
Chapter 71 - What Had Happened?

"Still," Adeline slurped on her thick milkshake, "I feel like vanilla is just bland." She complained. She never really liked the flavour and it was always with brownies that she tolerated it."Vanilla is fine." Xavier groaned. He heard the same whenever he chose it on their dates. His mango scented mate did not approve of his choices for vanilla.

Well, the sex won't be, he could assure her of that. There would be many flavours involved there but not plain old vanilla. 


"No, it's not. Here, try mine." She held out her milkshake for him to slurp from ready to hear praises. "Try chocolate."

I like it with whip cream and preferably on you. "Alright." He gave in. Raising his arm across the table, he held her head and leaned it in. Catching his lips with hers, he sucked on them. Relishing the taste they had. He then titled her head and entered her mouth taking her tongue and sucking on it. 

Pulling apart with a smirk he left behind a red-faced Adeline who was staring at him with wide eyes. She had not been begun to comprehend what had happened. 

All she knew was, she had to have his piece of meat again. 

"Hmm," he hummed thoughtfully. "I cannot tell if the taste of the milkshake or the taste of your lips is better. No, no, I take that back, Your lips are better." He winked making her shyly look away while blushing profusely. The boy had no filter on him. 

He chuckled and looked back at his food, busying himself in eating.

Adeline did so too but she also noticed something weird. Whoever came near her table sniffed and then went away after one look to Xavier. It seemed very weird to her that whenever they would come in, they would sniff around her and then walked away after looking at him.

Did she stink in any way? She had taken a shower before going out of the house and coming here and for sure she remembered to apply deodorant.

It had made her self-conscious especially when there was her boyfriend around her. Maybe she should go to the washroom and check herself. That way, she oils wipe herself with water. 

"Hey, I'll be back in a few. I am just going to the restroom." She informed him with a little smile on his face and excused herself. 

Moving towards the bathroom in quick steps she closed the door behind her and took a hold of her collar, pulled it and sniffed.

Nothing except the smell of her deo. Then what were they sniffing for? She frowned.

Letting go of her collar, she gave it another try. She took off her jacket and rose her arm up, then sniffed her under the arm. 

"Ah!" She gasped as a knock came against the door. She swallowed and nodded, "Coming!" She said. It was a single washroom and someone had to use it.

She opened it and a boy stood in front of her. She smiled and looked around for a girl. She was sure that the door to the ladies room was knocked.

"Oh, it's just me." The guy said with a smile.

She twisted her head to the side in confusion and gasped. The boy pushed his way in and didn't let her leave too as he stood in the doorway.

"What are you doing?" She frowned and more so when he closed the door and locked it. "Open it!" She said but he didn't even bother to reply to her. 


"Shush!" He hissed suddenly and she jumped back in fear. His eyes were scary and so was his facial expression. He looked angry and Adeline didn't want to be at the end of it. "Do you know what you have done?" He growled out and Adeline felt fear grip her. She was alone in a washroom with a boy and he looked angry as well. There was no way she could overpower him. 

"W-what?" She stuttered looking at him. "Mo-move away from the door." 

"Of course you don't!" He threw his hands up in frustration. "You have no idea what you have done after mating with him and wearing his mark. You have dug up a hole deeper than anything." He hissed making her heartbeat quicker than ever before.

"P-please.." she whimpered. The fear was constricting her movements. 

His eyes flashed and Adeline's pupil dilated. "Do-"

He grinned and her heart dropped. 

She moved back unconsciously. She didn't want to be here anymore. 

"Xav—him." Her words were muffled as he within a flash came in front of her and placed his palm on her mouth making her halt her words. 

"Hush now," he whispered with a malicious smile on his face. She did as told because she didn't want to be hurt. Her eyes watched something peculiar happened. His eye sockets darkened as the veins became more visible. His pupils enlarged and she was entranced. "Now, I am going to give you something. I want you to swallow it for me. Do not spit it back. Okay, sweetheart?" He cooed and without waiting for a beat, she nodded immediately. 

He flashed her a quick grin and he went since his expensive-looking jacket pulling out a small sliver vile which splashed liquid inside it. 

"Drink it, my love." 

She did. She took it from his hands in hers with a sturdy grip. Her mind didn't think. It was as if she was pushed back and a teeny tiny her remained. 

She opened it and drank it whole in one go. Gulping the last of the disgusting liquid, she looked back at him who took it from her hands. 

"Adeline?" Xavier knocked on the bathroom door. "Everything okay in there, honey you have been there for a long time?"

The guy in front of her cursed and look at her once again. "Forget that I was here." He said and she understood it nodding her head.

She blinked her eyes involuntarily and he was gone. Her heart was beating quickly as once again she didn't know what had happened. 

Something did happen. . .she was sure of that. But what? 

What was the taste in her mouth? Did she vomit? 

"Adeline?" Xavier knocked again. "Are you okay?"

"Ye-yes," she stammered and cleared her throat to talk better and more comfortably. "I am fine this coming out in a few minutes." She had to get the taste out of her mouth. 

"Okay." She heard his reply.

She turned to look around in the washroom. It was small and congested so he couldn't have gone out of the room without having to face Xavier in the front. But was someone even here to begin with? What was this? She pulled her hair slightly. 

She slowly and carefully stepped forward and opened the door to the stall after doing gargles. She stepped in once more with her hands shaking and looked around but there was no one standing there.

"It's.." she looked behind the door. Why was her gut telling her that something was wrong? There was no one here. 

She washed her hands and opened the door. Xavier, who stood opposite the door, immediately looked up to her. He sniffed once or twice. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Yes. I just didn't know where the time went." She shrugged not knowing what else to say.

".. alright.." he raised an eyebrow at that. "Home now?" He offered. 

"Did you pay my share of the bill too?" She frowned as she saw him nod for it. "Xavier we talked about this if it's not a date then we can pay half and half."

"Yes but," he raised his finger and they moved away and out of the door with their things collected. "We are a couple so every time we got out it's practically a date." He countered.

"And sometimes I can pay to." She argued which is found extremely cute.

"Of course you can," he pulled her close as they were walking on the sidepath, "you can pay me some ways." He teased. "I love sideways, missionary, oh and don't get me started on dog-"

"Ehhh!!!" She yelled, covering her ears pushing him away and away from him she ran.

"Pervert! You are a perv!" She yelled as she ran and heard his laughter behind her. It was beautiful and it spread warmth inside her. Happiness that he was happy.

She continued to run and slowed down frowning that she doesn't hear him coming after her.


"Ah!" She jumped and turned around only to see him. He gathered her in his arms saying, "Don't ever run from me."

He held her close and hoisted her up into the air making her giggle loudly as he twirled her around.

Placing her back down gently as he could he smiled seeing her laugh. "Keep that smile on your face for me, yeah?"

Her smile widened more as she nodded vigorously, "Sure." She answered with a huge nod.

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