
Chapter 29 A Chunk of Flesh (2)

Chapter 29 – A Chunk of Flesh (2)

At this, Ye Li and his adviser looked at her differently. Touching his beard once again, Ye Li nodded at her as he stared at the bloody lump of flesh. He patted her in the head in an affectionate manner and chuckled.

“As expected of my daughter!” he praised.

The counsellor, who also saw Ye Mu cut someone’s tongue out, was a little terrified of her. He tried to show a happy expression, but he was trembling, his heart full of fear of Ye Mu. She resembled Ye Li greatly, that perhaps, when the time came, Ye Mu would be more ferocious than Ye Li.

After all, Ye Li hadn’t known what to do at six years old. But even so, it was impossible to cut out a person’s tongue without batting an eye or even appear affected by it at the tender age of six.

Ye Li was in such a good mood at achieving his goal and gaining great fortune without so much as lifting his own finger. Turning to his counsellor, he gave an order…

“Get Zhuo Wei over here!” he said to the trembling counsellor, “I want things here to be taken care of immediately!”

The counsellor had no doubt that time was of the essence and went to do as he was ordered. However, Ye Li’s eyes darkened in malice, and suddenly the counsellor found a blade protruding from his very chest.

The counsellor was also well versed in the martial arts. He was opportunistic as well. If he ever saw treasure, surely he’d want to make a great career out of it.

But Ye Li doesn’t want word of it getting out. That was why the counsellor had to die. He needed to be silenced here and now.

Ye Mu hadn’t expected Ye Li to order someone be killed and then to kill someone else in one night. She had been astonished, however she continued her ruse. She listened to Ye Li, and threw out the knife he had used, turning to him with a smile on her lips.

“Let this be our secret daughter,” he tells her, touching the top of her head in an affectionate manner, the blood still staining his hands, and onto her hair, “Take care of you little slave, do as you wish to him, just as I once did to my slaves.” He locked eyes with his daughter, “Only dead people are obedient.” After being momentarily stunned, Ye Mu finally let out a breathy laugh.

“Of course, father!” she beamed at him, “I understand completely!” she told him before turning back to Mo Linyuan, who stayed seated on the cold hard floor. Looking at him grimly, she let out a scowl, “I’ll never let anyone, especially my own people, to betray me.”

“Good.” Ye Li praised, leading both Ye Mu and Mo Linyuan out individually. He waved his hand by the wall that was located right next to the pit. And in that instant, piles of stones fell down and covered the pit entirely!

“To achieve great things, one must be required to plan carefully,” he told Ye Mu, “No one has even thought to use such method!” he boasted, to which Ye Mu nodded courteously towards him…

“Truly father, you speak of only great wisdom and use only the most practical of tactics!” she egged on. Ye Li fell for Ye Mu’s blind worship, accepting her praises in an eager manner as well. He wasn’t even the slightest bit suspicious of her at all.

“Seeing as you’ve proven yourself worthy, I shall send you towards the foreign academy.” He told her, “There you will begin your studies. What your brothers have, shall be yours as well.” Ye Mu brightened up at the opportunity her father presented her and bowed in reverence towards him.

“I thank you father!” she told him, “I will not disappoint you!”

Finally, Ye Li nodded in approval.

“Now go on. You still need to be up bright and early tomorrow.” He told her, “I still have things to do, so you go back by yourself.”

From the corner of his eyes, Ye Li spared Mo Linyuan once more another glance. His face was pale and ashen, his hands bloodied from covering his mouth from which his own tongue was cut. He looked like a man without a soul. Ye Li thought, it was fortunate that Mo Linyuan hadn’t screamed**. It would have caught people’s attention, and should it come to that, he would have no choice but to let this little slave die down here!

**T/N: An idiom: to wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

“Worry not slave,” he told him, staring at him in a haughty manner, “You’re safe for now. Be thankful I’ve witnessed your true loyalty to my daughter.” However, his stared turned glacial and gave Mo Linyuan the deadliest glare he had, “You shall be her very own dead man**. Which means you take whatever befalls upon her, be her shield, her sword, everything she’d ever need. Die for her if need be!” He ordered and snapped his fingers, “Now go and escort my daughter back safely!”

**T/N: A subordinate specially trained and used to commit suicide attack missions, or to protect important people, regardless of the success or failure of the last mission, there are few chances of survival.

Without a thought of how Mo Linyuan would respond to his orders, Ye Li swiftly turned on his heel and walked away briskly. With this unexpected treasure falling into his hands, a lot of things he couldn’t do before can be deployed now!

Yes, greater things are coming.

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