
Chapter 31 - Having A K9 Dog, Wolfie

"What?" Before Del knew it, the wolf rammed him with his head. Del fell to the ground and he dropped his MG-42 on the ground. Del retaliated by pulling his 1911 pistol out of the holster and fired it at the wolf, "Cole, attack it!"

"Got it!" Cole slashed his sword to that wolf again. The wolf parried his sword with his paw.

Del kicked the wolf in the belly with both of his legs. The wolf flinched backward and Del took that opportunity to grab his MG-42. He grabbed the MG-42 that was laying on the ground and pulled the trigger of that gun.

The wolf growled in pain again before it turned invisible. Del looked at his clothes that had been torn off. The wolf managed to inflict a wound on his chest. Luckily, it didn't go deeper than a bare scratch.

Del noticed that the wolf didn't attack Cole at all, "How come that the wolf attacks me instead of you? Is this the work of your friends again in an attempt to rescue you?"

Cole shook his head, "I doubt it. There's no reason for my friend to take control of an animal just for the sake of rescuing me. Keep an eye on the wolf, will you?"

As if it wasn't hard enough to find a magical wolf, Del had to fight an invisible magical wolf that tended to attack him instead of Cole. It really made him think whether Cole was really on his side or not.

"Del, watch out! It's behind you!" Cole shouted.

Del turned his body around and he fired his MG-42 without aiming it first. He didn't care whether it hit or not. He just wanted the wolf to be dead, "WHY WON'T YOU DIE ALREADY?" Bullets casings were raining down from his machine gun.

7.92 Mauser bullets flew out of the barrel of the gun. The random bullets hit the wolf in the head. The wolf fell while running and he came down towards Del's direction. Del lowered his gun and he approached that wolf.

Del aimed his gun at the head of the wolf, "Damn, it, you're very hard to kill, do you know that?"

"Human, please, don't kill me," a sound came out of Del's head.

Del gave Cole a confused look, thinking that Cole was talking to him, "Were you saying something to me, Cole?"

"It's me, the wolf!"

Del looked at the dying wolf, "So you're talking to me, huh? Why would you attack us anyway?" Del put the end of the gun right at the head of the wolf, making sure the top of the barrel touched the wolf's head, "wrong answer and I'd make sure that your head turned into a juice."

The wolf reasoned, "you attacked me first, why wouldn't I attack you?"

"Fair point, but well, it's better to have you killed anyway," Del readied himself to pull the trigger.

"Wait, I can serve you, I promise I'd be serving you as a good dog," the wolf said.

Cole patted Del's back, he asked, "Are you talking to the wolf?"

"Yes, how do you know?" Del asked back.

"Simple, every time the wolf barked, you replied," Cole said.

"I see, what do you have in mind, Cole," Del asked.

"Well, if the wolf can understand human language, I doubt this is a regular necromantic wolf. A regular necromantic wolf only can cast magic, not turning itself invisible. I think this is a mystical wolf," Cole said.

"Mystical wolf?" Del asked.

"Yup, a wolf with a magical aptitude higher than a necromantic wolf. How should I say this? It's rather complicated, to be honest," Cole said.

"Go on."

"Basically, this wolf can turn invisible for a short amount of time, cast a magical spell, and change its size. If this wolf volunteers himself to be your familiar, I think you should take it," Cole said.

Del became interested. Having a wolf as his companion would make things way easier since there were some things that Cole wouldn't do. For example, Cole couldn't turn invisible nor want to sniff out something suspicious. Cole wouldn't be hungry for his attention either and the most important of all, the wolf wouldn't bitch about its Darium research.

To top it all off, the wolf could be equipped with a bunch of tactical equipment which basically turned him into a great ally. Just imagine the potential that this wolf could bring as a familiar. He could distract the enemies and all of the other things that any K-9 dog could do.

"How to take him as a familiar?" Del asked.

"You can form a blood contract with him. That way, if you die, he will also die," Cole said.

"How to form a blood contract?" Del asked.

"Ask the wolf, he will surely understand what I meant," Cole said.

"Do you want to form a blood contract?" Del asked the wolf.

"Yes, what's your name?" the wolf asked.

"Del Moore," Del said.

"I pledge my life and soul to Del Moore. I shall never betray nor try to kill my new owner. My life and death are in the hands of my new owner. If I break the contract, I shall accept death as my punishment," the wolf said.

The wolf died and it disappeared into orbs of lights. Del wondered where the wolf had gone. However, that question was answered immediately once the wolf appeared right beside him. He was very clingy, fondling Del's legs.

"You always surprise me, don't you think?" Cole commented.

"How so?"

"You manage to get me two girls and you also manage to convince a mystical wolf to be your own pet. That's just very uncommon, even in my standard," Cole commented.

Del patted on the wolf, "Can I call you Wolfie?"

Wolfie barked, "Sure."

Cole couldn't understand what Wolfie said, but Del could. Wolfie's appearance seemed to be altered as well. His fur was now gray. His size had also shrunk to that of an ordinary dog. There was also no bloodstain on his fur. Overall, he looked more approachable.

"Anyway, let's go to Liverley, it shouldn't be that far now," Cole got on top of the horse.

"Wolfie, can you keep up with us?" Del patted him.

"I can, but master, are you sure you're ok, I think I hurt you so bad," Wolfie barked.

Del pointed at his scratches, "This is nothing, don't worry too much about it Wolfie."

Wolfie replied by licking Del.

"Haha, c'mon, follow me and Cole," Del said.

"Of course," Wolfie barked.

Del got on the back of the horse and Wolfie followed it from behind. They headed in the direction where Liverley was located. Wolfie might have injured Del, but Del was more disturbed by his headache from yesterday hungover.


In front of one of the houses in a small village called Liverley, a group of adventurers was having quite a ruckus. One of the members of their party apparently just turned a mystical wolf into his familiar.

"WHAT? YOU MADE HIM YOUR FAMILIAR?" David looked at both Del and Wolfie in disbelief.

The rest of the adventurers were also shocked by the sudden appearance of Wolfie. Lynia and Lizbeth were hiding right behind David while Harold was not even in the vicinity. The sight of a mystical wolf was really something to be feared for.

"Yes, is that weird?" Del smirked.

"No, absolutely not, turning something that tried to kill us into your own pet is not weird at all," David commented.

Del just smiled, "Well, I do what I am capable of."

"Fair enough, to be honest, the more the merrier. Anyway, after this, we will make a camp. I don't see any inn comfortable enough while remaining cheap enough for us in this town. We should make a camp," David said.

"Alright, where will we be setting up a camp?" Del asked.

"Right there," David pointed his hand at a small spot right next to the main road.

"That's quite a good spot," Del commented.

David moved the carriage closer to that spot. Del followed the carriage from behind. Cole was riding the horse to the nearest stable. He just needed to pay some coins to the owner and the owner of the stable would let him put the horse there. He didn't even need to talk, money was a rather universal language.

David set up the camp and the twins were setting up the tents. Harold finally returned after cowering behind a house for a while. Del just looked at him with a smile after Harold called him a coward.

After Cole returned from the horse stable, he helped Del treating his wound. There was no need for thick bandages since the wound was not that bad. Cole cast a healing spell to Del to heal the wound up. It was just amazing to see a wound heal up right before your eyes.

The sun completely went down.

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