
Chapter 545 Elemental Spirit Summoning

His truth-seeing eyes skill was very close to ranking up already, it was actually at level 99, but the skill was a pretty high-tier one so it took longer to level it up than other skills. Especially the hurdle of leveling it up from level 99 to 100 was huge.

And so, Eisen just did his best to level these two skills up. He ran the pen over the paper and created proper blueprints for different blades, shields, bows, mechanisms, bottles, and really anything that could possibly be turned into some sort of blueprint. And sure, it took a while, but roughly around the same time to each other, a couple important notifications appeared.

[Guild Member Isabelle became the Lady of ]

[Drawing reached level 100 in rank 3, upgrading to rank 4]

[Truth-Seeing Eyes reached level 100 in rank 3, upgrading to rank 4]

With a satisfied expression, Eisen waved the notifications away. He was glad that everything seemed to have worked out out there. They contacted the people in a while ago and asked them to send a certain member of the church over to the Harbor, and that was Isabelle, who was now the Lady of that town. She was a firm believer in the god Hor, and she seemed rather trustworthy to top it off.

And considering that none of the others seemed all to interested in becoming the Lord or Lady of a place like that, or rather, they already made other choices for which island everyone would become the lord for. Evalia would become the Lady of the Island of Art, Brody the Lord of the Island of Combat, Jyuuk the Lord of the Island of Beasts, and once they found it, Xenia would hand off the title of to someone else to become the Lady of the Island of Magic. All the others seemed to be pretty interested in specific islands as well, so giving the town ’Anesi’ to someone outside of the central group made sense. There were too many islands for that anyway.

Just as the old man was thinking about that, Eisen stood up and looked toward the gate that just appeared near him.

\\"Alright, we can move on to the next place, man.\\" Brody pointed out with a big grin, \\"Those ’comfort’ monsters were so annoying though.\\" He added.

Eisen raised his brows curiously and crossed his arms, \\"Really? What were they like?\\"

\\"Pretty big, high defense, very slow... Barely had any weak points, really. They weren’t hard to kill, they were just far too annoying. It took a while to deal enough damage to them.\\" Brody pointed out, and Eisen lightly chuckled, \\"Is that so? Well, I hope Askr was able to offer a little help.\\"

\\"A little? The big guy fucked those monsters up. That giant ass sword cracked through their shells like they were crackers.\\"

\\"Glad to hear that. Oh, and did you-\\"

\\"Pick up those shells for you? Of course we did. Bree took those guys apart before they actually hit the ground.\\" Brody replied as if able to read Eisen’s mind, and the old man just smiled with satisfaction, \\"Thank you. And good job, Bree.\\" The old man said as he looked at the pink-haired fey-kin, who just smiled brightly in response and placed her backpack onto the ground.

\\"Well then, four out of five done. Let’s move on to the fifth.\\" Eisen pointed out with a satisfied expression, at which point, Xenia seemed to remember something.

\\"Speaking of fifth... Now that your element is Rank 5, you should be able to ’hatch’ your elemental. It might come in pretty useful to level up the rest of your skills.\\" The mage suggested, and Eisen looked at her surprised. That was true, Xenia did mention that a while ago, that she could see the elementals growing inside of everyone’s body, but...

\\"I completely forgot about it. It didn’t tell me about it when I reached rank 5.\\"

Xenia slowly nodded her head with her arms crossed as she sat down at one of the tables \\"Yeah, that’s because it’s something like a base feature, I guess? From the very beginning, the elemental was there and growing inside of you, so it’s not a ’new ability’. It’s just that the upgrade to your element that comes at rank 5 somehow gives the body of the elemental a finishing touch, so now it should be ready.\\" Xenia explained to the old man.

\\"Can you help me figure out how to summon the elemental then?\\"

\\"Of course. It’s pretty easy, actually. It should be somewhat similar to manipulating your element regularly. Come, let’s try it out.\\" The High-Elf suggested with a smile, since she simply seemed to be extremely curious as to what Eisen’s elemental would look like, especially after that new extreme change to Eisen’s element.

Since she said it wasn’t that hard, Eisen figured he should be able to get that done rather easily and end up being able to summon the elemental to have it help out with his work some more.

Eisen sat down next to Xenia and watched, of course with his mana-sight active, while Xenia summoned one of her own elementals. The ’Warrior of Light’ that had been combined with that minotaur during the ’fight’ with Merc and Cial.

\\"Did you see it just now? I just pushed mana out of my body and practically provided it to the elemental spirit to make it possible for it to get a physical form. It should be the same thing for you, just that you need to give your spirit a base to go off of. It needs to inhabit a mass of your elemental mana to dive into for the first time. It doesn’t need to be in the form of a body, but really just a mass. Like an egg, kind of. Just form that for now.\\" Xenia suggested, and Eisen slowly nodded his head.

He held his hand forward and started to gather his element on his palm, slowly compressing it as much as he could as he made it gather together and literally turn into the shape of an egg. And so, once it reached the size of a regular chicken-egg, the old man looked at Xenia. \\"This good enough?\\"

After a bit of thought, Xenia just nodded her head, \\"Sure. The amount of your elemental mana is the same as what I had in mind, I guess. So it should be fine.\\" She said, and then continued the instructions.

\\"Now, just hold the egg and close your eyes. In the center of your body, where your mana-source is, you should also feel your elemental source. You need to simply attempt to move that source into that egg.\\"

\\"Really? That sounds a bit...\\" Eisen started, \\"Risky... doesn’t it? What if I accidentally detach my ’elemental source’ from my body completely?\\"

\\"Well, you are. That’s what your personal elemental is, basically. It’s the incarnation of your element, which begins at the elemental source. Of course, you will still be able to create your element normally, since the spirit can’t get too far away from you, but it’s just going to be a little different when the elemental spirit is outside of your body.\\"

After a bit of thought, Eisen just sighed and followed Xenia’s instructions further. It still seemed kind of weird to him to try and move something so important away from himself, but in the end, it seemed like it was what he had to do in order to make use of an elemental spirit like that.

Eisen closed his eyes and concentrated on his elemental source, the place where his element was actually always created from whenever he tried to make use of it, and tried to manipulate that place itself. It was pretty hard, and required a surprising amount of mana to do so, but after a little while the old man managed to bring the elemental source to his hand and was ready to push it out through his palm. It felt like his whole arm was so, so much heavier than usual, and the rest of his body just seemed so much lighter than usual.

And then, when Eisen actually pushed the thick, viscous mass of his concentrated element out through his palm directly, Eisen felt like he just lost half his weight instantly, while the ’egg’ in his hands took that weight onto itself.

But before Eisen knew it, the mass of his element started to shake a bit, before suddenly forming cracks on its surface. Thin layers of rock folded away from the surface of the egg and spread out before parts crumbled away from it, revealing those layers to be two wings, before more parts of the egg crumbled away and revealed a small figure in a fetal position.

It stretched out a bit and caused the rest to crumble away as well, before slowly standing up on Eisen’s hand. It had a child-like figure imitating Eisen’s Draconic Demon transformation nearly perfectly, and it slowly looked up at Eisen with golden eyes as it stood on the old man’s palm.

[You have summoned the Elemental Spirit]

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