
Chapter 9: Son and Daughter of the World Leaders

Seeing his teacher looking at him, Ezekiel stood up, then walked to the front of the class.

"Hey bro look, the new guy looks fit. That guy is probably around 5.8- 6 ft. Do you think he likes to play some sports? But he looks like a nerd with those glasses, though." A male classmate of Ezekiel whispered to his seatmate.

While on the far end corner of the room. A group of female classmates of his is discussing Ezekiel's look.

"Wahhhh! Look, look, he looks hot, isn't he?" A female classmate of Ezekiel asked her friend.

"I know right, those scarlet eyes of his are so hot, you'll think your body will burn from those eyes if he stares at you."

"I don't like boys who wear glasses, though they look like a boring person to be with."

"But I think his glasses look great with his wavy blue hair. It makes him look more mature than others of the same age as him. Plus, he looks quite fit to be a nerd, don't you think so?"

"Quiet everyone, please." Miss Maria said.

"Good morning, everyone." Ezekiel greeted.

"I know a lot of you probably know me already or familiar with my face since I often follow my father whenever he is working. But for those who do not know me, my name is Ezekiel S. Ascle. My father is the Chief Executive Officer of World Health Organization, and Vice President of the Archeon Government." Ezekiel paused for a moment, seeing his classmate is causing a commotion.

"Is he famous?" A classmate of his whispered to his friend.

"I don't know." His friend answered.

"He does look familiar, isn't he?"

"Yup, I have probably seen him on the news or somewhere."

"Is he really the son of the Vice-President?" A male classmate of his asked his seatmate.

"I can't tell. I don't watch the news that much. But I do hear that the Vice President brings with him his son all day to take care of him. Since his wife died when giving birth to his son." A nerdy classmate of his answered."

"Everyone, quiet please, let Mr. Ezekiel finish his introduction." Ms. Maria shouted at the classes seeing as everyone started gossiping about Ezekiel's life.

Everyone immediately settled down.

"Mr. Ezekiel, please continue." Ms. Maria said to Ezekiel.

"I never thought that no one would know me such an embarrassment." Ezekiel thought.

"Since you know my name already, I'll tell the meaning behind it. My father said that before my mother died. She gave me the name Ezekiel from the Hebrew name Yechezqel which means God's strength or God will strengthen. My mother wished for God to help me in my journey at all times."

Ezekiel breathed for a moment, then continued.

"I am eighteen years old. I live in Phoenix valley street with my father. My hobbies are playing games and studying medicine since I want to save people. So that kids like me wouldn't suffer the same fate I have experienced." Ezekiel breathed for a moment again.

"Did you know behind those smiles and laughter of his hides an endless abyss of sadness and loneliness? He falls onto it once in a while whenever he talks about his mother." Alexandria mumbled to Samantha on the side, woken up by the commotion earlier.

"That's all, thank you, everyone." Ezekiel then started walking back to his seat.

"Did you think you were famous just because you appear on the news every now and then?" Alexandria mocked Ezekiel while giggling.

"Hey, you're the one who keeps telling me that I am famous." Ezekiel said before sitting.

"Who would even pay attention to a brat behind the Vice President during his interviews and work." Alexandria said while still giggling.

"I know you're the Vice President's son Ezekiel-san. I see you frequently in the news playing with different chemicals on the background." Samantha exclaimed wanting, to cheer Ezekiel up.

"Thanks, Samantha." Ezekiel thanked Samantha.


"Thank you for that wonderful introduction. Now may, we move to the last person." Miss Maria said looking, at Samantha.

"Be right back." Samantha said with a smile to the both of them, then walked in front of the class.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Samantha G. Archeon. My parents once said that the meaning behind my name Samantha is, listener or listens well. I think it suits me well because I am may not be a good speaker, but I listen to everyone very well. I am eighteen years old and living in Sun street with my father, mother, and different kinds of pets. My hobbies are watching anime with my mother and taking care of my beloved pets. That's all thank yo---." Before Samantha could finish, a classmate of hers suddenly raised his hand and asked.

"What is your relationship with the world, President? Since we already have the son of the Vice President. I think it wouldn't be weird if we also have the world's President's daughter. Don't you guys think?" His classmate asked.

"My mother said that we are just a distant relative of the world president. We can't even get close to the world president because of how strict his security is." Samantha answered.

"Too bad, it would have been cool to have the world's president daughter and vice president's son in one class." His classmate disappointedly sat down.

"No more questions?" Miss Maria asked.

No one answered.

"Thank you, Samantha. You may take your seat." Seeing as no one is answering, Miss Maria continued.

"Thank you, Miss Maria, thank you, everyone." Samantha hurriedly returned to her seat shyly.

"Ok, that's it for today. See you tomorrow, class dismissed." Miss Maria said.

Everyone in the classroom started packing their things and leaving the class.

"Shall we go?" Alexandria said to Ezekiel and Samantha.

"Let's go." The both of them said in unison.


The three of them started leaving their classroom and discussed where to eat.

"Where do you guys want to eat? My treat." Ezekiel asked.

"It's the first day of school. Definitely, to the canteen! Let's see if they serve crap or delicacy." Alexandria grabbed their hands, then dragged them to the canteen.

The three of them had lunch at the canteen and talk a lot of things. Alexandria and the two of them enjoyed the food at the cafeteria.

They also had fun talking with each other like the almost 30 different kinds of animals of Samantha at home.

The three of them then decided to go home.

"Where is your house located, Samantha?" Ezekiel asked.

"My house is that way." Alexandria pointed at east.

"And I go that way." Ezekiel pointed in the opposite direction of where Alexandria is, pointing.

"My house is that way." Samantha answered while pointing at where Ezekiel's finger is pointed.

"Nice, we go the same way." Ezekiel exclaimed.

"Bye, Alex." Ezekiel said goodbye then hurriedly dragged Samantha with him.

But before they could get far, out of nowhere, a punch suddenly flew towards Ezekiel's gut.

*Arghhhh! Ezekiel groaned as his vision started to black out.

"Sorry, Samantha, this guy got some business with me. I am taking him home with me." Alexandria said while dragging the fainted Ezekiel.

Samantha giggled on the side, watching the two of them.

"Bye, bye Alex. Bye, bye Ezekiel, take care. See you tomorrow." Samantha shouted while waving at the two of them.

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