
Chapter 310 - Watching

Chapter 310 - Watching

Ileus helped her get down the broom. Her hair that was so nicely braided was a mess and so was his. Everything about them looked… windblown. Her tears that had dried by now left stains on her cheeks. He flicked his fingers and shadows leapt out of him. They caressed her skin and by the time they left her, she looked as radiating as she was when she left the palace. He brushed her cheeks with the back of his knuckles.

"Shall we leave, my princess?" he asked as he curled his fingers beneath her chin. She blinked her eyes in response and he dipped down to plant a kiss on her lips. Gods, was he proud of her? She looked beautiful. Turning to Aidan, who was waiting for them, he asked, "Where do we have to go?"

"They have arranged for an event in the community hall, m'lord." The community hall was in the center of Level three, a winding path down the slopes.

Ileus took her hand and put it in the crook of his arms. They started walking down the meandering path. He knew that even though walking down the path was a dangerous thing to do, because who knew where the enemy was lurking, but certainly this was his mother's strategy. She wanted them to walk amidst the people in Level three, so that everyone saw Anastasia up and close. The interaction with the subjects was just as important as it was dangerous.

As they walked down the path, Anastasia noticed that the buildings on both sides of the street were not more than three stories tall. Assembled in shades of gray and white and black, the buildings were a mesh of glasses, stained glasses, mosaic, granites and lots of greenery. Lights hung over each house in the form of orbs. Homes were lit with bright lights and fire hearths burned glowing through the curtain-less windows. Smells of copper and wax and night-blooming flowers were thick in the air. Flags bearing insignia of the kingdom fluttered in the wind atop the buildings. Curious glances from the windows started pouring in.

Anxiety found its roots and she clutched Ileus' arm tightly. People began pouring on the street and soon, the sidewalks were full of pedestrians who either cheered or gawked or looked at her with hateful eyes.

"Don't worry, love," Ileus whispered. "Other than those walking behind us, there are numerous royal guards stationed almost every few yards, invisible to even these witches and wizards. That's how strong Haldir's magic is, and that's how strong the Mozias are."

She chuckled through her nervousness as her wings rustled. Her stomach was knotted up. She wanted to fly back in the skies and find her solitude. The evening had given way to the moon that looked like a thin white slice of cheese in the inky sky. Marshmallow clouds wafted, fading it every now and then. Stars dazzled in a thick line like a diamond necklace across the obsidian neck of the sky.

Anastasia bowed to all who bowed to her and plastered a smile on her lips. Ileus' warmth was radiating off him. He would wave at the cheering crowd and sometimes even shake his hands with curious bystanders adorning that devilish smile of his, melting their hearts.

As she walked by his side, she felt confident and tried to ease her anxiety. It was as if she imagined—a dark shadow peeled off a wall of a building on the side. It was so momentary that she was sure that it was her imagination. But because she was on the edge that she couldn't help but stare at the building momentarily pausing.

Aidan noticed it and he looked in the same direction. His brows knitted because there was absolutely nothing, but still he gave his spies an order to thoroughly check the place.

Ileus tugged her forward and soon they were near the community hall. Anastasia was growing more and more jumpy. Why was it that a feeling of dread skittered down her spine? Why was it that the hair on the back of her neck stood, defying the otherwise cheery atmosphere? She knew that everything was not fine. The faces in front of her had curious glances, and some nefarious. All at once she felt that people still hated her. Taking in a deep breath, she pushed down her suspicions and focused on the community hall, which was now very much in the view. "What are we supposed to do here?" she asked.

Ileus bent over and whispered, "Just watch. It is all in our honor. I believe that the queen hasn't called all of them to the dinner and so this is all a compensatory thing. She doesn't want the residents of Level three to feel left out."

Any further conversation disappeared as Anastasia was shown through an arched entrance into a massive domed hall that was filled with strangers to the brim. Strong smell of perfume hit her and something… sinister, something she could just feel at the back of her throat, something that was calling her magic to roil up. The sound of laughter, yelling and whooping came to a stop as soon as they entered. The center of the hall was covered with white marble and at least ten wooden latticed balconies rimmed the hall's circumference. And in each balcony, there was nobility she recognized from the previous dinners—all watching her like hawks.

It all led to a dais on the far end where two huge, throne-like chairs were placed. Orbs of warm yellow light shone through the ceiling and candelabras that lined up on the sides. Once again murmurs began.

Anastasia watched the wave of people around her as they followed their movement to the dais. As soon as she sat down along with Ileus, a drum beat rolled out. Her eyes danced to the place from where the music was coming and she saw the similar dark swirl of darkness, like a few sand grains, drifting quickly away on one of the balconies. A shaky breath left her.

A hush fell over the room as the orbs above dimmed to darkness, except on two women about two balconies up—the twin sisters. Wrapped in light green dresses, they looked identical as hell.

"Welcome, my dear fellow witches and wizards," said one of them. "Our queen has been generous to grant this opportunity to all of us, hasn't she?"

A quick burst of cheers, some genuine, some sarcastic filled the hall. Ileus' magic lashed out in invisible swirls, as Anastasia stopped her magic in her throat.

"Our Crown Prince will marry his lady love tomorrow," said the other sister. "In her honor we present you with the following gift."

The room exploded with chatter and claps. Anastasia's heartbeat took off like bombs. In the next moment darkness descended upon all of them. Panic flooded through her body and she clutched Ileus' hand.

"It's fine dear," he assured her, his werewolf vision strong even in this darkness. Several shadowy figures appeared in the center of the hall. Drumbeats rolled out again and the figures came into view, each clad in yellow costumes with long ribbons in hands.


Dark shadow that she thought she imagined, swirled between them. And her magic—it wanted to come out of her throat.

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