
Chapter 177 - Updated Later

Chapter 177 – Updated Later

Del observed the special force soldiers from afar. They were efficient. They immediately pulled their geiger counter and opened the back of the truck and started searching for any suspicious container. The jets were still roaring above the sky. He wondered whether they had found anything out of the ordinary yet. 

The snow started to fall from the sky again. It might be a sign of another blizzard, as far as Del knew. Well, they would have to finish it up quickly anyway, or they would have to face a reinforcement. Del just idled around the perimeter, watching for anyone approaching him. As long as the threat weren't soldiers, he was fine with it. 


A loud thumping noise came right from behind him. Del peeked behind to see what was happening. A metallic pod landed right behind him. The metallic pod just landed behind him. He wondered what was that pod. He didn't want to approach it though. 

The pod suddenly opened slowly, releasing bunch of steam. After the steam dissipated, he took an astute observation on the content of that pod itself. It was a humanlike robot. It could be described that this robot looked like a human, but instead of skin, it was made of metal. Was it hostile? 

The android grabbed a rifle from its back. Its eyes glared at him sharply, and Del aimed his PKP machine gun at the android. He pulled the trigger. Bullets flew at the direction of the android. The android recoiled from the force of the bullet, but it didn't stop it. The android fired its rifle at Del's direction. 


Two laser beams were fired at Del's direction. The robot missed, but it was probably because its sensor was still calibrating itself. Del retaliated by firing continuous stream of 7.62×54 bullets at its direction. How the hell did the android tank all of the bullets?

Heck, the lasers were something else. Del had never seen anything like that before. The android was still looking at him ferociously. The bullets didn't even scratch it. There wasn't even any bullet marks on its body. What kind of technological bullshit was this?

He reloaded his machine gun and fired another stream of bullet at the android. It was the same result, the bullet didn't even make a dent and he just wasted another box of bullet, again. The distance between him and the robot was too close, there was no way he could call for close air support. 

Del opened a package of C4 and threw it at the direction of the android. He pressed the detonator as the slab of C4 landed on the feet of the android. BOOM. The android shattered into multiple pieces. 

Del sighed in relief as the remain of the android was only its torso. Still, what kind of thing was it? It was odd. He never saw that thing in the ancient site. He walked towards the direction of the android to inspect it. He might need to know what was it. 

He looked closer at the android. It indeed looked like human, albeit mechanical. The laser rifle that the android had was still intact, though. He grabbed the laser rifle and looked at it. It was rather looking futuristic with its white paint and hologram sight that displayed a shitton of information. 

The scope of the rifle alone displayed the humidity, the wind direction, and it even displayed where the bullet hit and what the effect would be. However, there was a calibration bar on the bottom of the rifle. The bar only progressed halfway and it stopped. It clearly says:


The rifle probably synced with the android first before it could use it effectively. He was lucky that he could take it down before it took him down. There was 2500 ammo left on that rifle. Judging from the appearance, the rifle seemed to be rechargeable. He only needed a power source for it. The rifle was only partially charged, and it wasn't as bulky as his PKP. It was probably as bulky as his AK-74M. 

He then looked at the direction of the special force soldiers again, they were still working with the truck without giving a damn about what happened to Del. It seemed that they knew what Del faced, but well, as long as they did their job and he did his job, the mission wouldn't be a problem. 

He observed the rifle. There were several settings, it was rather modular for what it was. It had several modes. Del put the rifle on his back and he reloaded his PKP machine gun with a fresh box magazine. The gunshots must have caught unwanted attentions, the special force soldiers were rushing through the truck. 

So far, they retrieved two metal containers from the trucks. He wondered what the content of the container. One of the operators fired a flare to the sky. The helicopter that carried them hovered right on top of the convoy. 

The soldiers put those two metal containers into the helicopter and the helicopter lifted off from the ground. Del followed the helicopter from behind by flying, it was flying slow enough that it wouldn't be hard for Del to catch up with it. 

The door of the helicopter stay opened as Del tried to catch up with the helicopter. He entered the helicopter and sat down on the door. The geiger counter was going crazy, he was glad that he was wearing his MOP suit. 

"What the hell is this? Nuclear?" Del asked as he knocked on one of the metal containers. 

"One of them is a nuclear, but the other is a chemical agent. Both of them are WMD that is going to be deployed in Sneggor, this interception should give a leak to Bosch's plan."

"I hope so," Del commented. 

"Still, I wonder how the military got a rat so deeply connected and intertwined within is outside of my thinking. Even more surprising that there were rats, not a rat. I guess we are not doing a very good job, are we?" 

"I don't know. I'll let you to decide that."

"Still, this is not a nuclear bomb, this is worse. This is a dirty bomb that will irradiate the whole city, turning it poisonous, or worse. Yes, I know it won't create cancer on us, but still, it can burn our skin."


"And this other thing? I don't know what the content of this container. This might be some sort of nerve gas as far as I'm concerned. Hmm, this is bad. I think you should get a gas mask sooner or later and put it in your backpack in case we miss a bomb like this again."

"There's another bomb?"

"Most likely, I can't say for sure, but it's highly likely for a bomb like this to be smuggled into Sneggor. And for what? Assassinating an unknown informant which might or might not exist? Those imperial military is way worse than I thought."

"Well, I had seen the shit they have done, I wouldn't be surprised if they nuked a whole town just to kill someone," Del commented. 

"Yeah, no shit."

The helicopter flew towards Sneggor. Del enjoyed the breeze of the cold air. It kinda reminded him of the job that he had to do. It might only have been a year or so, but it had been so much for him. He didn't expect to come here, much less finding someone from Earth. 

Well, it was his new home now. It was his home that was currently under attack and under threat of a civil war. He would do everything to keep his safety and his sister's safety, even if it mean that he would get his hands wet. 

"Blackfox, if you need a report, just ask the pilot. He would write one for you, got it?" 

"I got it. Don't worry, I will read it thoroughly for myself. Still, I wonder why they used the military to transport the cargo as conspicuous as this. They are doomed to death, right? The drivers and anyone involve in the convoy?" Del asked. 

"I think so. The radiation from this container is intense enough that approaching it without any protective gear would cause burns, but they're demons, not ordinary humans. I think they'll be fine."

"I see. Well, the chemical weapon is a nerve gas, right? Damn, it's more fucked than I previously thought."

"I know. Anyway, thanks for the help. Even if you don't do anything, you are a very valuable assets for us and you have the thanks of this team."

"Thank you. From a special force soldier like you, it meant a lot for me. I know I'm not the best person around, but I think we'll make quite a good team."

"I agree with it."

The helicopter landed on the back of the cabin and Del jumped out. The helicopter then flew away from the cabin, heading back to the base.. Well, time to deal with another thing, again. 

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