
Chapter 99 First Sales

"Halt! Inspection!" One of the guards yelled out while another already approached the carriage from behind, opening the door without anyone in the group being able to say anything about it.

"Hey, you can’t just come in here!" Komer yelled out, while Aulu jumped forward and growled at the Guard and Melissa’s Soldier Bees prepared to defend the carriage as well.

The Guard immediately pulled his sword and held it forward, prepared to strike, but Eisen reacted quicker. "Everyone, stop! Sorry, young man, please continue." Eisen said while looking into the carriage through the opening in the front, and immediately Aulu laid back down onto the ground while Melissa and her soldiers flew over to Eisen, sticking onto his arm.

In response, the Guard frowned strongly and put away his sword again before taking a look around. After a few minutes, he was ready to leave, but chose not to at first.

"The cargo is fine, but you can’t bring monsters into the town." The guard exclaimed, glaring through the room at Aulu, Caria, and at last also Melissa and her soldiers. "Especially not those bees. If they decide to build a hive in there, it will be incredibly troublesome."

And this actually kind of made Eisen angry. He turned around and returned the Guard’s glare, but tried to stay calm so as to not give him a reason to do anything dumb. "That wolf is an artificial creation, and the Myconid girl and these bees have been tamed. Where is the problem?"

"As I said, it doesn’t matter if you have tamed them. If they escape your control and build a nest, it will be a danger to the town. So you can’t bring them inside. Haven’t you seen how they nearly attacked me just now?" The Guard responded angrily, and Eisen looked at the other guard who was patiently waiting for his colleage to be done.

"Young man, the guard inside here is trying to refuse me from taking my tames beasts with me." Eisen explained, and the guard outside sighed loudly and shook his head.

"Really? Sorry about that, Sir. He’s new at the job, and taking the ’not letting any monsters into the town’ part too seriously. If everything alright is fine, you can of course pass." The guard explained and walked up to the back of the group’s carriage, forcefully pulling the other guard out of the carriage. "You, behave."

"B-But he has monsters in there! And one of them is a queen bee! You know how fast they reproduce!"

The older guard of the two held his hand to his face and rubbed the bridge of his nose as if he had a headache, grabbing the arm of the younger, less experienced, Guard by the arm and dragging him away.

"So what? A tamed monster can’t escape its master’s control. So just shut up and leave them be."

"B-but-" The younger guard tried protesting, but stopped immediately when he saw his colleague’s glare.

The older of the two guards stepped to the front of the carriage to properly address Eisen.

"I’m sorry for the inconvenience, sir. Please, go right ahead and come through."

But Eisen just shook his head, smiling at the understanding Guard. "Don’t worry about it. I can understand if people are afraid of monsters, but these cuties here won’t hurt anyone." He chuckled, and the guard smiled back with a nod, waving at other guards on the other side of the gate to tell them that a carriage was coming through.

So, Eisen commanded Cabarum to continue walking forward, and they soon entered into the town. They made their way toward the center of town, from where they then chose to drive toward the marketplace in order to start their business immediately. It would always be busiest in the morning and evening, so it would be great if they could immediately start their work.

For the past few days, Eisen has been continuosly making a few different items. First, he has been filling up the glass bottles that he had with the health and mana potions from the four small barrels, turning the rest of the potions that he didn’t have bottles for anymore into pills.

He also created different tools or weapons that could be made purely out of wood like bows or staffs, since his magic still wasn’t strong enough for him to properly heat up metal to smith. But he was able to use the smithy in a few different villages along the way, so he was also able to make a few simple swords and daggers, as well as a few spearheads.

There weren’t many, but a handful of metal weapons and tools were still in the collection of items that would be sold by Komer this morning.

Other than that, Eisen also created some smaller items out of cloth and leather like purses, gloves or scarves. But the majority of items that Eisen has been working on were different mana crystals with a multitude of small enchantments. Nothing major, just things that could make things easier from day to day. For example, he made a few more self-filling mana crystal cups, small spinner toys for children that propelled themselves with wind, some flame-enchanted crystals that have been shaped to more easily and controlled start fires, as well as enchanted crystals that help in putting out fires easily. But those weren’t all. Eisen was basically making any enchantment that he could come up with that might be useful in day to day life.

And since, according to Bree, they didn’t need a sales license to simply sell a few items off the street for a day. If they wanted to open a proper stall to stay there for a while or rent or buy a shop, then they would need one, but things like day-stalls were a common occurance basically everywhere.

