
Chapter 97 - Mafia (1)

Mafia is a party game that's best played with a large group of players.

And Gael was not fond of this game. One, because of the name. Two, because of the game itself—he thought it was a mockery of their family. Three, it could take a long time to finish one game.

But Angela thought otherwise. As soon as she heard what the game was, her eyes lit up like a child who was given candy after bedtime.

"Oh, I love Mafia. That sounds like fun!" she cheered just before she hiccupped. 

How adorable. 'Are you sure you 'love Mafia'? I don't think you know what it really is,' Gael said in his thought.

Lucas, who was also an underboss himself, cackled at Angela's excitement. He probably thought the innocent woman was too cute to act excited in front of them. Glancing at Gael, he remarked with a mischievous tone, "I can see that… I bet you will love this game too."

"I… What?" she probed, unable to hear Lucas from all the noise. Then she turned to Gael and appealed, "I think it's fun to join them—"

"Oh, he'll join. Don't worry!" Lucas interrupted, already pulling Gael to his feet and dragging him towards a round table where the other guests, who would play the game, were gathered. It was an area in the vast garden a few meters away from the reception, but not too far from the crowd—just enough for them to have their little privacy while playing the game.

"Damn it, Olsen," Gael grumbled Lucas's last name under gritted teeth, retracting his arm from the other and turning around just in time to bump into Angela who was following behind them.


He had quick reflexes and was able to catch her by the waist, his arm circling around her as he kept her steady. "My apologies. Are you okay?"

Her hands remained pressed against his chest since they instinctively flew there when she lost her balance and bumped into him. "Y-Yeah. Thanks."

It was the first time that she saw his eyes up close that night, and she was mesmerized by how beautiful they were. Angela had seen grey eyes before, but not as pretty as his. She couldn't deny the fact that she was drawn to him. His stare was intense—she noticed it from the start. Usually, she would find men who stared at her creepy, but it wasn't the case with Gael.

He looked at her as though he was drinking her in. And damn if that didn't make her feel enlivened. She liked the attention that he was giving her. He was a gentleman with a charming smile, confident, assertive—he just knew what to say so effortlessly.

She stepped back and tried to stand on her own. Gael could see that she was already tipsy—what with her reddish eyes and flushed skin. "Why don't I walk you back to your room? I think that was enough drinking for tonight."

Angela snorted. "Please. I'm not that weak. Come on. The game's about to start."

Without waiting for his response, she took his hand and pulled him towards the table, and then they sat on the empty chairs next to each other.

He reluctantly sat at the table with her. His expression was stern when he met the eyes of a few of Gael's friends who were playing the game with them.

At the table sat twelve people excluding Lucas, the game's moderator, and he remained standing outside the circle. 

"Attention, ladies and gents… I'm your moderator for this game," Lucas started. "For those of you who don't know me yet, I'm single. Not by choice…" He glanced at one of the women at the table, and she rolled her eyes, the others laughed at his insinuation while Gael shook his head.

"Some of you may have played the game before while others might be their first time. There are many ways to play Mafia, but in tonight's game, silence is an absolute must during the night, and unless you are asked to speak during the day, you don't speak. Are we clear?" he asked, and everybody nodded. 

In this game, the players would be divided into two teams: The Mafia and the townspeople. Each player would be given a role at the beginning of the game: the mafia, the sheriffs, the doctor, and the citizens. Everyone would then act depending on their roles. 

The mafia's objective was to kill all the townspeople while the latter's objective was to figure out who the mafia is and kill them before they get killed. The sheriffs investigate and accuse whoever they think is the mafia while the doctor would save a player each round or protect themself.

"Are you sure you want to play? You seem nervous," Gael whispered to Angela's ear as he slightly leaned towards her.

"What? I'm not nervous—"

Her voice trailed off when Gael raised their intertwined hands, showing them to her. His dreamy eyes held her gaze as he told her in his smooth, intoxicating voice, "You haven't let go of me since you dragged me here. I don't really mind holding your hand, Cara," he called, which meant 'dear' in Italian. "But your hand is getting sweaty."

Surprised, Angela pulled her hand out of his grasp as soon as she saw that she held him so tightly. She didn't even know why she was holding him like that. 

"Sorry. I'm just really eager to get started," she said, clearing her throat. "I'm really good at this game, you know?"

She faced the front and placed her hands on top of the table as she listened to the instructions further. Seeing the sparkle in her eyes, Gael relaxed and decided to give this game a try.

While Lucas distributed the cards around the table, waiters served a flute of champagne to each player. Once everyone got a card, he gave the signal to check what role they got, reminding them not to tell anyone what they are and keep the card face-down after checking it.

"I'll give you thirty seconds to check your card. Now," ordered Lucas. Then everyone began to peer at their cards.

Gael slid the white card towards his chest and took a peek. "Mafia" said the card.

Of course.

Discreetly, he shifted his gaze at Lucas. The latter ever so subtly smiled at him without everyone else noticing. The bastard was so sly. He was the moderator, so he planned this all along.

Gael cursed inside his head and made a mental reminder to get back at Lucas for this. The other knew what made him tick and he was having so much fun deliberately annoying him.

"People of Hillberry, it's night time. Go to sleep," Lucas commanded, and everyone closed their eyes and lowered their heads. The table was remarkably silent. All heads were bowed down, and all eyes were shut. He circled the table as though he was checking and observing every one of the players.

Next, he ordered, "Mafia. Wake up."

Gael didn't open his eyes right away and counted a few seconds silently before he raised his head and looked around. Four pairs of eyes scanned the table and looked at each other—the mafia family: Gael, Sean aka Sharp—Daniel and Lucas's friend whose alias came from his favorite weapon of choice: knives—and two other guests whom Gael wasn't familiar with. 

The rest of the players at the table still had their heads down and their eyes closed.

Waiting for the next command, they kept their mouths closed as they examined the people at the table.

After a few seconds, Lucas questioned, "Mafia, who would you like to kill? Please point at the townsperson."

The other three agreed on one person, their fingers pointing at a male player.

However, before Gael could even raise his right hand to point at the same person, he felt warm, delicate fingers holding his hand down on his lap. He was unable to lift his arm—all because of Angela.

Well shît.

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