
Chapter 423 - Five Demons, One Bottle

As that was the case, the Turtle wouldn’t necessarily be able to go all the way to the town anyway, and swiftly dove under while it still could while ’disconnecting’ the ship from its shell. And after poking its head over the edge of the ship one more time to say goodbye, the Ocean Turtle made its way into the distance back toward the islands.

It seemed like the mass of people that had gathered around the harbor was pretty glad about that as well, although they were also still impressed by the Giant ship that was approaching them.

Now that they could actually do something again, the Sailor Skeletons controlled the ship nearly perfectly to send it off into a free spot that seemed to have been assigned to them by the Workers at the Harbor, and the moment that they were properly attached to everything there so that they couldn’t float away, a Worker walked up to the ship and swiftly asked for the fee, although it was constantly eyeing the giant bottle in the center of the ship.

"Erm, if that’s supposed ta go ’ere, I doubt that it’s gonna be able to fit through the streets that eas’ly. Want me to call ya a specialized Transport?" The Dwarven man asked, but Eisen just simply shook his head with a smile on his face. "No thank you, we’re fine. But you could help me anyway. I’m sure you noticed that there’s been some construction work in a run-down area of the Merchant District, right?" The old man inquired next, while the other people on the ship were slowly starting to get off to stretch a bit and just to feel steady ground underneath their feet, and the Worker nodded his head.

"Aye, f’course ah did. Hard not ta notice, it’s the talk of town." The Dwarf said with a broad smile, and Eisen couldn’t help himself but smirk in response to that.

"I see... Could you maybe point me toward where that area is? I haven’t been here in town yet." The old man admitted, and the Dwarf once more nodded and pointed his muscular, short arm along the harbor.

"Just head there, and when ya see the Tavern with the bright green door, ya go left. Go straight ahead from there, and then ye’ll be in the Merchant District. Then when ye’re in the central plaza, ya should be able to find it pretty eas’ly if ya follow the road to the east. But ask anyone around there for help if ya need ta." The Dwarf pointed out, before Eisen just smiled at him with a nod.

"Thanks for the help, then." Eisen said with a smile on his face, and then looked over at the other Originals standing near him.

"I’ll be off to see Komer now. If you need any help, or need me to upgrade your items, just let me know." Eisen told them, and the others swiftly nodded their heads and went off with their own groups, so Eisen was left with Sky, Bree, Kirisho, his three monsters, Fafnir and Sigurd.

"Kirisho, can you make sure that the kids are going to be fine? Especially make sure that nobody tries anything with Sal and Fafnir, if you can." The old man asked the Mist-Spirit, who just nodded her head in response and quickly took Caria’s and Sal’s hands, while Melissa sat on her younger brother’s back. There wasn’t much time to get Sal experience, so right now he was still very monster-like, so Eisen wanted to make sure nobody would try anything.

And Caria had the tendency to run off on her own, so it made sense to hold her hand anyway.

Since Fafnir was too lazy to do anything but sleep, as long as you kept an eye on him, he wouldn’t be hard to take care of.

Well, Eisen was sure that it was going to be fine, since he doubted that they would be the most attention-grabbing, considering what Eisen was about to do.

With a grin on his face, Eisen slowly increased his size to the maximum that he could, already making the Dwarven Harbor-worker stare at him confused, but that confusion was only increased when the old man transformed into a Demon. For this, Eisen chose the Yang-Form, because it would help calm anyone down that might be scared by Eisen, while also help preventing others to get scared in the first place.

Then, Eisen waved his hand to the side and summoned his Doubles, all in full-demonic transformation and at their maximum size as well, before he took out his staff, which looked more like a wand at his current size, and overlayed his own body and the bodies of the four doubles with an extra amount of his element attuned toward earth, because that would simply give them more physical strength.

The Demonic Transformation wasn’t affected much by it, just that Eisen’s rock skin maybe seemed a little harder. Either way, for now, Eisen pressed his back against the front of the bottle, spreading his wings out across the surface as much as possible, while making his Doubles do the same to four other parts along the base of the bottle, for the most amount of stability possible.

And then, Eisen quickly grabbed onto the base of the glass bottle and started lifting it up, before using his element to connect his hands with those of all his doubles so that he couldn’t accidentally slip, before slowly heading toward the edge of the ship to get this bottle off.

After finally completely stepping onto the stone harbor, Eisen turned his eyes toward the Dwarven Harbor-Worker and smirked. "Thanks for the Help, again." The old man said, and then started to carry the giant bottle of Nidhogg-Wine through the town along the path that Eisen was told.

