
Chapter 72 - Last Stand

"Oi, oi, oi, Alex, it's not the time to joke around!!" Ezekiel exclaimed as he noticed Alex's body getting heavier. He doesn't know why she fainted, but she is slowing him down. 

He tried to peek behind them. "Ahhhh, sh*t!!!" But that only made him run faster as he saw a huge boulder the size of a car coming their way. He had no choice but to drop the hammer since it's weight was in the way. 

"For a monster with a small stature, this guy sure chase fast..." Even thoug he he had a head start, he is still in the range of the goblin shaman. 

He kept on healing her, trying to wake her up faster. But there are still no signs of her waking up. "Hey, wake up! It's not the time to take a break!!"



"F*ck this guy's throwing some serious sh*ts at us!!!" Ezekiel exclaimed as he got almost hit a huge fireball that was aimed in front of him. It left a huge burning crater on the ground in front of it was as big as the boulder before. He realized that being the sole target of the goblin shaman is not a laughing matter at all. A single mistake and his life will be the payment.

He ran to a nearby forest he saw to obstruct the aim of the goblin shaman and hide her in a safer place. He can't carry her around while the goblin shaman is chasing them. Because sooner or later he will surely make a mistake that will cost both of their lives. 

And he knows that he can't beat the goblin shaman alone that's why he needs to confront the goblin shaman alone. To give Alex some time to rest because probably she overstrained her body. 

"You better wake up the f*ck up before I die. Or you will be the one getting some scolding later." Ezekiel uttered as he hid in a tree to block a fast-moving ice shard. 

"ARRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" The goblin shaman screeched as he saw the pair entering the forest. The woman is giving him problems even at her death's door. He will do anything just to kill that woman.

"I'm running out of time..."

"Teleport!!" The goblin shaman hardened his will and teleported a few meters behind the tree that they were hiding in. All this time, he is using teleport as an escape skill. But if he doesn't kill them fast, it will be too late to remove Chaos's curse, and he won't have the chance to escape anymore. 

He wanted to see her suffer and die in his own hands. Because once Chaos takes over his life. It will wreak havoc, and everything in the vicinity will turn into ruins. 

"Sh*t!!!" Ezekiel pushed his feet off the ground the moment he saw the goblin shaman teleporting close to them. He wouldn't have thought that the coward goblin shaman would be so crazy to use his teleport skill as a way to approach them. 

BAAAANGGGG!!!! A huge fireball engulfed the tree they were hiding on. 

"F*CK!! F*CK!! F*CK!! Why does it look like my enemies always have some kind of anger issue when fighting me!!!??" Ezekiel exclaimed as he saw the embers spread the fire to the nearby trees. 

"SH*T!! this is getting worse and worse..." He ran faster because sooner or later, the whole forest would be engulfed in flames. And the forest isn't safe to hide Alex anymore. 

He tried to scan his surrounding to find an escape route, but all he could see was trees and more trees. And the goblin shaman chasing and throwing his magics after them isn't helping him at all. 

Ezekiel ran deeper towards the forest to find a solution to their problem and buy more time. 

"Hey Alex!! Wake up, or we're dead!!!" On Ezekiel's persistent calls Alex's eyes fluttered once. 

On the other side of the battle. During the same time that Alex and Ezekiel were running for their lives. 

Akkar has ordered everyone to retreat inside the walls of the village. Because all of the villagers have evacuated the village already. There won't be any problems of any innocent villagers dying if the goblins manage to breach the gates. 

He had regretted that he had only thought of retreating at the last moment. When a lot of goblin's managed to infiltrate their backline and kill a lot of their range attackers. He was overwhelmed with his emotions to look cool for his viewers. And focused more on raising everyone's morale on the frontline. That he has forgotten to strategized and minimized the deaths of his soldiers. If only he hadn't charged on the frontline. And focused on commanding the army instead he could have thought of this plan earlier. 

However, there is no point in regretting it right now because there are still enemies ahead of them. And this is a battlefield, life and death were just fleeting moments. Besides, he still has more lives to save. 

"Archers, climb on top of the wall and fire at your own will!!" 

"Mages climb on the roofs of the houses, regenerate your mana, and wait for my signal!! I want you to pour all your magics in the gates once the goblins breached through the gates!!!" 

"All other range attackers stand around 30 meters in front of the gates and wait for my signal!! I also want you to give me everything you have!!!" 

"Healers and supports help everyone recuperate their strength for this few minutes of break!!" 

"Frontliners, be ready for an all-out brawl once the goblins breach through the gates."

Akkar's command echoed through everyone's ears. And everyone follows his commands in an instant. However the gates shook violently time each Akkar gave his orders a sign that the wooden gates are on the verge of breaking. And now that the enemies are near. Everyone's tension is getting stronger and stronger. 

Akkar's chest swelled up. His breath was sealed. And the pressure in his abdomen rose. Then he howled on the top of his lungs. 


Akkar mumbled to his self. "Goodluck..." 

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