
Chapter 395 – Side Story 10 - Jupiter (2)

Chapter 395 – Side Story 10 - Jupiter (2)

“You aren’t going to see Kim Gi-Gyu?” asked Jupiter. Technically, they were inside Gi-Gyu's home; in reality, the house didn’t belong to Gi-Gyu alone. The mansion’s interior was massive—it could contain an entire world inside. It was like a miniature version of Eden. Therefore, they didn’t have to see Gi-Gyu just because they were here. It so happened that Soo-Jung’s residence was here as well.

“I’m tired.” Soo-Jung smiled faintly. “And I can’t waste my time on someone already in a relationship.”

Jupiter's expression fell, and he turned away, trying to conceal his distress.

I’m embarrassing myself in front of her.’?He couldn’t help feeling ashamed. For some reason, he couldn’t control his feelings today. He kept blushing, and he didn’t know why. Learning new things while living among humans and other species was fun, but he didn’t enjoy this feeling.

“You’re cute.” When Soo-Jung teased, Jupiter became even redder.

Soo-Jung began walking inside, and Baal bowed to Jupiter. “I’ll see you tomorrow too, Great Being.”

“Where do you think you’re going?” Jupiter grabbed Baal’s collar.


“How much longer will you follow Soo-Jung around?” asked Jupiter.

“It is my duty to serve her.”

“But you can stop now. You have plenty of things you can do. Why don’t you enjoy your life now?” Jupiter suggested smoothly.

“I’m fine. I’m happy with the way things are right now.” Baal didn’t budge an inch.

Jupiter frowned. ‘I wish I could just beat him up.’?

He didn’t want to kill Baal, but he wished he could tie him up somewhere. Watching him follow Soo-Jung everywhere vexed Jupiter to no end.

“Umm… I can read your face too easily,” Baal murmured.

“Gosh, do I have to hide how I feel in front of you too?!” Jupiter acted differently from when he was with Soo-Jung, and Baal only nodded. After Jupiter and Soo-Jung’s relationship had become awkward, Baal seemed to enjoy watching them together.

Baal gave Jupiter a sneaky smile and raised his glasses. “I’m actually rooting for you.”

“Fuck. If you are on my side, just leave her.”

“That’s one thing I can’t do.”

Jupiter finished his cocktail in one gulp and glared at Baal. They were in the small bar Gi-Gyu had built inside his home. The bartender looked like a skeleton.


“Today’s special cocktail is the Creepy Skull. What do you think?” the skeleton bartender asked.



Jupiter and Baal became quiet. After a moment of silence, Jupiter begged, “Hart, could you please not name your drinks like that?”

“Kekeke, don’t you like it?” Hart, a lich, chuckled. Hart had been with Gi-Gyu since the beginning, so he was quite a senior member among Gi-Gyu’s Egos. Many respected him, and he was powerful on his own; however, his actual position in this new world was uncertain.

I guess, in a way, he’s amazing?’?thought Jupiter. At first, Hart had been one of Gi-Gyu’s many soldiers. Then, he became the gate manager and eventually helped take care of Eden. He had been given many roles, and Hart had always fulfilled them faithfully.

But as Gi-Gyu had synced with more and more Egos, those with more talent always stole his job. Ultimately, he had lost all of his authority to Old Man Hwang.

However, Hart continued to find work for himself. He searched for things he could do for Eden and didn’t shy away from any job.

“Isn’t it uncomfortable being a skeleton?” asked Jupiter. Hart was a lich, an undead with a skeletal body. It had to be inconvenient living in this form. “And… did you taste these cocktails before giving them to us?”

“Kekeke, does it matter?”

Jupiter shook his head. Hart acted like he didn’t care, but Jupiter had to admit that his drinks tasted amazing. Jupiter asked, “Is there a reason why you don’t want a human or any other body that can feel?”

“Kekeke.” Hart only laughed without answering. Jupiter found him strange, but Eden was full of odd beings like Hart.

Turning toward Baal again, Jupiter asked, “So you’re going to keep following Soo-Jung?”

“Is that a problem…? I don’t share the same room with the lady, and… we don’t ever make any physical contact,” answered Baal, which only deepened Jupiter’s frown.

Baal continued, “But if this bothers you, I can take a female form. I don’t care if I have a male or female appearance.”

Baal touched his chest and was about to transform when Jupiter and Hart screamed at the same time.


“Please don’t!”

Just imagining Baal in a female body creeped them out. Knowing Baal, they suspected he would keep his face the same and only change his body.


‘Yes, I’m scared to imagine his appearance.’?

Jupiter and Hart looked at each other in fear. They didn’t have to share their thoughts because they were thinking the same thing.

“Haa…” Jupiter sighed, knowing he wouldn’t get his wish. Baal glanced at him and grinned in secret.


“I heard you’re on vacation! Then you need to play with me.” Soo-Jung burst into Jupiter’s room and insisted.

