
Chapter 432 Promise

As soon as the corpse approached, Aion noticed something… there was a thin layer of mana around it. It was Force Release… to think she would use that skill to make a corpse. Still, it was a perfect skill for a body that couldn\'t tire or get wounded like before.

"If she is planning to make that body tougher for the attack to be more obvious, then…" Aion thought and then attacked the chest of his own corpse and its chest.

Aion couldn\'t feel the control over the corpse anymore, so it seemed that Aion had won. Still, just to be sure, he made the crystal absorb the body. Since he wondered what would happen if he were to use his own body as refinement materials and since It was better than being defiled by such a bitch… However, while Aion didn\'t reveal the trick behind his attacks, he fell for Mareia\'s trick.

(All of the second-tier classes have been mastered. All of the parameters increased by 240 points.)

Aion\'s surroundings grew hazy and indistinct as if a thick fog had descended upon him. His vision became blurred, making it difficult to discern the details of his surroundings. With each passing moment, the world seemed to recede further into a distant realm, leaving him isolated in a realm of torment.

His body, once strong and resilient, now felt heavy and sluggish. Every movement was a struggle as if he was wading through a thick, viscous substance that resisted his every effort. The air around him grew thin and suffocating as if it had transformed into a searing inferno.

Aion\'s lungs burned with a fierce intensity as if they were being scorched by the searing heat that permeated his entire being. Each breath was a desperate gasp for survival, a futile attempt to draw in the life-giving oxygen that seemed to elude him. The very act of breathing became a painful ordeal as if his body was betraying him, denying him the sustenance he so desperately needed.

Aion gained a lot of power, but it seemed that the enemies knew that he would do that, but they also did something with the corpse.

Aion quickly realized that and then saw Mareia smiling… it was clear that she knew a few things about his spiritual relics, if she prepared for that much, even though she had no idea that Aion used a combination of Timeless Slash with a fist to make his corpse be completely destroyed.

"I just absorbed the body with the crystal… and yet, several classes were unlocked and mastered," Aion thought while trying to recover from the surprise despite the fact that he still felt agonizingly ill. "All the data that the body had was instantly absorbed instead of being treated like ordinary refinement materials…"

Aion used Healing Aura to recover a bit, and that worked… but it only lessened the effects for a short while. He needed to do something more definitive with what was happening to himself, and probably fast as well.

Aion\'s head swam with confusion and concern as he grappled with the debilitating sickness that had overtaken him. He couldn\'t make sense of why simply receiving the data of his lifeless body would cause such physical distress.I think you should take a look at

His thoughts raced, searching for answers amidst the haze of pain. Was it the meddling with time that had triggered this illness? Or perhaps the enemy had devised a nefarious plan to weaken him from within.

Aion considered another possibility: Could his own mind be rebelling against the harsh reality of his mortality? Was his body reacting to the shock of seeing its own demise? He didn\'t have time to check the memories of the corpse, but if he got the experience of the classes, maybe that was there as well.

Before Aion could reach a conclusion, the corpses swam toward him again. He didn\'t feel like he had time to play anymore, so he stopped hiding his cards… It was time to hurry up and finish things since he didn\'t think that he could feel like that and stay underwater for more than five minutes at the same time.

"I am sorry, dear ancestors… but I will have to destroy this city," Aion thought. "I promise that I will repair, rebuild and reform it later once all the enemies are dealt with."

Aion raised his fist and then pointed to the ground below his fist. Before long, his fist began to get damaged, and the castle began to tremble, then the whole area and then the city.

The entire city shook violently, its structures crumbling and collapsing in a chaotic frenzy. It was as if the very ground beneath them had turned against them, splitting open with a deafening roar. The once grand buildings now lay in ruins, reduced to a pile of rubble and debris.

In the midst of the crumbling city, a massive bubble of water hung in the sky began to fall apart as well, failing to continue defying gravity itself. The water churned and raged, threatening to burst free from its aquatic prison. Mareia, standing at the throne, could only stare in utter disbelief at the astonishing sight unfolding before her eyes.

With a tremendous crash, the city split into two halves, tearing apart as if pulled by opposing forces. The once unified streets now became a gaping chasm, separating the city into two distinct entities. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and the air filled with the sounds of destruction.

As the city descended towards the vast ocean below, it shattered into pieces, each fragment plunging into the water with a resounding splash. The impact sent waves rippling across the surface as if the very ocean itself mourned the downfall of the once proud city.

Aion fell into the ocean, but he didn\'t sink… he used his magic to stand above it with a bit of wind. He was able to use his magic again, so he could do that much with ease.

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