
Chapter 404 Dark Cold Room

As the ferocious battle between the group and Tenebres intensified, the onslaught of attacks from both sides took its toll on the brave warriors. The powerful strikes and dark magic unleashed by Tenebres inflicted wounds upon the group, causing them to stagger and falter.

However, in the face of adversity, Cailena swiftly sprang into action. Drawing upon her deep well of healing magic, she focused her energy on creating a restorative field within the immediate area. A soft glow enveloped her hands as she channeled her healing power, and waves of soothing energy radiated outward.

Within the healing aura, the wounds of the group began to mend. Cailena\'s magic worked swiftly, closing gashes and knitting broken bones. The pain of the injuries subsided, replaced by a sense of warmth and rejuvenation. The healing energy permeated their bodies, revitalizing their spirits and fortifying their resolve.

Meanwhile, Ervan, with his command overtime magic, recognized the dangers posed by the fissures that appeared amidst the chaotic battle. He called upon the temporal forces around him with a focused mind and precise gestures. Manipulating the very fabric of time, he reversed the flow of the fissures, sealing them before they could widen further.

Tenebres\' rage grew further while noticing that his attacks were useless. He opened his mouth largely and then fired massive waves of dark flames. Still, it hadn\'t been enough to overpower the group… in the end, his own time magic was being sealed away, and his wounds weren\'t healing anymore. His blood began to fall like rain in the dimension.

"It is time…\' Ervan muttered and then pointed his hands at Tenebres. ""From the depths of time and space, I call upon the ancient powers to embrace. With words of power, I cast this spell to sever the ties that bind so well. By forces unseen, by ancient decree, I command the separation; I set his true self free. Life force and magic, intertwined so deep, now unravel their secrets to keep. Essence Sunder!"

As Tenebres writhed in agony, his essence strained under the power of the spell. Ervan, with his unwavering determination, stepped forward. With a selfless act of sacrifice, he offered his own body as a vessel to receive Tenebres\' tainted blood. The dark, corrupted essence flowed into Ervan, who absorbed it into himself.

With his own innate purification abilities, Ervan worked tirelessly to cleanse the tainted blood, purifying it with the light that emanated from his very being. Once the blood was cleansed, he carefully transferred it to Malon, who willingly accepted the burden and the immense power it held.

Simultaneously, Ervan\'s focus shifted to draining Tenebres\' malevolent mana, drawing it out and redirecting it to Cailena. The mana, pulsating with darkness, surged through Ervan\'s cracked and fragile body, channeling through his veins and into Cailena\'s awaiting form.

The strain of the process took its toll on Ervan. His body, like delicate glass pushed to its limits, began to fracture and shatter, each crack representing the immense sacrifice he was making. Through it all, Ervan maintained a serene expression, his eyes filled with a mixture of farewell and hope.

"That was a great journey, friend," Ervan said while smiling. "I will leave the rest to you."

His fractured form crumbled, dispersing into fragments of light, leaving behind a profound legacy of selflessness and bravery. The group stood in shock, trying to hold back the tears, witnessing the sacrifice of their dear friend, a testament to the strength of their bond and the lengths they would go to protect one another. At that moment, Ervan\'s spirit remained with them, an eternal presence, guiding them toward a future illuminated by his selfless act.

Tenebres didn\'t share the moment; he actually got enraged while seeing all that… to think that a mere human would manage to do that… unfortunately, Tenebres, he didn\'t have time to wallow in anger since Malon\'s attacks began to take huge chunks of his body.

As Tenebres realized the extent of his defeat and the loss of his powers and abilities, an overwhelming rage consumed him. In a final act of desperation, he unleashed his ultimate trump card. With a deafening roar, his form began to crack and shimmer with dark energy.

Suddenly, Tenebres detonated with a cataclysmic explosion, obliterating his physical body into countless shards that scattered across the world and eras; the group saw fissures appearing left and right, showing locations of the world where the fragments scattered throughout the ages. Each fragment carried with it a tainted essence, an embodiment of Tenebres\' malevolence and twisted power.

"Shit… he took advantage of Ervan\'s sacrifice," Ailen said and then clicked his tongue.

These fragments of Tenebres, infused with his dark magic, dispersed far and wide, seeking out wicked beings who were susceptible to their influence. The fragments granted these individuals the ability to manipulate time and space, unleashing a new wave of chaos and destruction upon the world.

"It doesn\'t matter; we will stop them all," Malon said and then swung his sword and opened a fissure that they could use since the dimension was collapsing. "Our job isn\'t over… thank you."

Malon said while looking at Aion, and then the dream ended. It was about damn time...

Aion slowly began to wake up, and the pain all over his body made him grunt. His first thought was to change his class to a tanker one, but that didn\'t help… his body was sore, probably because he suffered spiritual damage as well.

"I see… Tenebres unleashed in the world an era where countless beings received his knowledge to use time magic, and those five had to clean up the mess for who knows how long," Aion thought once he got up. "I can see the big picture now… Malon probably took those fragments and decided to use his blood to seal time magic in this world."

While he learned a lot, more questions popped into his mind. Aion soon found himself in a dark and cold room.

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