
Chapter 53

Translator and Editor: Maru and Aki


Chapter 53


Upon hearing his words, a part of my heart started to feel stuffy.

“The Crown Princess….. Even though she’s only five?”


“…What’s the rush? It’s not too late to decide after we hear Rere’s opinion.”

“But it’s the order of His Majesty the Emperor.”

“Are you going to obey the emperor’s order even if it’s absurd?”

At that time, his pupils shook slightly.

“Why is it absurd?”

“Isn’t it absurd to appoint a mere five-year-old as the crown princess?”

“That is politics…”

“Politics, huh? Even if it’s because of a political reason or another reason, have you ever thought about what your beloved daughter doesn’t want to do and take it into consideration?”

If I could, I would’ve spit out the whole truth.

‘Don’t let the child become the crown princess. Or else, everyone will die.’

But if I say that, it would seem too absurd for him. What’s more, he would see me as a crazy person moving forward.

‘If it’s Luca, I don’t think he’d see me that way.’

“That’s why I wanted to discuss it with you.”

“I think I’ve made myself clear.”

“Well, in any case…”

“Seems like I can’t say no either way.”

At my words, his eyes began to stare at me intently.

“What the hell do you want? Are you going to let a five-year-old child become the crown princess just because the Emperor desires it?”

“There’s another reason why. Perhaps you aren’t aware because it hasn’t been long since you became a noble again, but it’s in our best interest to receive such a high and important position. Because it’s our highest honor to rise to the top.”


“To become the crown princess, and later, the Empress, means that you’ve become the best woman in the empire!”

My bath session earlier is far more pleasing than listening to this cockroach preaching.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“What? Who’s being ridiculous?”

“Ah, sorry. I got angry and had a slip of tongue. But, you. Don’t you love Rere?”

“Of course. I love her more than anyone else.”

“Since that’s the case, what makes it so hard for you to make objective judgements?”

His eyes shook violently as if surprised by every word I said. That didn’t stop me from talking, though.

“Have you ever asked Rere if she wants to be an Empress?”

“Children of that age always change what they desire.”

There was no telling whether he was stubborn or just stupid.

Perhaps he was simply insensible.

But one thing for sure—he’s the worst man ever.

“You’re still the same as before.”

“What do you mean?”

“You keep making assumptions as you please, doing things as you please, and in the end, going crazy alone because of it….. The same thing has happened before. Have you forgotten already? You’re not even an amoeba.”

I was annoyed, and clicked my tongue. Although I could see that he was visibly shocked by my words.

“What’s an amoeba?”

“A perfect example would be you.”

A unicellular human. The kind of person I hate the most in the world.

(T/N: A way to describe a simple-minded person. Someone who has no brain capacity to process complex things.)

“…Is that, perhaps, a compliment?”

“If that sounded like a compliment, you must be a very positive person.”

“…Anyway, I get your point now. I’ll ask the child.”

“Even if you ask Rere, and she says she wants to be the Empress, I would still disagree, no matter what!


“Because I love her.”

I took a step ahead of him. I will never let the child die. Getting engaged with the Crown Prince is the same as taking the highway.

[E/N: Taking the highway – Sending Rere directly to her predestined ending.]

‘Even if we can’t avoid it, let’s try to take the winding road as much as possible.’

I couldn’t let go of a child who called me mom. I was even anxious if I wasn’t around her. So, I made up my mind. I will do everything I can to save my baby.

“It’s as if you’re saying that everything I do is not because I love my child.”

“Stop sulking like a kid. At least, anyone with eyes can see that what you did doesn’t reflect love at all.”


“Let’s go. You’re not going to keep the guests waiting any longer, are you?”

He, who tried to refute my words, ended up shutting his mouth with a crumpled face.

“You always talk to me this way.”

“Oh no, am I getting on your nerves again? Now I’m afraid you’ll kick me out like last time.”

Not a single nice word came out of my mouth.

Based on that man’s personality, and based on our conversation today, it was clear that the duke will try to persuade the child even if she doesn’t want to be one.

‘I shouldn’t leave Rere’s side from now on.’

With those resolutions in mind, I confidently took my steps on the unknown path ahead. Of course, I ended up taking the wrong way again.

“…It’s this way.”

“…Ahem. Okay.”

