
Chapter 143 - Planning For Ambushing Andrea

Back in the command room, Del was laying down on the ground from carrying the heavy archive from Adam's room to the command room back and forth considering the amount of document stored there.

The amount of document in that room was staggering that Del had no idea why Adam wanted to keep it even though it essentially filled his whole wardrobe.

"Wrong alarm, huh?" Anna teased Del for his failure. Well, not failure, but more like, a fortunate accident.

"Not wrong, but it's still something. It's an archive filled with homeworks from our seniors. And possibly, last year exam paper. We can use this to study, don't you think?" Del showed the archive on top of the command desk.

Somehow, Adam let Del take all of the archives from his room, saying that it was from the previous owner of his dorm. Of course, Del gladly took it since it was quite an important thing to have if he wanted to have an advantage academically over the others.

"Alright, since Adam is a dud, should we continue with the assassinating Andrea?" Anna asked, eager to continue to the next phase of the plan.

"Yeah, I think that's the best for both of us." He put the archive aside and put his hand back on the map.

Anna did most of the reconeiisance. They would be able to ambush Andrea on the highway on its way to his house. The highway wasn't exactly crowded and it was the perfect ambush spot with little to no room to escape for Andrea.

The security details that were guarding him couldn't be considered to be heavy. Well, not as heavy as Imperial military convoy, but not really consisted of one car either. The security was two cars filled with security details.

"Here are the photographs of the security details."

They were armed with rifles, shotguns, machine guns, and SMG. Some of them were wearing some sort of metal plates on their chest. It felt like as if Del was going to assassinate a mob boss considering how the security details dressed.

How to deal with them? Well, Javelin would do the trick, he just needed three of them and it would be done. The thing was, they only needed some clothing that weren't from Pidma or Lumbart Academy. They needed something from the slump.

Something that the criminals there usually wore, but he wanted something that didn't stand up above the rest of the townsfolk. Well, tattered clothing wasn't an option. Perhaps, they only needed something similar to ordinary clothing, but worse.

"About the concealment that I'm talking about, where do we get them, Del?" Anna asked about that clothing too.

"The slump, of course. Why do you ask?"

"I meant, what will you do to get them? Will you kill someone? Incapacitate someone, or else?"

"I think I prefer to just incapacitate them, but I want them to be tranquilized from afar instead of me choking them. We can make sure that no one connects the dots if we use that method, especially since they will be awoken remembering nothing," Del explained.

"So, it's my job to incapacitate them?"


"Ok, I'll need a vantage point then. Well, the rooftop is the best place so far, I'll incapacitate someone appropriate then I'll contact you again later."

"Good, good, as long as you keep your part of doing reconeiisance on Andra, I'd not have any hard time in tracking down our suspect."

"Awesome. The sooner we get through this one, the faster we'll get to our next goal. Damn, I can't believe this is all because of my act."

"What do you mean?" Anna asked.

"Had I not rescue that dumb girl, I think we won't be inside of this tangling mess of finding our suspect which happened to be our friends and the fact that the head of the student council wants me to destroy an entire trafficking ring while knowing that one of the key person is someone from Imperial government. Dang it."

"Hey, you've done the right thing. I'll do the same if I were you, I'm not going to lie. What Aveline offers to us is a very high request, but accepting it would be good for us in the future since we would be known for our good reputation instead of his reputation as a money-thirsty contractor. Don't you think?" Anna asked.

"Yeah, the thing that Aveline wanted us to do is basically a moral question. If I refuse, it would be bad for my reputation. If I accept, well, welcome to the personal hell that we just created."

"C'mon, it's not that bad. There is always a silver lining on a bad situation like this. Think about it, with this, you'll have a valid enough reason to search your friend's room. Just say that you suspect him or her and the security division wouldn't mind you doing it."

Yeah, Anna's idea was genius, but also fundamentally flawed if keeping friendship was something that Del still wanted to do. By pointing out someone, Del would put an assumption to an unaware student. The assumption would be damaging as well so he needed to abuse this power sparingly.

To make matters worse, Del wasn't sure that doing that to his closest friend in the academy would result in a good thing either. He wouldn't use that idea, he would use another idea. That idea was flawed.

"I'll just stick to my home visit, thank you."

"Alright, alright, back to Andrea. How can you sure that the Javelin will kill him?"

"Anna..." Del shook his head, almost not believing what his sister just said to him. "This thing is designed to kill a tank, a modern tank. What makes you think that a car from the 40s would be able to withstand that?"

"I just want to be sure. We are playing with fire here. One wrong move and we'd be done for good."

"Ah, yeah, I agree with you. Well, we'll use three, not one. Don't worry too much about it. It would be like beautiful fireworks," Del said.

"Your definition of beauty is quite something, but yeah, it would be a hell of a fireworks on his car," Anna said.

"I'll use the top attack mode of the Javelin, just to be sure. It would be a massive boom and it would send a very strong message to anyone that understands."

"Anyone that understands?"

"The trafficking ring. This would make sure that they would tone down their operation a bit, keep laying low, but we have to make sure that we keep giving them pressure so they wouldn't have any time to connect the dots between the kidnapping and the fact that we enter this town."

"Ah, yeah, sure. I feel ya," Anna said.

"Oh, by the way, Anna, I want you to get some C4 as well. We'll plant one or two bricks on the bridge above the highway, when the car go past it, it would go boom."

"Explosives? Destroying infrastructure? Are you nuts? It will put a huge spotlight from the government."

"Well, we do this as criminal, not as contractor. Relax, I've planned this out. All would be fine, don't worry about it, alright?"

Anna just nodded in understanding. She grabbed her bolt action rifle and walked outside. She immediately flew towards the town again to search for clothing that would fit them and their agenda. So far, everything was going according to plan.

They just needed to make sure that nothing happened before the day. If something happened, they would have to get back to the drawing board again. Speaking about board, Del walked to the whiteboard and grabbed a marker. He wanted to formulate the plan for the assault first.

He would start by blowing up a bridge while hiding. The convoy would stop, and then, he would fire his Javelin missile towards the convoy to blow them off. Del would be stationed much further than Anna due to the range of the missile.

Anna would hide in a snow ghillie suit and picking up the remaining target one by one using his Tac-50. If Del was the main weapon, then Anna was just there as an insurance. If the Javelin didn't manage to kill them all, then Anna rifle would do the job nicely. After that, Del would fly and rained the cars with his machine gun.

Overall, it was a foolproof plan involving a shitton of firepower. It would be a lot of explosions and a lot of bullets. It wouldn't be surgical, but it would get the job done. Bottom point, as long as Andrea was dead, he didn't care about the method.

If Andrea was dead, then he could proceed to the next plan that Cassandra coffered. One plan at a time, and he would be able to shut down the ring for good.. Still, one thing was bothering him. Where was the intelligence agencies and what were they doing right now? They wanted to meet him, right? Or was it just Cassandra's lies?

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