
Chapter 609 609: Continue To Contact Her

Joseph handed the urn to Irish and then turned to Roy, saying indifferently, "Don't worry. This funeral has to be held normally, so I will be there."

After hearing this, Roy was relieved. Joseph reached out and pulled Irish, talking to her with a low voice, "I have asked Jordan to your mom's graveyard. You go there to meet Jordan first, and I will come to find you soon."

Irish stared at the urn in her hand silently as if she didn't hear his words. She only felt that the urn was so light. Why did a living person become a pile of ash?

What was the meaning of being alive? And what was the meaning of fighting fiercely for profit?

No matter being rich or poor, everyone would turn to ash in the end after death.

Joseph couldn't figure out what she was thinking about but only saw she lowered her head and looked dreary, so he was worried about her. "Isabel?" He called her softly.

Irish then responded and looked up at Joseph while he repeated his words again.

She nodded slightly.

Somehow an ominous premonition surged up in her heart, so she thought for a while and then emphasized, "You have to wait for me to inter the urn." He was afraid that she would do that personally and that it would hurt the baby.

"I got it," Irish replied in a weak voice.

Joseph was relieved for a little bit since she had made a promise to him.

Ruby and Roy held Shirley to go out, and when Lilith passed by Irish, she whispered beside her ears, "Sister, if I can get rid of them later, I will come with Joseph to help you."

"Thanks," Irish said quietly.

Roy patted her shoulders and then sighed slightly, taking out a small golden key from his pocket, which was reflecting dazzling lights.

He handed it to Irish and said, "It is the key on the dark cabinet of my dad's study room, and he asked me to give it to you at night when he was sent to the hospital."

"What's this?" She asked.

Roy shook his head and replied, "Dad only asked me to hand it to you, but I don't know what is in the cabinet."

Irish pinched the key silently.

Joseph was the last one to leave Lake's family, and he embraced Irish gently before he left, whispering beside her ears, "Wait for me, okay?" It seemed he was coaxing her, but it also sounded like he was begging her.

A feeling of sorrow surged up in his heart which really hurt.


Henry's funeral was gigantic. After receiving the call from Joseph, Jordan drove to Rachel's graveyard hastily.

Rachel's graveyard was not luxurious as Henry's cemetery, which was close to the bustling downtown, and instead, it was tranquil here.

Perhaps people had forgotten that the dead needed peace.

Cassie also rushed to Rachel's cemetery, and she received a call from Fredrick, who was hesitant when Cassie asked him if he wanted to go there with her.

"No. You know Irish don't want to meet me." Fredrick replied quietly.

Irish became estranged from him after Cassie's suicide, and they also held different opinions to treat Cassie's melancholia. Though Irish asked for his suggestion about the problem of her memory, he could perceive that she did not trust him as before.

If she still trusted him, she would have assured him to hypnotize her.

He was not trying to avoid it, but because he had a lot of jobs to do and what's more, he was afraid he couldn't control himself when he saw her sadness.

Cassie didn't force him and said nothing.

"What's more, I am afraid that you have to find another bridesmaid for you since Irish is in a bad mood these days." New Year's Day was coming soon, and it was the day for them to register for marriage, and their wedding would also come soon.

Fredrick respected the arrangement for their wedding, and they would hold it in New York, and then they would also invite Cassie's relatives to celebrate in Cassie's native place. Therefore, Cassie's parents go back to their hometown to prepare for the banquet.

Though Irish had promised Cassie to be her bridesmaid, perhaps it was not a suitable occasion for her now.

Cassie also understood this; after all, her father had just passed away, and it was not convenient for her to attend her wedding on such an occasion, so she nodded and replied, "I will ask for Irish's opinion. Perhaps I have to find another bridesmaid, but we still have time." In fact, she wanted to say that she didn't have a close attachment to her father.

Fredrick agreed with her and then hung up.

Cassie clenched the phone, and when she looked up, she found that the scheduled car had arrived. After getting into the car, she suddenly becomes silent. Somehow, she recalled that Roy would also be alone in the cemetery, and would he be grieved?

When the funeral was halfway through, Joseph received a call from Jordan, who asked him anxiously why Irish still hadn't arrived. Joseph took a look while his eyes looked hesitant. She should have arrived, but after thinking for a while, he told Jordan to wait for her for some time.

Though he comforted him like that, Joseph was unsure, so he called Irish again but found her phone was off. He tried to track her through the network, but he found that she was not in the signal spacing.

Henry's picture was inlaid in a large cluster of white chrysanthemums, and the atmosphere was cold. Joseph felt a strong cold surge from his fingertips into the deep of his heart.

Irish had turned off her phone before, but it was because she didn't charge it sometimes, but now he was so restless.

He couldn't stand there calmly and chat with the guests who came to attend the funeral and couldn't ignore the growing uneasiness. He began to frown and took out his phone, making several calls, but he still couldn't find her.

Joseph dialed Daisy directly, and she put it through quickly.

"What's the situation now?" He asked directly.

Daisy also replied directly, "Mr. Dover, all of us have arrived at the cemetery, but Irish still hasn't arrived yet. I tried to contact her  with all kinds of methods but failed."

Joseph's eyes turned severe, and the large piece of white chrysanthemum made him feel chilly.

"Continue to contact her." He ordered word by word and then hung up.

Joseph walked quickly to Roy, who was extending appreciation to the guests and then grabbed his collar, asking him severely. "What is the key you handed to Irish?"

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