
Chapter 194: The Daily Life Of An Office Employee

Chapter 194: The Daily Life Of An Office Employee

“Sui Meng! Why aren’t these files organised yet?” a thunderous roar echoed through the officer.

“All you know how to do is be lazy and unproductive for the whole day!”

Snickers and small laughs could be heard as supervisor Chen yelled at the new hire who had been constantly messing up for the past week. 

She was a quiet black-haired girl who cowered slightly under the ferocious reprimanding. 

Sui Meng wore a plain white blouse and black dress pants but her overall level of attractiveness could only be rated as average.

“Sorry sir. It won’t happen again,” Sui Meng bowed her head and returned to her station.

Supervisor Chen scowled and then returned to his office to spend some more time playing solitaire and chatting up the busty secretary. 

Seeing that the excitement was over, the other coworkers wearing proper business attire returned to their work.

“God, I hate this job,” Sui Meng groaned as she scanned the excel document on the screen for any errors.

Being a recent graduate from university meant that her options for a job were very limited as she had no prior experience.

Working in an investor firm certainly paid decently but Sui Meng could not help but think that her life was just wasting away.

What was the point of an endless cycle of walking up then going to work then returning home exhausted only to repeat the same events the following day.

Was it truly living? 

And of course, going back home wasn’t an option as her parents were not thrilled to find out that their daughter was a lesbian.

Having to listen to one more heartfelt lecture from her mother that liking girls would send her straight to hell would drive Sui Meng insane.

Most of the clients had no idea what investing in the stock market truly meant and simply trusted the firm blindly.

Sui Meng tucked a stray strand of hair behind her right ear and glanced around the office.

Something was wrong.

She couldn’t identify what the exact thing was, but she couldn’t shake the notion that she shouldn’t be here.

It made no sense.

The familiar white walls, the grey ceiling and the rows of endless cubicles were precisely the same as usual, but the edges of her vision seemed blurred and twisted.

Chalking it up to a headache, Sui Meng peeked at the supervisor’s office to make sure the coast was clear and then opened up google.

Browsing the latest novels and just searching up random articles that popped up would make the time move much faster.

Time seemed to pass by agonisingly slow but strangely enough not a single one of her coworkers moved from their stations for the entire afternoon.

No bathroom breaks.

No going to the employee fridge.

Everyone just seemed to be in a state of complete concentration.

Tick! Tick!

The overhead clock slowly chimed, and Sui Meng was relieved to see that it was finally six o’ clock.

Time to go home!

Sui Meng got up from her chair and nodded at a couple of work acquaintances before heading towards the elevator.

Her coat and jacket were still at her workstation but for some reason Sui Meng continued to walk forward as if something was guiding her body.

The corners of her vision were now starting to darken, and Sui Meng found herself feeling quite sleepy.

[Wake up!]

“Did you say something Frank?” Sui Meng paused and asked the foreign worker resting his head on the desk.

Frank a middle-aged man from America grunted and muttered a string of unintelligible words. 

“Okay….” Sui Meng walked away feeling a bit confused and then entered the empty elevator.

Soft gentle music blared from the speakers attached to the upper left corner and the melodic words gently flowed into Sui Meng’s ears.

‘I once loved a girl so gentle and true.’

‘Baby my heart reaches out for you.’

‘Your beautiful wings are like crystals shinning brightly under the sun.’

‘Oohhh you my darling Servie are the only one!’ 

The words and the tune seemed oddly familiar and yet Sui Meng had never head of the song before.


Was that a new slang that the kids these days used?


The doors of the elevator slowly opened to reveal a dark and dimly lit carpark. 

Why a multi-million dollar investing firm could not afford better lighting was a question that Sui Meng did not know the answer to.

Sui Meng could not help but whistle in appreciation as she saw the fancy cars occupying the parking spots.

From a Mercedes Benz to a Rolls Royce to even the latest X-R34 Hovercar model produced by the Vanier family.

Her father had the exact same hovercar model!

Wait…. dad didn’t own a car….

Sui Meng frowned once more as a sudden pain assaulted her temples. 

The uneasy feeling was getting stronger as her body felt more sluggish.

“I really need to call in sick tomorrow,” Sui Meng chuckled lightly as she walked towards an inexpensive black Kia Rio. 

The compact car was a bit loud and noisy, but the price was super cheap at the second-hand dealership that Sui Meng bought it from.

Bleep! Bleep!

Sui Meng unlocked the car door and with practised ease tossed her handbag on the back seat. 

Starting up the car only took a few moments and then it was off to her apartment for some much-needed rest.

A beautiful full moon hung high above in the sky and the numerous stars twinkled and shined with lovely splendor.

It was a rare moment of peace and quiet in the busy city as not a single other car was on the road.

Sui Meng cheerfully cruised through the empty streets and could not help but think that luck was on her side.

What was usually an hour-long trip would probably only take around fifteen minutes since the traffic had just disappeared 

Then she could spend the rest of the night cultivating!

Sui Meng reached for the amulet around her neck and touched it gently. 

She could not remember where she had gotten this star shaped pendulant, but it looked very pretty against her fair skin.

Maybe she would wear it on her next date with Cleo.


Who was Cleo?

No…. wasn’t she single?

The constant pressure of keeping her position at her new job meant that Sui Meng had little time for any romantic relationships.

Sui Meng shook her head to get these strange thoughts out and then pulled up to her apartment building.

Living on the second floor meant that there was no view of the gorgeous city landscape, but Sui Meng enjoyed being close to the ground.

Getting out of her car, Sui Meng paused for a moment and realised that she had to find a place to park her vehicle for the night.

“I can help you with that,” a thin man wearing a blue uniform stepped forward from the shadows of the nearby skyscraper.

“Are you the parking valet?” Sui Meng cautiously asked.

“I can help you with that,” the man repeated the sentence with the same tone and inflection.

“No… I need you to answer the….” Sui Meng swayed unsteadily as a sudden spell of dizziness overtook her.

The strange man took a few steps to grab Sui Meng tightly by the arm and then continued to repeat his phrase like a broken machine.

“I can help you with that.”

“I can help you with that.”

“I can help you with that.”

His grasp on Sui Meng’s right arm became tighter and tighter. 

Sui Meng could see her fair skin slowly becoming purple after the circulation was cut off.

She wanted to scream and push away the man but found that her strength was slowly fading away with each passing minute.

The corners of her vision were now completely black and Sui Meng could see that her apartment building was fading in and out of existence.

A sour smell of death and decay entered Sui Meng’s nostrils causing the young woman to wrinkled her nose in disgust.

God what was that foul odour?

[Wake up!]

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