
Chapter 154 - 154. A Mole

"Yes. It isn't." Markus said.

"Then?" Kizy questioned.

"You will know that soon, little lamb. For now, have some patience." Markus said with a smile.

Kizy nodded and kept quiet, knowing Markus won't disclose it no matter what.

After half an hour, they had entered a forest area, surrounded by huge trees on the perimeter. 

But on a closer look, you could see huge walls surrounding them, covered with wires which were probably a part of the defence to electrically shock a person illegally invading it.

Their car directly went to the centre of this forest, which turned out to be a glass building, full of modern devices.

"Woah!!" Was the first work Kizy uttered after entering, as this made her awestruck front its technological advancement.

"Welcome to our base." Markus said with a smile.

And something bloomed in her heart, especially after hearing the word 'our'.

Markus then took her to different departments, showing her around his base.

"Good morning Boss and Lady boss." The men greeted them together and Markus just nodded while Kizy smiled in response.

"This is our monitoring area. There are a total of hundred and forty six CCTVs in this entire premise.

We can watch them all through this room." Markus said, showing the huge wall covering monitor, showing various places on a small rectangular screen.

They went to various areas before stopping in front of the intelligence department.

"This place is our hidden treasure. Fortunately we have got the best team working for this, and we can uncover almost anything. Along with intelligence, we have hackers accompanying them. You can join them whenever you feel like." Markus said, remembering how skilled Kizy was at hacking.

"Have you learnt hacking from here?'' Kizy asked, knowing that Markus's level was on par with her.

"I have done a lot of things in the past three years. Some mistakes, some good deeds. You will know all of them one by one. But for now, we should just concentrate on our work." Markus said, as if remembering something from his own past.

After that, they went to the training room, which was further divided into different parts, according to your skills. It consisted of a fighting zone along with punching bags, gloves and different equipment.

Another one was a shooting area, designed to practice shooting skills.

Another room had targets and daggers or blades were used to hit the target.

The next room was filled with grenades and other explosives, while some guns were left open, some men working on them.

"What are they doing?" Kizy asked, looking at those men.

"Unlike Aaron, I don't buy weapons from the black markets. I buy local weapons and then we make changes to it. I learnt this from grandpa." Markus said and paused.

"By the way, your gift was personally made by grandpa. He made those changes to it." Markus said, leaving the room.

Kizy was left amazed by this fact.

Finally they stood in front of a huge iron gate, locked properly, the path inside looking dark and endless.

"This is our dungeon. It is dark, way too dark for you. We punish our enemies, or betrayers over here. But if you don't want to enter, we can go back." Markus said, trying to decipher something from Kizy's expressions.

Kizy didn't even think for a minute before speaking.

"I want to go." She said, confidently.

"Are you sure? The scene greeting you might be too gruesome, full of blood and gore. Will that be okay?" Markus asked again, confirming Kizy's decision.

"Yeah. I am in." Kizy said, nodding her head firmly.

"Okay." With that, Markus signalled the four gatekeepers, who in turn unlocked the gate, opening the dark path.

Markus led the way, and only after entering did Kizy realise that the path wasn't too dark. It was at least bright enough for her to see the path clearly.

She was still walking when suddenly a shrill scream was heard, followed by the smell of blood filling the area.

"Are they punishing someone?" Kizy asked

"Hmmm." Markus hummed before walking ahead. 

After they had walked almost a total of fifty steps, rooms or more accurately cells with prison gates started appearing on both sides.

There were people, or more like living corpses inside, bodies covered in so much of blood, dirt and filth that it was hard to distinguish the body from all these.

But Kizy looked at all of them intently, not even blinking her eyes.

The next person had his nails pulled out, his hand and leg fingers bloody, while he was screaming in a raspy voice, his throat dry.

Kizy stopped in front of this man, watching him with her brows knitted.

Markus thought that he had severely frightened Kizy beyond her level. He was about to hold her hand and drag her out of this dungeon when she spoke.

"This won't work." She said, confusing Markus.

"Huhh?" He asked, not knowing what Kizy meant.

"This method won't work." Kizy said, shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" Markus asked again.

"Why are you punishing him?" Kizy asked.

"He is a mole. He was caught before sharing important information about my team. But he isn't talking about the people he works for." Markus explained.

"For how long?" Kizy asked.

"Two days." Markus said.

"Can I go inside?" Kizy asked, looking at Markus with hopeful eyes.

Markus just nodded confusedly, not knowing what his wife was trying to do. He simply followed behind her, to prevent any mishap.

But soon he understood how wrong he was perceiving his wife.

Kizy directly went before stomping her pointed heels on one of his bleeding fingers, exactly on the bare skin where his nail used to be.

The man screamed like a pig, his voice reaching every single corner of the dungeon.

"Who do you work for?" Kizy said in a calm voice, as if she was asking whether he wants tea or coffee.

"Aaaarrghh!!" The man kept shouting, without answering Kizy.

"Quickly answer me or I can proceed to the next step." Kizy said.


Don't forget to comment and vote with powerstones and golden tickets. Drink water and stay hydrated!!

- Kizy

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