When will I be able to make my way around this castle?

I initially thought that after a person showed me the way to a specific place, I’d be able to make my way towards it the next time, but it seems as if I’m still bad with directions.

In the meantime, we arrived in front of a door with many luxurious and beautiful decorations around it. Seeing as there were numerous servants and knights lined up by the door, the vassals must be inside.

The vassals consisted of people who could lead the duchy on behalf of the Duke in case something happened. Among them, there were also distant relatives of the Duke who could become his substitute if he ever makes a mistake.

As if to prove it, I felt a sharp atmosphere once the door opened.

“Duke Ian Petri has entered the hall.”

Twenty people, who were both of old and young age, bowed at the same time when someone announced the Duke’s arrival.

Because of that, my body instantly stiffened. It was my first time being greeted by so many people. Then, the duke reached out to me.

“Let’s go in.”

While trembling, I held his hand. However, to me, it felt as if I just placed my hand on top of his, but the Duke naturally held my hand tightly.

With much difficulty, I managed to stop the tremor, but the big ring on my hand started to cause me pain.

“It hurts.”

“Ah, I see.”

It wasn’t until we arrived at the seat of honor that I whispered to him. Having let go of my hand, he took me to sit on a chair before he sat down next to me

“I think all of you are aware of the reason why I’ve gathered you today. From today onwards, Leona Petri is my wife.”

“Ah! I see.”

“You get new wives frequently, so I’m surprised you’ve never done this before.”

“Of course, since this is something worth celebrating. She’s the new duchess, after all. No, aren’t you the first one?”

There was an obvious hostility in their voices. While it was happening, the duke silently tapped on his armchair. He just let them chatter among themselves.

“But, hasn’t it been a long time since you’ve met the vassals?”

“Furthermore, a party? The last time you held a big party like this was when Mrs. Lalice was still alive, right?”


The duke, who had been listening silently until now, hurriedly stopped them.

“Stop talking nonsense.”

“Hoho. What nonsense?”

“We’re not here to talk about Lalice.” His eyes that scoured his surroundings were sharper than ever.


‘She must be Rere’s mother. The first duchess. No, maybe she wasn’t even known as a duchess.’

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be Rere’s third mother.

There were three duchesses officially listed on paper. And, I already know what happened to the two before me.

‘What exactly happened to her that she died without being recognized as a duchess?’

At that time…

“Your Excellency. It’s been a while since we gathered together, that’s why we made a slip of tongue here and there.”

It was an old man with black hair and red eyes similar to the Duke who spoke. The one who sat next to him was a man with spiteful red eyes and blue hair. Similar to the old man, he looked at me with contempt. Because of that, I was able to instantly figure out who they were among the vassals.

If the duke made a mistake, those people will be the one to replace him.


“Yes, Your Excellency.”

“You came with your son today.”

“Yes. I should take my son to such a happy occasion, right? The Duchess is going to give birth to a new successor at last. Seeing as Your Excellency has fallen in love and even went as far as throwing a grand party like this.”

“I see.”

“By any chance, which family do you belong to? Last time, I heard a rumor that Princess Arvida was taken as the duchess, but it seems like that’s not true.”

Their eyes glanced sharply at me. It seemed like they were trying to inspect everything about me down to my fingernails.

“Is that important?”


“I’m talking about her family background. All the women that I’ve brought in as Rere’s stepmother that were from reputable families were nothing but rubbish.”

“You mean, that woman’s family is…”

I thought they’d be disappointed, but somehow, they looked happy.

“Isn’t it rather good for you? She’s a woman without a family to support her, so it’ll be easy for you to get rid of her along with me.”

“Your Excellency. How could you say that? We are always here to support you and devote ourselves to the glory of this family…”

“The family will fall into ruin if you keep chewing it out. We’re done with our greetings, so we’ll be leaving now.”

He didn’t hesitate, even for a second. The duke, who rose from his seat first, reached out to me again. I took his hand and got up quickly.

“Then everyone, please enjoy the party.”

He just left as if what they’re going to say behind his back doesn’t matter to him.

“Will it be okay? Leaving like this?”

“I’m the Duke. It won’t be a problem.”

“Well, they don’t seem to think the same.”

“It’s all right. You have nothing to worry about.”

For some reason, he was holding my hand more gently than before.


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