
Chapter 174 - Expensive Pact

Arsinoe so desperately hoped to get a chance to beat the arrogance out of Artemis. 

However, since she couldn't leave her cell, she could only settle the matter with words for now. But she pictured it repeatedly in her mind to keep her sane.

[Let's make a pact. If I win against you, you'll hand over your title of [Captain] to me.]

Artemis scoffed in ridicule. [Why would I do that? What do I gain from such a pact?]

[You keep your pride as captain!] she smirked.

Artemis unexpectedly burst into laughter. [Such a thing doesn't matter to me. Win or lose I'll still be the same. Come up with something better if you want to tempt me into your foolishness.]

Arsinoe wrecked her brain to think of something to make him commit. But the only thing she could settle on was his dreadfully boring interest in plant matter. She then hesitated before speaking, wondering if she was making the right choice.

[If you win...I will help you with…with your poisons!]

[Oh?!] Artemis was interested in such a deal but that wasn't enough to get him to commit to fight. [That is indeed tempting, but it doesn't compare to being Captain.] 

He then paused to consider and spoke out his terms. [How about this. If I win, you'll gather every plant I tell you to without complaining, no matter how far away I send you. You'll also test them for me whenever I ask. Do you agree?]

Arsinoe nearly choked on her venom. [Do you think I'm stupid?] 

That was ridiculous!

How could he think of making her his personal errand girl and poison tester?

Artemis chuckled. [I thought you were ready to take responsibility, it seems you aren't willing to risk your life. Do you want to be [Captain] or not? An important pact demands an expensive price.]

Arsinoe was stumped. How could she agree to such terms? 

But she wanted to beat Artemis and become a [Captain] so badly that his diabolic price didn't seem to matter to her.

She had gotten very strong at a fast rate while Artemis barely trained at all. She was sure she could beat him, but his confidence seemed to make her hesitate.

However, before she could agree to it,  a third voice interjected between them. 

[Why is it so lively down here?] Galahad spoke out loud with an innocent face. [I thought this was supposed to be a punishment.]

He was perched on the division between their two cells, staring down at both of them with a malicious smirk, alongside Hestia who was in her water-snake form. 

The two locked snakes were so engrossed in their conversation, they hadn't noticed him until he spoke.

[What are you doing here?] Artemis grumbled in annoyance as a third creature poked its head out from above to look at them.

Arsinoe realised it was the creature Galahad had rescued, but it looked noticeably bigger than before, its colourful feathers more robust and fluffy like an overstuffed chick.

But why did it seem to be looking down on her?

It wasn't nearly as big as the two snakes, but she noticed its beady eyes had an arrogant look that rivalled even Galahad's.

What exactly was he teaching it?

[I came here to visit this one.] Galahad gestured to the rude bird. [What are you discussing?]

[Nothing…it's just her being jealous.] Artemis replied.

[I'm not jealous.] Arsinoe snapped.

Galahad laughed. [Jealous of whom?]

[I said I'm not jealous!] Arsinoe repeated.

But Artemis spoke over her. [She's jealous of Typhon.]


She expected Artemis to say she was jealous of him but instead he brought up Typhon? It was unexpected, and completely false. 

Why would she be jealous of him?

But then she saw something strange flash across Galahad's eyes and before she could comment, he laughed it off like nothing was wrong.

[Aren't we all? Remember that place we aren't supposed to get close to? That's where 'she' took him to train.] 

[What? But it's dangerous!] Arsinoe exclaimed. She couldn't believe it. Typhon himself had told her how dangerous that place was.

Galahad scoffed. [if she's with him, how dangerous could it be.]

[Have you ever seen that place?] Artemis asked, more curious than worried.

Galahad shook his head. [I haven't, but Hestia has. She told me it's very dangerous.]

Arsinoe glanced at the water snake beside him, who had curled up to sleep. She couldn't believe they were so casual about it. [How can she take him there? What if he gets hurt?]

Galahad laughed at her concern, but Artemis was calm and thoughtful. ['She' must be testing him. Maybe she thinks he can handle it.] 

Who cares what 'she' was thinking. She was more concerned with Typhon's return. 

Why weren't they worried at all? She could have lured him there to kill him!

She wanted to ask Hestia for details, but the voices of more snakes coming underground interrupted them.

