
Chapter 744 744: Digging Information

Irish had hardly paid attention to rumors about celebrities since Britney became well-known. Instead, she tended to avoid the news about Britney while watching TV.

She hated those gossip due to Britney.

All those pop news appearing on TV, the internet, and newsstands were related to hype. Exploitation was the common means to be famous.

It was a common case for a less well-known star to become a celebrity by making use of superstars. However, a more amazing case was that a less well-known star had relationships with businessmen or politicians to win the public's concern and attention.

Megan was a successful producer and majored in Communications, so she was very clear about the rules to become a celebrity by the advantage of others. With her help, Britney became increasingly famous, and now it was Becky's turn.

Irish hated the pop news, and she was really annoyed to see all of this.

The "Dream Lover" on TV was really disgusting.

Dream lover?

How come?

Irish thought that the broker really did a lot to make advertisements for those celebrities.

However, this news did not come without any clues.

Several photos were shown in the report.

Two were Becky. One was shot in the underground parking lot when she got off from the car, while the other showed that she had entered the elevator. The number she pressed was clearly shown: 22.

The main focus of another photo changed into a man.

The man's car was also in the underground parking lot.

Although only his back was shot, his tall figure could not be cheating. Irish could easily know that it was Joseph.

The fourth photo was the key, demonstrating that the sourcing confirmed the relationship between Joseph and Becky.

It showed that a man and a girl were standing at the room's door.

Although the angle was not upright and the photo was a little vague, it could be seen clearly.

In the photo, Becky was standing outside the room, and Joseph opened the door for her. However, from the side view, he only wore the bathrobe, which opened lightly, and his hair was a little wet.

This scene was shot immediately. From the photo, anybody could figure out what would happen next, and no wonder that it would be disclosed as a rumor.

The room number was also shown. In the beginning, it was a letter, and behind the letter was a number.

Irish checked it on the internet immediately. She had a clear idea of those hotels Joseph often ordered during his business trip. One did prefer to set the letter as a way of naming rooms, and the rooms on these floors were quite expensive, while numbers counted other average rooms.

Irish found the official website soon, but she needed help finding some specific information about the room naming rules. After thinking for a while, she grabbed the phone directly and dialed the number on the official website.

Soon the call got through, and its voice was sweet and polite.

The only thing on Irish's mind was the photo, so she just asked directly, "Hello, could you please tell me which floor it is that is named by letter?"

The staff hesitated and answered, "Sorry, lady, have you checked in?"

Irish stopped and continued, "I just want to know some information about this."

"I'm really sorry. I can't tell you about this."

Irish ended the call. She felt very regretful.

Such a hotel protected the privacy of its customers in a perfect way, especially for those who ordered the floors named by letter. The staff here would not readily disclose the information.

So what should she do?

Irish knew it would be in vain, but she just searched for information with great effort. Actually, she was clear that 22 was the floor Joseph was on; instead that she just also checked in there accidentally.

The last photo showed it.

The basic information she could get was that Becky came to the hotel Joseph was in and even into his room while Joseph had just finished his shower.

Irish didn't know what she was figuring out. Actually, so clear information was shown to her, but she was still stubborn.

There was no certain information about the relationship between the 22nd floor and the room Joseph was in.

It was simply that most netizens who would like to sneer or show their selfie could not afford to check into such a hotel, and those who could afford it had no time to do it. They even had no time to pay attention to the pop news on the internet.

Irish was certain that Joseph now didn't know that he was the heated topic since he didn't have time to watch TV or pay attention to those rumors. The Public Relations Department dealt with the problematic things and then reported these to Daisy. Only very troublesome matters would be reported to Joseph.

Soon some information about other movies or actors appeared.

Social media was just like this. It aroused a heated topic, and later it created a new topic. Several days later, it would complain about why there were so many negative comments.

Actually, it was its fault.

Irish was absent-minded. She felt disappointed that she didn't find any useful information on the internet, so she decided to have another try to call the staff, but she needed to think of a good excuse.

She waited for half an hour deliberately.

The clerk at the reception was always the busiest. Half an hour was enough for her to forget Irish's sound.

Half an hour was so long for her now.

Irish immediately called when it was time.

She behaved politely.

Irish cleared her throat, "Hello, there seems to be problems with my Wi-Fi, but I cannot find the service station on my floor."

"Which room are you in?" She called by her phone, so the staff could not get her location.

Irish thought for a while and said a number casually. She acted anxious and angry, "Why do you have such bad service awareness? I have gone through 21 floors, but I couldn't find someone to help. You should be responsible for it."

The staff was polite. She first apologized and then said, "Lady, according to your room number, you are on the 22nd floor, and you should also call the service there."

"Ah, thank you. I'm really sorry." Irish ended the conversation immediately. So Joseph's room was really on the 22nd floor.

Irish's fingers trembled.

Her phone slipped suddenly.

The tablet shifted into Eco Mode, and its screen got dark. Irish's pale face was shown on the screen.

She didn't know what she wanted to prove.

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