
Chapter 547: Problems In The Nephilim Church

Chapter 547: Problems In The Nephilim Church

(Alcorae Star System- Inner Regions)

(Planet Zyanora- Branch Of The Nephilim Church)

“Demon knight scum…” a beautifully dressed young woman with long flowing white hair scowled as she saw a group of heavily armored knights enter the room.

She wore a plain brown robe with a silver metallic cross that was hung around her neck.

The demon knights had similar unpleasant looks on their faces as they stared at Saintess Nadia with disgust.

“Don’t you have some poor innocent soul to bother to death?” one of the knights mocked as he reached for his sword.

“Original joke… but tell me… do you really think that you can draw a sword against me… and live?” Saintess Nadia snarled.

The tips of her fingers ignited, and two flaming wings sprouted out from behind her back. The demon knights recoiled in fear as Nadia’s eyes turned golden.

“That’s enough…” a cold voice echoed through the room.

A plainly dressed middle-aged man slowly stepped out of the darkness and snapped his fingers.

Immediately the flames that covered Saintess Nadia’s fingertips were extinguished and the heavy holy pressure disappeared.

“You…” Saintess Nadia muttered quietly as she stepped back.

“The new converts will be arriving soon and here you are squabbling amongst yourselves like petty children…” Archbishop Lucius whispered softly.

He did not raise his voice and yet his tone sent a shiver down the spines of everyone in the room.

No one dared to meet his gaze.

“Clean up this mess and meet me in the congregation hall…” Archbishop Lucius hoarsely spoke before his figure blurred and then he vanished from the room.

Saintess Nadia clenched her fingers into a fist as her body trembled.

She refused to look at the demon knights as she took out a rag from her storage ring and began to clean the benches.

The demon knights exchanged glances and then left the saintess to clean up the room on her own.

As they departed, they could feel Saintess Nadia’s cold gaze fall upon their backs with a strong killing intent hidden in her stare.

She would let them live… for now…

Archbishop Lucius let out a heavy sigh as he walked through a labyrinth of side passageways and corridors that led to the congregation hall.

The tension between the demon knights and the archangel faction was always a pain in the ass to manage.

It did not help that both groups channeled their supernatural abilities from opposing forces which meant that there was a natural sense of rivalry.

Archbishop Lucius rubbed his temples as he imagined the look on the new converts’ faces if they saw the sight of demon knights fighting with the saints and saintesses.

“Rachel… how many times do I have to tell you?! You cannot sleep with the nuns! They took a vow of celibacy!” a frustrated voice could be heard from around the corner.

“No! I swear… look… all I did was wink a few times and she practically threw herself on me! It’s not my fault!” a young female voice argued back.

“Please… please… I can’t deal with another complaint… you’re going to get yourself expelled from the church!” the older sounding voice groaned.

“I’m sorry… next time… I’ll go for the ones who haven’t made a vow yet…” the female voice said reluctantly.

Archbishop Lucius recognised the pair of voices and felt his ongoing headache get even worse.

Speaking of problems…

The archbishop turned the corner and saw a hulking six feet tall muscular man with sickly pale skin next to a girl dressed in white battle armour.

The girl had dark skin, messy curly hair and deep black eyes that seemed to contain endless passion and lust.

She had a slim, muscular physique and dark tattoos with strange symbols could be seen on her exposed hands.

“Saintess Rachel… Bishop Walsh… it is a pleasure to see you all so… vigorous as usual…” Archbishop Lucius politely spoke.

“Archbishop it is an honour to be in your presence,” Bishop Walsh humbly replied as he gave a short bow.

He stretched out his palms and one could see horrific wounds on the underside of both of his hands that bled profusely.

Oddly enough, the blood that dripped constantly to the floor would vanish immediately as if nothing had ever happened.

“Hi! Archbishop Lucius!” Rachel exclaimed cheerful as she walked over and gave the middle-aged man a big hug.

It was completely inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour and yet the archbishop could not bear to scold her.

Saintess Rachel was… unique among the saintesses.

She was the host of the Archangel Raziel who was one of the most powerful beings in heaven.

One would expect her to be pious… a beacon of righteousness… and yet… in some ways…

She was more sinful than a normal demon knight.

However, it was undeniable that she was an incredibly kind girl who always did what she believed was right.

Archbishop Lucius lightly patted the young girl on her back and then cleared his throat.

“Look my child… the higher ups in the church have suggested that you take up some additional responsibilities…” Archbishop Lucius tentatively spoke.

“They understand your… um… lifestyle… but… it does not reflect well on the church when one of our most powerful saintesses… is holding orgies…”

Saintess Rachel nodded seriously but the archbishop could not tell if she was taking his words seriously or if it was going in one ear and out of the other.

Bishop Walsh stood quietly behind his young charge like a protective hen guarding its offspring.

“Look why don’t you come with me to greet the new converts… it could be good for them to see a powerful warrior of the Nephilim Church,” Archbishop Lucius suggested.

“Sure! I don’t mind! I love seeing those pure and innocent faces,” Rachel spoke happily as she fidgeted with her hands.

Archbishop Lucius smiled warmly and then continued walking towards the congregation hall.

He missed the look of warning that Bishop Walsh shot towards Rachel as the old man knew exactly what was running through the saintess’ mind.

The trio walked for several minutes until they arrived at a large golden door with the symbol of a cross painted over its outer surface.

Archbishop Lucius pushed the door gently and it swung open with a heavy creak. On the other side of the door was a large open hall with rows upon rows of wooden benches.

Sitting on the benches were young men and women from across the Alcorae Star System which meant that most of the individuals in the room were Quafes.

Their appearances and genders could change at will since their true form was a liquid biomass capable of shape shifting.

“Welcome new converts to the Nephilim Church!” Archbishop Lucius spoke in a sonorous tone as he entered the room.

Bishop Walsh and Saintess Rachel strode in quietly behind him.

The saintess was instantly the center of attention as Rachel made sure to appear to be the real deal.

Two large golden wings sprouted out from behind her back while a golden halo floated gently above her head.

One could hear the sounds of trumpets coming from an unknown location in the distance and her eyes shone with purity and righteousness.

Rachel’s face was cold and expressionless almost like a statue as the holy aura surrounding her body brought a heavy pressure to the new converts in the hall.

It was impossible to tell from her pious appearance that she was currently scanning the room and secretly noting down all the handsome guys and pretty girls.

Hmm… no that one’s nose is too big…

Eww… why did she choose that hair to go with that look….

Wait seriously… fuck… the things I would do to him…

Saintess Rachel gently smiled, and her cold appearance was shattered. Golden light surrounded her body and she appeared to be an angel sent down to the mortal realm.

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