
Chapter 9

Translator and Editor: Skye and Einna


Chapter 9

Surrounded by the fragrant rose bushes, I sipped on a cup of rose tea.

While I drank the red petal tea, my heart pounded loudly. It felt as if I had consumed a large amount of caffeine.

Watching the slowly passing clouds blankly, I thought about the original story again and clenched my fists.

It was because the passing fluffy clouds looked just like him.

Sub-male lead, Oscar!

I sat in a relaxed position on the chair and lazily stared at the clouds gliding by.

The clouds looked like the sub-male lead. That cloud looked like him, and this cloud looked like him too.

My Lucian was so nice to him, but how dare he snatch Sue out of here from under his nose and drive him crazy!

Come on, let’s go crazy together then. Let’s see who reaches the most amazing level of crazy!

It was then, when I was eating my dessert little by little, cursing at the original sub-male lead.Swoosh!

The sound of the horses trotting grew closer.

I quickly got up and looked towards the carriage. The intricate black rose pattern drawn between the two swords was very grandly embossed on the side, making it clear which estate the carriage belonged to.

“Amber, I think the Duke is here. Let’s go meet him.”

We made our way towards the front doors of the mansion.

Directing her attention to the carriage on the way, Amber took the lead first.

I walked as fast as I could while holding the hem of the dress tightly with my hands. I wanted to go wait in front of the wagon.

I arrived at the same moment that the carriage came to a stop.

The servant opened the door of the carriage first before I could open it in anticipation. In the carriage, the Duke welcomed me without hiding his joy.

“Have you been waiting for father, my daughter?”

I couldn’t answer because I was already caught in the arms of the Duke who rushed over to me.

The Duke continued as if he were rather pleased with my response.

“You must be curious.”

The Duke, who had reached before me before I knew it, gently patted my head while I looked up at him with a gaze of expectancy.

“Come on, say hello. This is your new pet that will be accompanying you from now on.”

When I first saw him, I found out how accurate the line my favorite used to describe him is.

A bunch of clouds, which I had been staring blankly a little while ago, seemed to have really fallen onto the ground.

He seemed to be terrified, I felt bad after seeing him trembling.

The creature handed over by the Duke was warm and very soft. The plush fur felt like it was melting through my fingers and it looked like it would disappear like mist.

If I didn’t know what this guy would do in the future, I wouldn’t know what to do because he is cute.

It seems I am much weaker to cuteness than I thought.

But I won’t let go of the beings who will make my favorite sad later.

Even if you are cute, you are already on my bad side.

“What a cute white fox!”

“That’s right, a white fox. They say that it’s acting strange, unlike a normal fox.”

“Thank you so much.”

He murmured happily under his breath with his arms folded in front of his chest with pride.

“I want a falcon, Duke.”

The Duke was pleased with my request.

“I’ll find you a good and docile pet hawk, and buy it for you.”

“No, I like hunting hawks. A flying hawk with its large wings ready to stretch wide open, Duke!”

“Whoa, my daughter has good taste. I will find one just like you want.”

The Duke must really intend to raise me as his devoted underling.

Every time he acted like this, I had to make up my mind and decide how I should feel about him as a person.

Even if I have already grown up on the inside, if I keep being treated like this, I might lose that progress I’ve already made. I keep feeling like my values might change while I’m growing up here.

Thinking about how to never be misled by the Duke, I turned my attention to the one in my arms.

My arms were quite warm and I could feel curious twitching coming from the creature.

Come on, I’ll train you very well. So don’t you dare betray your master.

Sub Male Lead, Oscar.

He was Rachel’s pet and escort in the original novel. He is a rare species of fox spirit and has silky fur in the color of white snow.

However, he devoted himself to Sue rather than his master Rachel, and stabbed the back of my favorite Lucian who loved him and thought of him as a friend.

Sue was in custody, but when the misunderstandings were finally resolved and the love of the main characters had almost come to a mutual beginning, he escaped with Sue in tow.

He’s the one who made the keyword “escape” appear in the novel’s description.

And now that the cider is coming out, I’m going to let him pay for it because I’m going to crush the expectations of the readers![e/n: cider in korean can mean you feel happy, basically she’s feeling quite happy with her progress with Lucian and she’s not gonna let him ruin it lol]

He wasn’t my cup of tea in many ways.

I glared at the blinking white bundle in my arms.

The name “Oscar,” which he was called in the original, is nothing less than a luxury for him. I exclaimed to the Duke with a bright smile.

