
Chapter 259 - I Dont Trust You

Chapter 259 - I Don't Trust You

" Get off me !" Su Wan tried to shove Lin Jing away , but it had zero effect on him . Instead, his body got even more tensed as if a to spring . Su Wan has endured all kinds of humiliation , heard her ex-husband condemning her for being far too hard-hearted , had to listen to her half-sister mocking her for not being able to properly hold on to her husband . But even then , even then she was like a Queen being mocked by mere peasants because they were nothing to her .

No matter how much she was condemned and berated, her pride after all a remained intact . She was independent and never once depended on anyone , her self respect was never questioned . Even she lost everything she had kept her pride safe and sound , but tonight her self esteem was questioned .

As a prideful woman how could she stay silent , so what if she was bought ? So what if she was married to five men ? She didn't rely on them to change her destiny , she carved her fate by her own hands !

Su Wan stopped struggling when Lin Jing 's hold on her tightened , however she still coldly glared at her " Let go of me !"

" Wan Wan , I'm sorry . I know I was wrong , no matter how many times you want , I will apologise to you alright ? "Lin Jing pleaded into Su Wan 's ear . He didn't let go instead he hugged her even tighter , he was afraid that if he really let go of Su Wan right now , she would run away from them and he might never be able to see her again .

Su Wan endured her grievance and pinched on his waist fiercely " there is no need for you to apologise to me , what am I ? Just a purchased good , I cannot afford your apology !"

Lin Jing's heart trembled at the chilling apathy in her voice " Wan Wan , don't - don't say that , I - we never thought about you like that . You are our wife no matter what anyone says "

Su Wan shuddered when that deep voice of his caressed her softly , she hated the tremor in his voice but the thing she hated the most was how she was being affected by him . Big deal , if he was upset - so what if he was hurting ? It was his own goddamn fault , not hers . She didn't ask him to stay silent like a mute and say nothing when his sister was barking like a crazy bitch ! Su Wan abruptly tore her body away from Lin Jing's , surprised at her own strength she used her hands that were plastered to his chest to push him back - the effect was more like her bouncing back and falling on her butt . But she wasn't willing to be coaxed or much less embraced by Lin Jing or anyone right now .

" Enough " hating how her heart nearly melted in front of his apology , she skirted away from Lin Jing and the others to create some distance between them . Holding her hand up to warn them off but of course, it didn't work , instead, she felt the change in their auras the second she tried to pull herself away from them . Immediately , the five of them came into action as one unit and started to approach her not quickly but slowly and stealthily like a predator approaching its prey . Su Wan felt her heartbeat jump skittishly , and she retreated back "It's too late, if you wanted to do something then you should have done it before she insulted me . She brought a woman ! A woman to be introduced to my husbands , she slapped your wife in the face and you remained silent , You failed in your duties as my husbands !"

Lin Jing noticed the pain in her eyes and hated himself for causing her so much agony, he wished he could punch himself in the face for doing something like this to her "Wan Wan , you are not the only one who's hurting . Yes , I'm at fault and you can blame me all you want , because no one is at fault here other than me . But I promise this was the first and last time I made a mistake , I will not let you get hurt ever again "

A part of Su Wan wanted to believe him, her heart was more than willing to be hooked and drown in his apology .Lin? Jing was earnest in his expression. But she was simply too hurt and wary to take the gamble again " just leave me be !"

She couldn't just forget everything that happened and calm down in mere seconds , can she ? She was really upset and all sorts of negative thoughts were being piled up in her head . Her heart was clogged up and she felt stuffy , as if someone had stuffed her heart with broken glass .

" Wan Wan , please listen to us - " pleaded Lin Jing but Su Wan crossed her hands in front of her and looked at him with so much blame that his apology stopped short .

" I don't want to hear it ! It's too late , what happened has already happened now what's the use of your apology ? Are you expecting me to just forgive and forget what happened when that two women are still in my house , sitting in that shed probably still bad mouthing me , why should I ? I'm not a saint and you cannot expect me to be a saint , I'm just a selfish bitch like this ! "

" Wan Wan don't use? such vulgar words for yourself -"

" Oh I cannot call myself a bitch directly but it's fine if your sister called me cock sucking slut?"

" Wan Wan -"

" Enough Lin Jing , shut it ! I don't want to bother with you all right now . So get the fuck out of my sight !"

"But why Wan Wan , at least listen to me -"

" I don't fucking trust you ! Do you know how hard it was for me to trust you ? And this is what you gave me , so fuck off !"

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