying anything I will let the Christians pay the toll for my benefit and silence on their little secret."

Soma smirked as he heard this and all three leaders of the factions felt like cursing. Now they were being forced to pay up to make another pantheon stronger, this was so messed up.

"So, what exactly do you want? My forgiveness for laying your hands on my So-tan?" Serafall said in irritation, having to play nice with someone who hurt her sister going against every \'big sister\' instinct she had.

"Sure, that can be a start." Soma said with a shrug. If Momo didn\'t become a servant against her will then he didn\'t feel the need to escalate things with the devils, he would do it if she was forced but since she wasn\'t he would much rather not start a war he is likely to lose. "But, if I am to help you guys out I want a few other little things. Nothing too major."

Soma then began listing a rather large list of materials and items he wanted, those the three factions could decide amongst themselves who would give what. Soma could guess that the three factions were desperate to keep this secret under wraps and this was a way Odin found to ingratiate himself with him or at least get the knowledge about Primaveral Runes for free.

Soma didn\'t mind Odin\'s desires, if he was being paid well enough it was all good and he could extract a heavy toll for this anyway. With a smirk, Soma thought of getting all those materials, especially what they would represent.

While he was on the Throne some of the heroes only agreed to teach him if he promised to fulfil their dreams when they got back to earth. One such example was the reason why Soma was requesting so many materials now, and if he completed it then he would most likely not need to fear anything below the Gods themselves.

As Soma kept talking the faces of the three leaders grew a bit darker, this list of materials would cost a considerable fortune but it would still be a small price to pay for keeping their secret.

But, it was only at the end that the true dagger came.

"Now, considering I would be doing such a large favor for all three of you, I believe you each should give something of high value so as to make sure no one manages to skimp away with paying too little. How about this, the devils can give me all the parts you would have of dragon corpses, like any remains you might have from the two Heavenly Dragons considering you all did kill them together with the big G during your war. From the fallen angels, well, I want all your research regarding the Holy Sword Project. And from Heaven, I guess one of the Excalibur Fragments would be a nice gift, possibly Excalibur Blessing since it seems like the one that would suit me best."

As these words rang all three faction leaders looked at him as if Soma was really black hearted and far too greedy. Even Odin was sweating a bit since this price really was rather high, those were relevant for their entire factions so simply giving them away would be a hard pill to swallow.

Soma didn\'t care, he knew these people were desperate and needed his help, but he didn\'t need their help nearly as much. And, as expected, they all agreed reluctantly, even if the Fallen Angels were not reluctant at all to give away that research, they weren\'t the ones to pay for the experiment and just the ones to get their researchers after the Church decided to kill them off.

After everyone agreed they all were made to sign a Geas to make sure no one would be cheated in regards to these values or have those things take too long to be sent out.

With that settled the meeting ended with Odin saying he would come to meet him during the weekend to learn about the primaveral runes. All the while Odin was laughing inside, he learned interesting information for future negotiations, got a whole new field of study to learn from, and will get closer to Soma who interested him quite a bit.

It was a particularly productive day for Odin, that is for sure.

As for the others, the three young kings had a lot to think about. Sona was thinking about how her apparent fiancé candidate was much more dangerous and powerful than she ever thought, which was terrifying and exciting in equal measures for the devil girl. Riser was thinking about how big Gabriel\'s and Serafall\'s Queen, Irene, breasts were as well as wondering how he could compensate Soma for the help he gave when saving Ravel\'s life. And Rias was thinking about how she would need to find some way to punish Soma for hurting her Peerage, not only Kiba but also making Issei sad and insulting Akeno like that.

Azazel was whistling a happy tune in his head, he would have to pay a bit of a price but nothing that he couldn\'t deal with and he was glad to have found someone who seemed to have a whole new understanding of Sacred Gears. In his mind, he had to wonder about ways to entice Soma to work with him in creating new Sacred Gears, he had hit a road block of sorts and some fresh blood might be just what he needs to make his pet project that much more succesful

Gabriel was barely even thinking about the meeting, instead she could only think about... about that power, that light. For so long she hasn\'t felt her father\'s presence in any way and she has longed for it every day since he perished, that a person now could use that power was not just a shock to her. It was a spark of hope as she wondered what else he could do and what he could mean moving forward, she even had the thought that this human might be related somehow to her father. A reincarnation maybe, she could not say anything conclusive and would need her brother\'s input to decide anything.