“I’ve picked out a name for this kid!”

“So, what is it?”

“I’m going to call it “Doggy”!”

“That’s a good match.”

The Duke smiled at my bright expression, seeing just how happy I was.

The only ones surprised to see the precious fox Su-in given such a ridiculous name was Amber and the Duke’s aide.

No, there was one more.

I smiled wickedly at the little fox Su-in, who was looking up at my words with astonishing eyes.

Its red jewel-like eyes, which shined brighter than rubies, shook like an earthquake, but I lightly scratched under his chin with my fingers.

I peered into his shocked gaze with my glaring eyes for an instant.

This sister is going to change the keywords.

I’m going to get rid of the keywords that will be created because of you. So, just cooperate. Doggy!


On the first day, Doggy, who had not even come out from hiding in the seat cushions out of fear, slowly began to approach me.

He sometimes showed his teeth to me, but the Duke himself came and punished the fox using a necklace he had put on him.

It was a harness made by a wizard with the appearance of a necklace used to tame Su-in.

If he shows hostility toward his owner, it will tighten around his neck. In the original, it was Lucian who removed the necklace.

Although he knew that it was Rachel’s pet, he still felt sorry for him and broke the harness with his own power.

He’d been so nice to him, and then Oscar says, “Sue’s eyes are turning towards me, so I am willing to turn on my master and my friend.”

Trying to change things from the original, I didn’t really like the wizard’s necklace anyways.

So I told the Duke, but he refused my request to take it off, saying we had not tamed the fox yet.

I couldn’t help it because the Duke, who usually did everything I asked, refused adamantly.

Of course, I’m looking for a way to undo the necklace using a different route, but there isn’t much I can do because I’m still young.

And I did very well apart from being displeased with it.

Like other aristocrats, Su-in had no intention of becoming someone’s entertainment or letting anyone subject them to acts of cruelty.

I was just going to take the path of disciplining him properly. So that he can’t bite his owner even if he sees Sue later, or even if he falls for him.

If I can make it to where he wouldn’t betray us, I am willing to put in a lot of effort.

You have to use the proper equipment that will make sure you get the correct results.

I’m the owner, and you’re my escort! Do you understand, Doggy?


Currently the young fox cannot transform into a human appearance.

A large number of staff entered and exited my room while following my orders and delivering items.

“Sit down!”

Doggy walked up next to my leg and stuck only his butt to the floor.

I picked up a piece of fresh raw chicken meat that I asked Amber to bring with chopsticks.

Oh, chopsticks are so comfortable.

Forks and knives are harder for me to use.

I can’t use them during a meal with the Duke, but I thought it would be good to use them in my room when I am alone.

I asked Amber to take the small cut of raw meat with the wooden chopsticks and carry it over towards the fox’s mouth.


The fox ate the raw meat right away without waiting.

Knowing my distaste for him due to the original work, I smiled with remorse.

After licking all the flesh off of the chopsticks, Doggy looked up at me satisfactorily.

“Let’s have dessert, too.”

I picked up a blueberry and put it in the fox’s mouth. The fox ate up as fast as he could as he avoided meeting my eyes with his.

All right, we’re all done. Even if I hate him, I have to feed him and deal with him again and again.

I stood up with a bright smile, keeping the minimum level of morals strongly instilled in me.


“Yes, miss.”

“Change me into something more comfortable.”

“Are you going out?”


“I’ll take you to Neva. Come this way.”

Amber quickly and carefully dressed me in a riding suit. I came out of the dressing room only after making sure to wear a hat to cover the sunlight.


I called the fox with a strict tone.

A servant brought out a big hawk.

The hawk looked at me from inside his large cage that was being transported from inside a cart. Like you’re saying, “Get me out of here.”

Isn’t he just supposed to be a normal hawk?

But why are you making eye contact just like that Su-in? Am I mistaken?

The name ‘Damien’ means to tame and conquer foxes. Hawks are the natural enemy that foxes hate the most.

I was going to train the fox properly using a hawk. When I called out the name Damien, the fox stared at me.

It’s like his eyes were saying. Why is he the only one that I gave a nice name?

“It’s my choice.”

After replying quietly under my breath, I gestured toward Damien. I already had thick gloves on that cover my hands and arms.

Damien, who flew over at once with his big wings, perched on my arm.

He was a little, no, very heavy, but I could bear it for a while.

Because I really wanted to try it.

“Go, Damien. Doggy!”


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