She recognised Europa's voice and that of Lyra, and also the two snakes from her team. 

Soon enough, the heads of the four curious snakes appeared over her cell, making her feel extremely embarrassed.

But Galahad complained before she could. [Why is everyone here?]

In addition to Lyra and Galahad, her entire team was now assembled, and Europa and the two snakes surrounded her cell, cheerily chatting away.

[We came to find you because it's boring!] One snake said.

[When will you come back up?] Another added.

[You look terrible. Want me to [Heal] you?] Europa asked.


It seemed they had come to visit her.

[N-No…I'm fine.] she replied nervously.

[Are you sure? Lyra and I learnt something new?] Europa said, and Lyra who was beside him nodded eagerly.

Why were they so concerned? She wasn't used to this kind of behaviour.

Galahad observed their interaction before whispering loudly to Artemis. [Careful, I think they see her more as their captain than you. Your position is being threatened.]

[Huh?] Artemis seemed more confused than bothered. [That's not possible, I'm the best captain.]

At his words, Europa looked away nervously and the two snakes beside him did the same. It seemed they didn't want to give him the wrong idea so they swiftly changed the subject.

[You were so brave!] One of the snakes gushed at Arsinoe.

[And strong too] Another added, not sparing Artemis's feelings at all. [We want to go hunting again with her.]

[With Artemis too.] Europa nervously added. [He is the captain.]

Arsinoe couldn't believe it. Did her team members really prefer her over their captain?

She thought of teasing Artemis but then she remembered their pact – she had to win first! But their reactions were very promising. Artemis on the other hand, didn't seem to care at all.

Galahad brushed off their fawning to address his sole team member. [Why are you here? Aren't you needed up there?]

Lyra looked away, seemingly nervous. [It's getting too stressful to practice. Europa and I just want some quiet.]

Europa also reacted strangely to his questions. [I'm too tired. I don't want to [Heal] anyone anymore.]

Arsinoe's attention was fixed on the two healers. It seemed like they had come down here to hide!

She was so bored down there, hearing about their exploits seemed far more interesting.

[What's wrong, did something happen?]

Lyra was about to answer, but Galahad interrupted her. [They are under punishment, telling them what happened will only be a burden.]

[No it won't!] Arsinoe shouted in dismay. She was so thirsty for excitement that any news would suffice, even listening to Lyra and Europa prattle on about healing the injured.

Wait…injured? Don't tell me.

[Did Typhon return hurt?] she asked, but she only got looks of confusion back.

[No…We haven't seen him.] Europa answered after a pause.

Galahad smirked as he looked at her but did not explain. Instead he spoke to Artemis.

[Morgana has increased training times and removed all breaks. Because of her there's been more injuries which is why we need both Lyra and Europa to keep working.]

What? It sounded quite serious.

[Why would she do that?] Artemis asked, mildly annoyed. [Where is Ophelia? Why didn't she stop her?]

[Ophelia won't speak to me.] Galahad replied. [She left Morgana in charge because she's angry.] 

[That doesn't sound like her.] Artemis grumbled, but the faces of the two overworked healer snakes told him otherwise. He knew they wouldn't lie. 

[Let me out of here. I will speak to Ophelia and make her stop Morgana.]

Galahad agreed.

But just then, they heard Morgana's voice.

[Stop who?] 

Her question startled everyone, and Arsinoe as well as every snake present immediately fell silent. She had come into their gathering quietly, her keen eyes regarding everyone with contempt. 

[Don't go quiet now. You were saying something about stopping someone?]

Arsinoe's team members fidgeted in fear, quickly bidding her goodbye with various excuses and slithered past Morgana with their heads down.

As mere underlings, they were not worthy of her attention. 

But when Lyra and Europa tried to leave, she ordered them to stay put.

[So this is where you were. Do you have any idea how many injured need your attention?] Her gaze turned to Galahad. [You should be helping Cygnus train them, instead of hiding here. You're setting a bad example as a captain.]

She sounded angry and Arsinoe was able to glimpse her as she came near. But instead of saying hello, Morgana glared at her and Artemis like they were beneath her. 

[Ophelia doesn't need to listen to the words of two troublemakers.] Morgana sneered at them with a dismissive look and Arsinoe could feel her anger rising. 

Why was everyone out to annoy her today? 

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