
Chapter 246 - The Party(2)

At least a hundred witches and vampires filled the main courtyard behind the towering school building.

As long as violence didn't break out and people didn't go too crazy and damage school property, parties were allowed.

Dark electronic music thumped throughout the courtyard as spiked punches were sipped on and bodies moved together.

Melina awkwardly slipped through the crowd of people, seeing people make out on stone benches or down their drinks under the thick oak trees throughout the area.

It was a lively scene, but she still felt so out of place. How did she just go up to people and start talking? It seemed impossible.

She decided to try to loosen herself up by getting a drink. She walked over to the drink table where a bowl of dark red punch was at, surrounded by stacks of cups for people to use.

After drawing in a steadying breath, she grabbed the punch ladle and spooned some of the sweet drink into a red cup before taking a sip. She nearly grimaced at whatever strong concoction someone spiked the drink with.

Hopefully, it did the trick and helped curb her anxiety. She walked through the crowd, sipping on her drink steadily.

Everyone basically ignored her, not bothering to look her way. She cradled her drink close as she found a quiet spot off to the side.

She brushed her hand down the length of her black dress, smoothing it down. She had no idea what to do now, and the awkwardness was killing her.

"There you are!"

Melina felt relief wash over her when she heard Blair's voice. She turned to see Blair bouncing over to her in a cropped, white blouse and leather, black skirt.

"Hey!" she greeted Blair, feeling so glad to see her friend. Now, she wouldn't be so lonely and awkward here. Parties weren't fun for people without friends. She was convinced of that.

"I've been looking all over for you," Blair said as she reached out to pinch the soft material of Melina's dress. "Cute."

Melina smiled sheepishly. She didn't look as party ready as Blair looked, but she had tried her best.

"I was just getting a drink," she replied, not wanting to tell Blair that she had been sticking to herself the whole time like a loner.

"Well, finish up. I want to dance!" Blair exclaimed as she did a twirl on the spot, her hair seeming to float around her.

Melina couldn't help but smile. She was nervous to dance, but she was starting to feel a light, warm buzz from the drink in her hand.

She downed the rest of the sweet punch and then tossed her cup before letting Blair lead her by the hand to an area where a large group of people were dancing.

"See? Isn't this better than being stuck in your room? Life is out here!" Blair called out to Melina as she put her hands up and started swaying her hips to the beat.

Melina forced a smile and nodded as she stiffly stepped and swayed. She knew that Blair probably didn't mean it, but those comments just made

Melina feel worse about her shyness. She didn't want to trap herself in her own dorm and avoid people, but she wasn't good at interacting with others. It just made her uneasy.

"There you go!" Blair cheered Melina on. She reached out and took Melina's hands, jumping around with her as her laughter rang out.

Melina felt the world tilt slightly under her feet as she danced and jumped around, a warm feeling taking over.

She leaned into the feeling, trying to let go of her anxiousness as much as possible. She just wanted to live in the moment, to let go and have fun, even if that meant going outside of her comfort zone a little.

"I like this song," Melina said with a smile, feeling her body start to relax a little.

"Me too!" Blair shouted above the music, swaying with Melina as the people all around them moved to the same rhythm.

Everyone was all business when classes were in session. They knew that they had to put their all into their schoolwork if they wanted to stay enrolled. Courtyard parties were one of the rare instances when everyone let loose, showing their real colors outside of the intelligent and talented vampires and witches that they were supposed to become here.

Melina and Blair danced to a few more songs, heat rising and surrounding them as countless bodies moved along with them.

Melina pushed her fingers into her hair, pulling the long strands off her neck as her skin warmed all over. Her legs ached from jumping, but she didn't care. She was actually enjoying herself.

Blair suddenly grabbed Melina's hand and dragged her off to the side, waving her hand rapidly to fan her face.

"Hey, I'm not feeling good. Can you go grab me some water from the cafeteria?" she asked me with a pleading look.

Melina nodded, giving her friend a concerned look before leaving Blair under an oak tree. She headed toward the school building, walking along the side to go to the cafeteria entrance. She hoped that Blair would be okay. Maybe they overdid it a little when dancing.

As she approached the entrance to the cafeteria, she stopped in her steps when she saw a girl throwing up in front of the door as a guy tried to hold her hair back for her.

Melina didn't want to get in the way, so she turned around to enter the building from another entrance. She would just have to take the long way to the cafeteria.

Melina walked through another entrance, wandering through the hallways and passing other students as they walked to and from the party.

She hurried her steps as much as she could so that she could get back to Blair, but the world kept tilting under her feet.. She still wasn't free from the effects of the punch just yet.

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