
Chapter 33 - Commence Attack!!!

After two hours of walking, they finally arrived at the bandit headquarter. Del really underestimated the bandits. Why? The bandit headquarter looked more like a village than a bunch of shacks made from twigs and branches. Most of the houses were painted and they were made from proper wood. There were several buildings, the biggest one seemed to be their headquarter.

Overlooking the building was a small hill. Del, Wolfie, and Cole would use that hill as a vantage point. However, Del wasn't sure whether attacking that kind of headquarter with only six people was a good idea.

He knew that he had faced more than twenty bounty hunters at once, but that happened inside of an open spot. In here, the bandits had a lot of cover from his machine gun and there was also the fact that David and Harold were going to attack it just from one direction.

If it were up to Del, he would retreat and get more adventurers. Attacking that kind of headquarter was suicidal. However, it was not like Del could refuse the order from David since only David could get the payment from the guild's office.

Del really wished he had a tactical headset at this point or anything that would make communicating through distance easier. Shouting wasn't effective at all and it would leak their plan to the enemy so it is unfeasible.

After a short hike, Del lay down on top of that small hill while Cole kept an eye on any hostile that tried to ambush them while also lying down. Del loaded the 250-round-belt into his MG-42. Wolfie also laid on the ground to hide from the enemies. The order was clear, they had to shoot when the main team started advancing.

"Master, do you need my help?" Wolfie asked.

"Yes, but not now, I don't want you to come running towards the enemy," Del said.

"No, I know that master. I meant I can spot the enemies using my ability to spot their soul," Wolfie said.

Del remembered that Cole hid the presence of his soul when he fought with Wolfie. It might be the main reason why Wolfie wasn't attacking him at all. Still, if Wolfie could see them from this kind of distance, it also meant that he would be the best spotter, wouldn't he?

"Don't tell me you can see the enemies behind the wall," Del said in disbelief.

Wolfie barked, "In fact, I can see all of them clearly."

"What? Do you realize that you're a living wallhack?" Del asked.

"What's a wallhack?" Wolfie asked.

"Nevermind," Del aimed his MG-42 at the headquarter.

There were five buildings in total in that bandit headquarter. Besides the biggest building in the center, there were also four houses surrounding it. Each house had an archer on its roof. They were probably guarding the village against any intrusion.

However, since the headquarter itself was surrounded by thick forest, Del doubted whether the archers could see anything or not. Del was roofed by a thick tree so he doubted that the archers could see him.

"Del, are you sure they have a great plan?" Cole asked.

"To be honest, no, they have a terrible plan. No matter how I look at it, this is a basic lack of combat personnel problem. It doesn't take military knowledge to know that six people against a whole village won't work," Del commented on the number of bandits inside of that village.

"What are we going to do now?" Cole asked.

"Let's see whether the plan works or not, if it doesn't, either we run or we fight them all by ourselves. I got my ammunition upgraded so we will be okay," Del said.

"Alright, besides, I think my new spell can easily wipe some of them out," Cole added.

"Besides, we have a mystical wolf on our side, right boy?" Del patted on Wolfie's head.

Del observed the attacking group from afar. Harold and David were in front of them while Lizbeth and Lynia were in the back, holding their staff. Del became even more confused. Why would the archer not engage them? Were they blind?

Del questioned himself, "Should I engage the archers?"

If he engaged first, there would be no doubt that the whole headquarter would be coming after them, but David and his team would be basically saved. If he waited, there was a high risk that David and his team would be ambushed by the archers.

He chose the best option for him. He waited for the group to attack the enemy first. Although, so far, none of the team members had managed to impress him.

Harold literally ran away from danger more than once. David wasn't that impressive and Lizbeth was literally defenseless against pickpocket. It really made Del questioned the ability of that team. Lynia was perhaps the only hope for that team.

From his sight, Harold started charging towards the bandit headquarter and the mages on the back started preparing their spells. Del waited until all of the bandits came in their direction.

People were coming out of the buildings one by one. Most of them directed their attention towards David and the archers aimed their arrow at Harold. Del took that as a signal to start engaging the enemy.

"Wolfie, help me engage the targets!" Del pulled the trigger of his MG-42 and bullets started raining down on those archers.

"Yes Master, look at the building on the left side of the biggest building, a bandit is hiding behind it," Wolfie said.

Del aimed his sight towards that mentioned building, he searched for someone hiding behind the wall. With the AP round of his MG-42, he would be able to penetrate the thin wooden wall of the building. However, spraying it with bullets would be unwise.

"There!" Del pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

The combination of AP rounds and FMJ rounds shredded the body of that bandit in half. Maybe the nickname of Hitler's Buzzsaw wasn't wrong either. The machine gun literally cut that body in half.

"Damn, master, what kind of weapon is that?" Wolfie acted surprise as he saw that body got cut in half.

"MG-42, made in Germany," Del answered.

"What is Germany?" Wolfie asked.

Del decided to lie, "A country located very far away from here," Del answered.

Del continued engaging every single bandit that tried to run or get out of their hiding spot. Del couldn't engage the bandits that were attacking David and the others since he was afraid one of the stray bullets accidentally killed one of them.

His Kar98 was in the carriage so he couldn't give a rather accurate fire at the bandits. He could only aim at the general direction of the bandit and sprayed bullets in their direction while hoping for the best.

"Dang it, how many bandits are there?" Del kept pulling the trigger as more bandits came out of the buildings.

"A lot," Wolfie answered although Del felt that answer didn't help him.

David and his group were struggling to even fight ten bandits at once. Cole could fight them all alone and that was without Del's help. With Del's help, Cole was just there as a distraction while Del gave the finishing blow.

Blood rushing through Del's veins as Del kept pulling the trigger of his gun. He made sure that no one saw him although the loud thundering noise from the machine gun basically gave up his location. Those who saw him wouldn't have the chance to tell the tale of the dangerous adventurers. Del's machine gun killed them the moment they looked at him.

Del stopped shooting his machine gun, "How many bandits are there?"

Wolfie focused his eyes at the encampment, "Only the group that are fighting those humans."

"Really? We have killed only God knows how many bandits and they haven't finished with ten bandits?" Del was disappointed. He felt that the other adventurers were not as competent as he thought.

"Yes, master," Wolfie replied.

"Cole, let's go down from this hill. I can't shoot the bandits without shooting the other adventurers," Del stood up from the ground and he ran down from that hill.

Wolfie went first. He was the fastest runner among those three and he was followed by Cole. Del was behind because of his bulky MG-42 and the belt that he used instead of the drum magazine.

Del ran between the building. He then finally arrived where David and the others were fighting the bandits. Lynia and Lizbeth fired their magical spells at the bandits, but their aim was all over the place. It was no wonder why Lizbeth got robbed so easily.

"WOLFIE! GET 'EM!" Del shouted as he aimed the machine gun at those bandits.

Wolfie ran towards the direction of the bandit and clawed one of them. The bandit screamed in pain before Del finished him off with a burst from his MG-42.. However, nine bandits were remaining.

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