
Chapter 769 769: His Public Confession - 1

It was like a rampart was built, smashing out of the tempestuous wave, but there was still a tendency that the city would be submerged.

"Dear friends, please sit back," persuaded the director of the public relations department since she was afraid that the reporter's regular meeting would be screwed up. She was responsible for this meeting, so she had to make sure that this meeting would proceed smoothly.

However, those reporters ignored her sentences and behaved agitatedly.

The director looked a little embarrassed, especially when she was aware that Joseph had taken a glimpse at her with his cold eyes. The cold sweat began to run from her forehead. Then, when she was about to say something, Joseph stepped onto the stage abruptly, so she hastily walked away.

Seeing this, the reporters were getting more excited.

It was full of noise, and the camera's shutter sound floated. Joseph stayed calm, stood there motionlessly, and stared at them silently. His craggy face was serious under the light.

The reporters were curious about his silence, and they all stopped asking questions. Looking at each other, those reporters were so confused.

The noisy scene finally calmed down. Joseph took over the microphone and said, "Everybody, I am sure that you all have learned from Director Amy that I will be presented today, so I will answer all of your questions. Don't be so anxious."

His voice sounded more and more magnetic through the microphone, just like the cello played in the wilderness, which was dulcet. People present were comforted by him, and they were getting quiet as he required.

Bella heaved a sigh of relief. She took a glance at Joseph and found that she admired him so much. Joseph was a brilliant business leader, and he was able to cope with any problems in any circumstances.

The reporters finally kept silent, waiting for Joseph to continue. Seeing this, Joseph asked the guards to leave and ordered Daisy to dismiss all of them.

His friendly behavior touched those reporters, and they began to whisper about that. Obviously, they felt relieved about his kind behavior.

They started asking questions, as Joseph expected. However, now that he had promised to present at this meeting, he was clear that he had to make a positive response instead of talking nonsense.

Therefore, when a reporter asked him if he would reply to their questions directly, he nodded his head firmly.

After hearing this, people were getting more cheerful.

"I am here to clarify some rumors so as to keep the enterprise image of Runestone Group," added Joseph with a peaceful look.

His words assured the reporters that it was their duty to figure out the truth. But they knew that most the people would only make some polite formula to answer their questions. Therefore, the reporters always remained appreciative of them, while at the same time, they also hated their dubious attitude. They were appreciative because the enterprises would give those reporters orientation of information, but they were also indignant about the dubious attitude since the responsible persons of the enterprises would always deliver a formula speech.

But it was different this time since Becky caught people's eyes, and she also made a statement to clarify the rumors. She was all wet with tears in the press conference and declared that it was just gossip but not the truth.

But her statement was treated with reserve because the reporters were clear that it might be a trick of Becky. Therefore, they all looked forward to Joseph's presence. It was the main focus of those media.

"Mr. Dover, there's been a lot of talk about you and Becky, and all the information came from a person called "ping-pong ball." Do you know something about this web celebrity?" asked a reporter.

The first question was not harsh, and perhaps the reporter was moved by Joseph's kind words.

"I am sorry. I am not well-informed about that information and know nothing about web celebrities. In other words, I am an idiot of Network information," replied Joseph calmly.please visit

The journalists burst out laughing at his self-mockery.

"Mr. Dover, it is said that Becky showed up at your hotel at night when the ceremony was held. Would you mind explaining that? I also got some photos to prove it," said another journalist. Although his question was incisive, his voice was rather kind.

Joseph smiled softly and then replied skillfully, "Well, but you have to understand that the two photos you got only proved that Becky and I all got into the hotel at different times, but we didn't show up in the same picture which means that you could not prove that we entered the hotel one after another at the same time."

Joseph successfully avoided the trap of this question. After hearing the words, the man looked embarrassed.

"But you could not deny that Becky did show up at the hotel where you stayed that night, right?" continued the reporter.

"Yes, you are right. But we just met outside the room," responded Joseph.

"It is said by "ping-pong ball" that you kept an ambiguous relationship with Becky. Mr. Dover, is it true?"

Putting his hands on the platform, Joseph smiled faintly. He looked peaceful and then replied as the reporter finished his words, "Generally speaking, rumors spread at a rapid speed. But what is the rumor? The garbled news is called rumors. It spreads fast because there is no need to investigate its authenticity. My answer is very simple for this question. I didn't keep an ambiguous relationship with Becky before, and I would never keep such a dubious relationship with her."


Irish finished the psychological counseling of a customer, and when she was about to read Henry's diary, she happened to receive a call from Cassie. The telephone ringing startled her and stirred the air in the room.

It was noon, and people usually felt sleepy at this time, including Irish. But she was awakened by the sudden ringing.

"I am so surprised. You call me at the working hours. It is not your style," Irish joked with Cassie.

"Are you busy right now?" Cassie asked quickly.

She was a little mysterious.

"I am taking a nap."

"Well, I have a piece of startling news for you. I am sure it will freshen your mind."

"What kind of news?" Irish casually inquired.

"Turn on your computer or TV right now. Hurry up," Cassie urged her.

"Cassie, you are so weird. What are you going to tell me?" Irish asked while on the computer.

"Runestone Group is holding a regular press conference today. Watch it right now." Cassie hung up the phone as soon as she finished her sentence.

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