
Chapter 246 Lady Of The Night (70)

(Northern Region- Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Unnamed Forest- Castle Eden)

Lily frowned as she approached the thick castle walls. The midday sun had slowly fallen towards the horizon and dusk was now here.

Finley and Ian were both at the base camp a few kilometres away.

Lily had used her enhanced strength to drag them to safety and had fed them both healing potions.

Their wounds were slowly but surely recovering.

Fortunately, both men were still unconscious after she finished treating their injuries, so she was able to slip away.

She had left a note saying that she would be back later that night.

Now with all her bases covered... Lily was free to visit the castle and see with her own eyes whether her sister had been telling the truth.

Serving a vampire?

There were no 'good' vampires.

Those bloodsucking fiends needed to die. All of them were nothing but unnatural abominations.

Lily's hatred for vampires was shaken by the revelation that her sister was still alive, but one could not easily get rid of years of prejudice.

Her hand drifted to the long bow on her back but with a heavy sigh she decided to leave her weapon alone.

Her sister would probably stop her if she decided to launch a surprise attack on her vampire master.

As Lily stepped into the palace's gardens, she could feel a cold tingle run down her body like something was scanning her figure.

Hmm... seems like Lady Camilla had already managed to place new blood wards.

It looks like her arrival could not be kept a secret...

Well, it was probably for the best. Lily was in no mood to have to fight based on a misunderstanding.

Truthfully... she felt a bit conflicted.

There was one part of her that was absolutely excited and giddy that her sister was alive. After years of assuming the worst... she was still here.

Lily wanted to grab her sister and hold her tight in a warm embrace. Then the other part of her was filled with worry.

What if the vampire had somehow managed to trick her sister? What if Mary was being tortured by the undead fiend?

Would she even be able to stop a vampire on the same level as the princes all by herself?

Lily's fingers curled up into a tight fist as she remembered a trick that her sister had taught her all those years ago.

She opened her mouth and took in a deep breath. She then exhaled slowly and repeated the process over and over again until her nerves finally calmed down.

There was nothing she could do except go inside the castle and observe the situation. If her sister was willingly serving Camilla, then...

She would reluctantly accept it.

But if that wasn't the case...

She would rescue Mary at all costs.

Lily walked inside the castle doors that were wide open since the attack. She entered the interior of the fortress and glanced around.

There were signs of destruction everywhere that she looked.

Large cracks spread across the walls, parts of the ceiling had fallen down and tiles on the ground were shattered into tiny pieces.

Lily wasn't exactly sure where to go but could feel an energy inside the castle that was eerily similar to her own.

There was only one person in the world who could make her feel this way.

The young hunter wandered up several flights of stairs towards the source of the energy that was familiar and comforting.

She was forced to jump over pieces of rubble that obstructed her way and avoid the shards of glass from the broken windows.

Finally at the end of her senses was a set of metalloid doors and a figure was standing patiently near its entrance.

"Sister!" Mary cried out happily as she waved in Lily's direction.

Lily's face broke out into a smile as she observed her sister's appearance.

Mary was wearing a long black track pants and a light blue sweater that covered her arms.

She did not appear to be harmed and if anything, there was a healthy red flush on her face.

Wait... actually...

Were her lips bruised?

Lily approached her sister and spread out her arms for a hug. Mary obliged and the pair stood in silence for what seemed like eternity.

Eventually Lily broke the silence as she opened her mouth and explained to Mary how much time that she had before she needed to return.

"I have a few hours until the others get suspicious," Lily whispered softly as she enjoyed her sister's warm body.

Being so close to her took her back to their childhood together when they would curl up in the closet to avoid their father's drunken wrath.

Mary would hold her just like this and gently cover her mouth so that she didn't make a sound to get their father's attention.

"Do you plan to go back?" Mary asked with a hint of reluctance in her tone.

"I... honestly don't know..." Lily confessed truthfully as she stared into her sister's golden eyes and held her gaze.

"I may have been lied to but... I have spent the last few years protecting innocent people with my abilities."

"Even if the foundation was based on lies... I did do some real good. This power... it is a gift to help humanity to fight the vampires."

"I understand," Mary slowly nodded as she saw the firmness in her sister's eyes.

She had planned to offer her sister a room in the castle but now she could tell that Lily would never accept spending the rest of her life here.

"Of course... that doesn't mean that I won't visit," Lily attempted to lighten to mood with a joke.

"I am going to be the ultimate bad house guest! I am going to show up so many times that you will get sick of me!"

"Never," Mary smiled gently as she tightened the hug and gave her sister a comforting pat on the shoulder.

The pair remained in place for a few more minutes and then Mary slowly broke out of Lily's warm embrace.

"Before you meet her..." Mary opened her mouth and paused as she struggled to find the right words to say.

"There... there is something that I need to confess... Camilla is not just my master... I..."

"I am her lover as well."

There was a long moment of silence as Lily stared at her sister with an expression of disbelief clearly displayed on her face.

"Wait what? You're gay? No... wait... that's not the issue here... you're sleeping with a vampire??" Lily stuttered in shock as her fingers trembled.

Her sister liked women? Why did she never know?

Hmm... actually looking back... Mary never had a crush on any of the boys at school.

Lily always figured that maybe none of them were her type but maybe it was because she wasn't attracted to them in the first place.

Wait... she was getting sidetracked!

"I... I... ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Lily raised her voice and basically shouted out that question at her sister.

Mary unsurprised by her sister's reaction. During the long history of vampires and humans coexisting on this planet... she was not the first to find love on the other side.

Unfortunately, most of these romances... ended badly for one party usually the human once the vampire got sick of their ageing appearance.

"I know it is shocking to hear but... before you meet her, I wanted you to know the truth. She is someone who I care for... very deeply," Mary confessed in a solemn tone.

"I... I can't imagine my life without her. She loves me very deeply as well and most importantly... she makes me happy."

"Oh...I have got to meet her now," Lily grumbled angrily as she stormed past her sister and reached for the doorknob.

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