Most people that saw this of course immediately stepped to the side, some of them seemingly being Players that were either streaming or filming this whole thing, which was part of the reason why Eisen did all of this in such an immensely noticeable manner.

He could have just ordered a specialized transporter like the Harbor Worker suggested, and it would have also attracted attention, but not nearly as much attention as this. And what Eisen wanted to get was all of that attention, as an advertisement for two things.

One, for the Dungeon, and two, for Komer’s shops. On top of that, this would most likely help Eisen work toward ’strongly influencing other people’ as was a condition for his Demon Title to be completed.

Later on, Eisen would ’open up’ the Dungeon in the form that he was in right now, and of course he would also passively lead people toward Komer’s shop right now by carrying the bottle in this form.

Eisen hoped that there was actually a place that this bottle could be stored, otherwise he would have to somehow have this guarded all the time, which was rather annoying to think about.

Either way, that’s something that Eisen would have to think about later on, but for now, he had to focus on bringing this bottle there in the first place.

After a little while, it seemed like they were at the plaza that the Dwarf from before was speaking about, and Eisen took a look around the area to find the east road. Through the mass amount of people on the plaza itself, there was of course even more attention gathered. And so, when Eisen finally reached the run-down area that Komer described to him before, the old man could already see the right place in the distance, although something else seemed to be going on there at the moment.

There was a large amount of Guards in front of the only area that seemed to be under construction here, as if closing a certain part of it off. And of course, seeing Eisen’s figure in the distance, a lot of them made their way over toward Eisen and held their weapons toward him and Eisen’s Doubles.

"N-No step closer!" One of the Guards exclaimed, and Eisen just looked down at him and smiled.

"Don’t worry, I only have a Delivery for Starlight." Eisen explained, and the Guard that spoke to Eisen looked at the others confused.

"You’re not... a Monster?" The Guard asked, and Eisen chuckled and shook his head. "No no, I’m not. Well, technically, I’m a Half-Monster, but my Status is that of a Person, yes. This is just a small transformation to make me strong enough to carry these, and those here are Mana Doubles." Eisen explained, and it seemed like due to Eisen’s Yang-Transformation, they were more inclined to accept it, especially because Eisen explained everything so calmly.

"Then could we ask you to wait here? There is a Guest of High Status Currently visiting Starlight." The Guard explained calmly, and Eisen nodded his head with a smile on his face, slowly setting the bottle down onto the side of the street where the Guards asked him to, and Eisen swiftly made his Doubles Disappear, before leaning against the bottle with his Transformation Deactivated.

At this point in time, Eisen didn’t even want to try hiding his face, simply because there was little reason to. Either way, the majority of people that had gathered behind the bottle were now trying to take a look at Eisen himself, and the old man took that chance to simply advertise the ’Mall’ that Komer was building. Just like this, not only did a lot more people find out about the existence of Starlight, but they also now knew the exact location! And that was really perfect in the old man’s opinion.

After around an hour, however, most people already left, and the only ones that were still there, curiously lookingat everything were some players that thought maybe this was an ’Event’ of some sort. He did feel some goosebumps every once in a while, meaning that people appraised him, and he figured that those people were the players. That way, they started figuring out that Eisen was a player as well. Some were disappointed that they couldn’t get a quest and were left, and the ones that were even more curious now stayed around for another little while longer, and that chance was quickly grasped by Fafnir and Sigurd, who figured they should try and advertise the Dungeon already a little.

Of course the players were unsure, but considering that the one talking to them was a young girl with a race that they didn’t recognize while standing right next to a small Dragon, they thought maybe it was true, and just took the flyers that Sigurd was giving out with them before also finally leaving now that they did get something out of staying this long.

And just as a little extra, these Flyers were marked to give them ’priority entry’, in case it got too busy around the Dungeon entrance.

And so, for now, Eisen and the others were left alone, and just when he was thinking about messaging Komer again, a few people stepped out of the door that seemed to be the main-entrance of the ’mall’.

For one, it was Komer, as well as two people escorted by some Guards, even if one of them had double the Guards with him than the other. The Guards were at different ’Tiers’ as well, with some of them being obviously far stronger and better-equipped.

For now, Eisen just raised his arm in a wave to get Komer’s attention, before the young merchant seemed to turn back toward the other two ’important’ people, before one of the weaker guards seemed to run up to the Guards in front of Eisen, and the old man overheard what he said.

"Let them come in." The Guard said, pointing at the four-meter tall man leaning against the bottle.

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