“What the heck?!” Jupiter shouted in shock, but Soo-Jung only grinned.

Jupiter yelled, “Just get out! Give me a minute!”

“You’re so cute.” Soo-Jung finally left the room. After a few minutes, Jupiter came out of his room, no longer looking disheveled. No longer in his pajamas and dressed properly, he looked handsome.

“That was so quick. You used magic, didn’t you?” Soo-Jung accused.

“Well, you didn’t give me any time.” Jupiter shrugged.

Smiling, Soo-Jung shook her head. “After what happened with Uranus, I heard you were offered some time off from your job.”

“That’s right.”

“I plan on staying in Korea for a while, so will you spend some time with me?”

Jupiter wanted to nod immediately, but since he didn’t want to look desperate like yesterday, he decided to play hard to get. “Well… I do have other plans—”

“Really? Then, it’s okay. Baal!”

“Did you call for me, Miss?” Baal materialized from Soo-Jung’s shadow. He wasn’t a Shadow Lord like Go Hyung-Chul, so how did he materialize from her shadow?

Jupiter hurriedly yelled, “I have lots of time! I really do!”

Soo-Jung and Baal grinned. With a big frown, Jupiter asked, “Where do you want to go?”

Her smile widening, Soo-Jung answered, “An amusement park!”


“Don’t you like amusement parks?” Soo-Jung asked when Jupiter looked displeased.

“No, I’m just wondering why people find them fun.” Jupiter looked around. They were at a nearby popular amusement park in Seoul. People around them laughed, and the excited shouts and whispers of children tickled their ears.

All in all, it was a fun place, but Jupiter was acting like the Grinch here. He had visited an amusement park once before and had utterly failed to see why people enjoyed the silly place.

“You’re cute.”

“Stop calling me cute!” When Jupiter argued, Soo-Jung smiled. They walked together among the crowd. People stared at them despite their faces being hidden. The caps and masks failed to hide their mysterious aura.

“Are they celebrities?”

“No, I think they might be players.”

“Uwah, I want to go ask them who they are.”

People around them whispered, but thankfully, no one bothered them.

“We shouldn’t bother them,” someone nearby commented.

“Yeah, they are hiding their faces for a reason,” his companion agreed.

The amusement park was a host to a diverse mix of species, not just humans.

“So many things have changed.” Soo-Jung looked around. “Did you know that amusement parks weren’t this popular in the past?”

After the Tower and the gates had first appeared, most public places, including amusement parks, had lost popularity. Despite the increasing number of players, the public still feared the sudden appearance of gates.

Gi-Gyu had revived the amusement park industry with the construction of Eden.

“Everyone looks like they’re having fun,” said Soo-Jung.

“Yeah, I guess.” Jupiter couldn’t argue because it was true. Everyone around him did look delighted.

Soo-Jung continued, “Sadly, players will always find these rides boring.”

Players felt things differently. They would have to jump from an airplane without a parachute to feel an adrenaline rush. The rides were simply too slow and safe for them.

“But people, even players, come here because this place is amusing,” Soo-Jung added.

“...” Jupiter became quiet before he answered, “This is my first time too.”


“I’ve never come to an amusement park with someone. I did visit this place alone once, but… it wasn’t fun. I thought it might feel different if I came here with you.” Jupiter looked away shyly.

They padded along the street. It was as if they were visiting the amusement park to observe others having fun rather than to experience the rides themselves. Soo-Jung seemed to be enjoying herself because she never stopped smiling. Jupiter also smiled, happy to see her happy.

‘I can’t believe Baal didn’t tag along.’?Jupiter decided that he should buy Baal dinner. ‘No, I should do more than that. How about I?gift?him a weapon? I sure would get a headache trying to find that guy a weapon. Still, he has earned it.’?

If he had come with us today, I would’ve killed him,’?Jupiter thought.

“Hey, let’s go over there.” Soo-Jung grabbed Jupiter’s hand and dragged him. They arrived at a square where a small play was in progress. People had gathered around the stage, and Soo-Jung and Jupiter also watched the show. It was a tacky performance, but Jupiter found it interesting for some reason.

“This is kinda fun,” Jupiter mumbled. “Did Eden make this play?”


The performance was based on a story familiar to Soo-Jung and Jupiter but unknown to the public. Only the key figures of Eden were aware of the truth, though.

The play depicted the battle between Gi-Gyu and the Creator. It was so unbelievable that it seemed like a fairy tale, but Jupiter and Soo-Jung felt differently about it.

“...” Soo-Jung’s expression changed suddenly. Seeing the dark look on her face, Jupiter became quiet.

She whispered, “I almost ruined everything.”


Her voice trembled as she talked about the past. She used to be Eve, and she had almost ended the world.

“I did the same thing,” Jupiter replied. The two looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

“Hahaha, this is why I like you,” said Soo-Jung.

Jupiter turned so red that it looked like his face was steaming.

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