Tobio had nothing to say as he didn\'t overly care about this meeting, while Vali was annoyed since Albion kept complaining him about someone desecrating his body since the Devils got the body of Albion. After the deaths of both Heavenly Dragons, the fallen got the body of Draig, and Heaven got their souls that God used in the two Longinus, a tentative split of the spoils of the fight against the two beasts. Personally, Vali was a bit interested in Soma but decided to not challenge the human yet as he didn\'t yet show himself strong enough to be worth a challenge.

But seriously, one would expect a dragon stronger than most Gods wouldn\'t bitch so much about his former body being put to some use. It was almost as irritating as the times when Albion asked Vali to go and piss all over the body of Draig just so the white dragon could mock his rival later on.

As for Serafall, she was incredibly irritated that she couldn\'t kill Soma for hurting her precious little sister, it was beyond infuriating that she could not do so. As she could not kill him she decided to change mindset and approached her little sister first.

"So-tan, I am so glad you are safe!" Serafall said, hugging Sona affectionately while rubbing their cheeks together. Sona wanted to pull away, but she was not strong enough to force her sister\'s arms away from her when she got this clingy.

"Sister, let me go." Sona said as she continued to struggle. After a bit Serafall finally let go of Sona.

Carefully she put a hand on Sona\'s neck where a bruise was still visible. If one knew how many tens of thousand of devils, young and old, died by these blood-soaked hands they would be hard-pressed to believe in the gentleness with which Serafall was touching these bruises on her precious little sister.

"Sorry." Serafall said.


"You got injured like this and I wasn\'t fast enough to stop it, and now I can\'t even get revenge for this since that old jerk still must get the knowledge from that infuriating person." Serafall said and Sona shook her head.

"Sister, don\'t worry. It is not all that bad really, and besides, all things considered, this was for the best."

"The best? How could you getting hurt be for the best?!" Serafall shouted in disbelief at these words.

"Because he was the one who beat me in chess and is currently the only viable candidate I have for marriage. Even if I got injured like this, it is nothing permanent and now all secrets are in the open, and getting closer to him to see if things can work out would be much simpler." Sona said, not commenting about the added fact that she quite liked she was not being made to marry a weakling.

She might prioritize intelligence, thinking of marrying a stupid brute being worst than death itself for Sona, but the thought of having to marry someone utterly weak went against her every instinct as a devil. Devils loved and put the most importance on strength, and Sona was no different.

As for Serafall, she froze as she heard this and the temperature around her started to drop rapidly as murder flashed across her eyes. Damn those contracts, Serafall would NEVER allow her little baby sister to be taken by that brute.

She was just about to go kill the boy when her Queen used her staff to hit Serafall\'s head.

"Ouch. What gives, Irene-chan?"

"Simple, you were about to do something stupid due to emotion. As your Queen, of course I would stop you." Irene said while crossing her arms below her impressive chest. "If you stop to think about it for even a minute you would find several reasons as to why killing that boy is a terrible idea. Think, Serafall, think."

Serafall grumbled as she didn\'t need a minute to see the several issues killing Soma would have. Not only in breaking the Geas that was just signed, but the fact that Soma was clearly close to the Phenex which are the richest family and produces an indispensable and beyond valuable resource, and not to forget that killing him would be seen as the Maou Leviathan interfering in the internal matters of House Sitri and killing a potential son-in-law of the house.

"I still won\'t accept him! You hear me, there is no way I can accept such a person!" Serafall said while looking up.


Getting back home Soma began to wonder. With the materials, he was getting he should be able to complete a few of his projects, but the best part was that Azazel would be sending some of the materials the next day.

Soma smiled at it since those would be enough for him to produce at least four Kaleidosticks. One for Momo, obviously, and the others he could probably give to Aya, Mittelt, and Kiyoharu as those three would also need the help in the protection department.

Besides, Soma would want those three\'s help moving forward if at all possible and, as that old fucker Zelretch liked to say, the strongest force out there is Magical Girls!

... That Soma only knew how to make Kaleidosticks that would turn someone into a magical girl was merely a detail, of course. Not at all being the main reason why he had to convince himself that making his cousin dress into a short and quite sexy costume that had a tendencies to flash the panties was the right choice.

Nope, the two are completely unrelated.



Long ass chapter, over 6k words for fucks sake.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed it.

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