So, Eisen parked the carriage by the side of the marketplace, in front of which Komer quickly laid down a blanket, carefully arranging the different items and placing small signs in front of them to tell people who were interested what each item was and how much it would cost.

Komer turned around to look at Eisen nervously, but the old man simply placed his hand on his shoulder and smiled. "Don’t worry. If you can convince people to buy horrible items, you can do the same with items that are actually good."

"If you say so..." Komer muttered out and closed his eyes, breathing out heavily before standing up, both Caria and Bree prepared to help out and lure in more customers, while Eisen was watching from the side to let Komer do his own thing.

And soon enough, people started taking a look at what was for sale, and most of them were immediately impressed. Even though they were just rank 2 and 3 items, so were most items that were freely for sale, as many items started getting stat requirements from rank 3 on. The only reason this wasn’t the case for Eisen’s creations was that they weren’t ’true’ rank 3 items, and they achieved this rank only through Eisen breaking the limit of his skill. Once his crafting skills reached rank 3 as well, his items would probably gain requirements as well.

So of course people were happy that they could use all of these items without trouble, and especially kids were interested in the high-quality toys that were made with the use of different enchantments, and their parents thougth the same. Not only would they just be fun to play around with, but at the same time, they would allow the children to be interested in magic and through repeated use of magic to activate the toys, would be able to train their mana manipulation slowly.

And every parent would like their child to know magic! If they chose a magic-related crafting occupation, they would be able to learn quite a lot of money, since magic items were always more expensive than regular items, and if they chose a magic-related combat occupation, they wouldn’t need to stand at the front-line and instead be a supporter standing in the back, which was quite obviously far less dangerous.

But these toys weren’t the only items people were interested in, but after a while, others got interested in what was going on at that crowd, and a few rookie adventurers chose to buy some of the daggers, as they were high-quality, but still relatively cheap compared to what you could buy at most shops around the town.

Actually, all kinds of people chose to take a look at what was being sold. Other merchants, adventurers, crafters, and then at last even a familiar young woman carrying a guitar and multiple canvases over her back, with one incredible painting that she was carrying in front of herself.

Komer was currently yelling something out to attract more people, and it seemed to have worked on the young woman. While she was walking up to the crowd to take a look, Eisen walked up to her, tapping her shoulder to get her attention.

"Evalia? Is that you?" He asked, and the young woman immediately turned around. "Huh? Who’s askin’?" She exclaimed, looking up the moment that she turned to properly face the man standing in front of her. When she realized who was talking to her, her mouth turned up in a grin and she placed her hand onto her hip.

"Oh would’cha take a look at that! Long time no see, how’ve ya been?" With a loud voice, Evalia greeted Eisen while smiling brightly.

"I’m alright. Just traveling a lot lately. What about you?" Eisen asked with a smile and pointed to the side where the two of them could talk without worrying about standing in the way of potential customers.

"I’ve been doin’ just fine. Been travelin’ around, same as you. So what’re ya doin’ here?" Evalia asked, and Eisen, and he chuckled and pointed at the crowd.

"I made the items being sold there. The kid selling them is an omega, and I’ve been trying to turn him around from doing, well, not so great things. The pink-haired girl standing there is a companion of mine, and the other small girl there is a Myconid, a monster that I tamed. I can introduce them to you later."

"Oh, so you’re with those guys then, huh? Yeah, introduce me! And then let’s talk about how everythin’s been workin’ out for you in the last while!"

"Definitely, kid. You really are quite talented, huh? As expected of a famous artist." Eisen laughed heartily while looking at the painting that Evalia was holding, and the young woman looked at him with surprise.

"So ya really did know! Thanks for not makin’ a big deal outta it, then."

"Of course I know, my grandkids are a huge fan of your movies and music!" With a chuckle, Eisen laughed lowly before looking at the guitar on Evalia’s back. "Your guitar seems kind of beat up. Did you think about getting a new one?"

Evalia nodded and handed Eisen the painting she was holding for a second so that she could grab the Guitar from her back, and then showed it to the old man in front of her while taking the painting back. "Yeah, it ain’t in great shape. Didn’t have time to get to a music shop yet."

Eisen scratched his beard and frowned gently with a smile on his lips. "How about I make you a new one then?"

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